The media is imploding!: Who wants to hear from me?

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Written By Ted Lang

the-media-is-implodingFor more years than I care to admit to, I’ve been writing letters to editors of New York and New Jersey newspapers, and constituent letters to assemblyman, state senators, Congressmen and U.S. Senators. Eventually, I started writing an opinion column in my town newspaper. I had quite a following, and served as the conscience of the town. Of course, there was the usual small contingent of hateful, venom-spouting females; the type Rush Limbaugh used to write-off as femi-Nazis, who continuously whined when I attacked their darling, liberal media, especially their highly intellectual New York Times.

Even the freedom of writing an opinion column was eventually controlled. The newspaper owner proudly proclaimed one day that he had hired a new editor, roughly about a year after I started writing for him. The editor had formerly worked for the New York Times. He was proud of having such a prestigious editor, even though he always agreed with my point of view rather than theirs. As I anticipated, I started having problems getting my column out. Key words would be misspelled. Important point lines would be botched or contain grammatical errors, or be minimized to a smaller type size to compromise the point I was trying to make. Eventually, I stopped writing for the paper.

I’ve stated this previously, but have no problem stating it again: Rush Limbaugh did America a great favor by helping to fix in the minds of virtually all analytical Americans the concept of the left-liberal, mainstream, establishment press and media. He pointed out how the media was biased and how that liberal bias motivated them to favor Democrats. And the key power that the Democrat Party enjoyed was the bias of the New York Times, the “newspaper of record” that constantly leads TV network news and many other newspapers in the country in terms of setting the daily standard as to what is news and what isn’t. The Jayson Blair affair was a big blow to their credibility because it confirmed in fact what Limbaugh had been saying all along. Eventually, others began pointing out the media’s bias, and some best-selling books have been published on the subject.

The selectivity of what is or isn’t news in terms of the Times-owning Sulzberger family, their editor, and their dozen or so editorial board members, constitute, for all practical purposes, the total opinion of virtually all the people of the United States of America. Of course this assessment is the height of absurdity, but it might just as well be true. You see, there are no differing points of view available to the American people. There is no free and independent press. There are no debates on very important and key issues in America. Even the selection as to what should be debated is basically a function of the New York Times, its owners, its editor and its editorial staff.

What are we talking about here? Maybe two dozen people, and they all lean heavily “left.” And what is “left” if it isn’t obedience to the ten principals of a perfect socialist society as envisioned by Karl Marx in his Manifesto of the Communist Party? Yet, notice how the term “communism” is not liberally used in our vernacular? We must refer to “the left” when discussing such things.

The liberal media wanted Democrat Al Gore for president; no matter that he couldn’t recognize the busts of Jefferson and Franklin, or that he advocated the total absurdity of “global warming.” The media loves “global warming;” it justifies an approach to controlling and eventually confiscating some forms of private property. The big media loves big government, for just as the socialist regimes of the Nazis and the Soviet Union had their propaganda ministries and state-run newspapers and news and entertainment media, our media anticipates its role in such all-encompassing U.S. government. That is why to this day they worship and adore big government socialist, FDR. He initiated the position of “press secretary” and employed his famous “fireside chats.”

The media will stop at nothing to elect Democrats and socialists. That is why the TV networks tried to sabotage the Bush presidential election by pre-announcing his defeat to drive Republican voters that hadn’t yet voted away from the polls. That’s why Tom Brokaw of NBC slipped and announced, “we are winning.” That’s why the L.A. Times went after “Republican” Arnold Schwarzenegger, and why National Enquirer bided their time to trash Limbaugh at precisely the right moment. And that’s why CBS began an assault on the Reagan memory and loyalty. That’s why ABC is questioning Christ’s relationship with Mary Magdalene and why they’re pushing for the socialist horror of socialized medicine.

Both the Bush presidential and midterm elections are showing that the media are losing their propaganda hold on the American people. And next year is election year, and it’s the year the media is terrified of because the “assault weapons” farce might end and Bush might get re-elected. Even both sides of our monopoly political party, the Demo_rat-Rep__lican Party, are showing signs of concern. Why? It’s the Internet stupid!

The statist politicians and their media are beginning to realize that the American people are getting the truth. George Bush can no longer lie and get away with it. It started with Clinton’s lying, and then Rush, talk radio and the Internet completely monkey wrenched the politicians and the media’s neat little arrangement. The Second Amendment empowers people and therefore threatens politicians, especially the corrupt ones. And its truth and communications freedom also threatens corrupt politicians. People might get angry and remove politicians from office! In fact, they might use their guns to do this! The “assault weapons” ban is therefore a must so that all firearms can eventually be abolished and confiscated. All that is necessary is to convince a large number of simple-minded Americans that the government is only trying to restrict military style machine-guns. Many people believe this, and it was the media that planted this in their “minds.”

Wealthy behind-the-scenes capitalists-turned socialists, such as Sumner Redstone and Arthur Sulzberger, need to retain their propaganda edge at all costs. That’s what the CBS-Reagan flap is really about. The outrage targeting Redstone and his socialist CBS cabal was expected to some degree, but not to the level that eventually manifested itself.

And now there are organizations in place, such as Brent Bozell’s Media Research Center, that will not allow the media to get away with this kind of trashing of a beloved, Republican former president. But that’s yet another problem. The MRC leans heavily Republican, which precludes it from critically assessing the current administration. The type of analysis that had been directed at the Clinton administration is not similarly being directed at the Bush administration. The risk here is the potential boomerang effect that would make the incoherent ramblings and whining of a Barbra Streisand credible.

But it is the balance of the great variety of websites that is the Internet that is the real threat to mind controllers Redstone, Sulzberger, and other Zionist opinion and agenda shapers who control the socialist media. People who want “parrot service,” meaning websites that simply regurgitate what they already believe, will have no trouble at all in finding them. But people with inquiring minds who want to know, who want to truly assess and evaluate, and who want to understand an opposing point of view, as well as those who’d like as much news as there is presented unfiltered by the Redstone-Sulzberger cabal, can now do so.

Already, Congress is looking at “tax considerations” relative to the Internet. Why? Aren’t they stealing enough from the people? Aren’t they getting enough private property via environmental laws and inheritance and death taxes? Aren’t they getting enough with “payroll taxes?” Why do they need yet another tax? What’s next? A rate of defecation tax? A tax on the amount of urine one passes? A tax on the amount of air we breathe? A tax on the number of times we engage in sexual intercourse? Will that satisfy them? Of course not, and I apologize for giving these double-crossing, corrupt, fools and buffoons these ideas. Nothing will satisfy our politicians until they finally kill US, the goose with the golden eggs.

They want US to return to the good old days when information control was a partnership between the State, its FCC and our secret, socialist behind-the scenes information and entertainment controllers. After all, who really wants to hear from a totally unprofessional, behind-the-scenes, non-journalist Internet wacko like me?

Published originally at : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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