The day homeland security: Became homeland control

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Written By Jim Moore

It’s Saturday, June 14, 2018.

I’m sitting here thinking about what happened to this country fifteen years ago. Since the tragedy at the World Trade Center in 200l, a lot has transpired in America to “protect” us from terrorist attacks.

As I remember the incident, in no time at all the government had created the Homeland Security Agency, complete with thousands of “security”-trained employees, millions of dollars worth of surveillance equipment, and the laws needed to back up their every action.

We didn’t realize it back then, but this was the beginning of the end of personal freedoms for American citizens.

Today, 15 years later, Americans, in the guise of being protected, are instead being spied on by a horde of snoops that transformed Homeland Security into something more like Homeland Control.

Security to Control. You don’t need a degree in linguistics to see the difference. Or the danger.

We are just now beginning to realize that the Homeland Security Agency of 2003 was not all that it seemed to be. We were conned. The fact is, it was a sham to fool us into thinking our government was serious about protecting us, when all along it was a plan to eavesdrop on every American so they could eventually control us!

Think not? Then how do you account for the fact that all of the “security” ideas that became law since then have had little to do with keeping us safe, and everything to do with keeping us under close watch?

For instance, we now have a government that is snooping into our private affairs: our spending habits, bank accounts, medical history, and credit ratings; along with having our e-mails and websites searched without a warrant. What has any of that to do with real security?

That’s not all. We also have a new organization called Total Information Agency (TIA) in which all the information about each of us is fed into a monolithic computer that’s so huge a new unit of measure called the pebabyte had to be invented to enable the hard drives to handle the mountain of data about us.

And as if “simple” surveillance weren’t enough, the government has just issued contract bids for a new control mechanism called “LifeLog”, which is a sophisticated, electronic mechanism that analyzes all our human behavior, habits, routines, and presumably, faults.

Why does the government need a snoop-system like “LifeLog?” Because, it says, they want to “capture each person’s experience and interaction with the world.” What the government will do with all this information is anybody’s guess.

In any case, there goes more of our personal freedoms down the memory hole.

But the nagging question I keep asking myself is, how could this happen in America? It began in 2002, right after the Twin Towers in New York were blown up. Now, fifteen years later, we’re have an avalanche of “security” laws on the books, most of which have nothing to do with America’s safety or security, and everything to do with the undermining of American citizens’ privacy and constitutional rights.

If the government really cared about security for the American people, immediately after the tragedy in 2001 we would have closed our borders to all illegal aliens, hunted down and kicked out the illegals who managed to sneak in, revamped our entire immigration program, inspected every shipping container that enters the country, and made a stronger effort to distinguish between “suspects” and millions of innocent Americans—as if they were responsible for 9/11.

But none of this was ever done. And now, 15 years later, we’re buried under an avalanche of “anti-terrorist” restrictions, with the result that all of us in America are considered potential criminals, in the hope of nailing some terrorist sometime soon.

Now stop reading. Take a deep breath.

Every “security” apparatus and “control” system in the story you just read is actually in place and operational in America TODAY. Not 2018—-TODAY.

To me, it’s undeniable evidence that our own government is doing more to destroy America than any terrorist organization could ever do. In the name of security, of course

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Author’s note: These facts, and some lines in the piece, are from an article by David Brownlow, on

I merely retold the story from a different point of view.

Published originally at : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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