Liberal have hi-jacked the democrat party

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Written By Gordon Bishop

Once upon a time, the Democrat Party was a gutsy, credible political organization led by the likes of Presidents Andrew Jackson, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman and John Kennedy.

What happened?

It began with the 1960s Cultural & Sexual Revolution – climaxed in 1969 at the Woodstock drugs-sex-anything-goes generation wild music bash.

They were the “Make Love – Not War” Peaceniks. They were the Anti-Establishment, Anti-American, out-of-control wild ones.

They laid the foundation for today’s Far Left liberals who believe in socialism and the Karl Marx vision of a classless, godless society.

It was the beginning of “Class Warfare” between the successful members of society, and the “blame- everybody-but-me” failures dependent on Big Government’s social welfare state.

It was the death of individual responsibility – and accountability. And the beginning of the self-destructive liberalism, starting with President Lyndon Johnson’s $7 trillion “Great Society” program to save Urban America with big government programs.

The Great Society was costly – and a thoroughly worthless exercise in liberal propaganda.

It continues to this day after four years of Jimmy Carter and eight years of Bill Clinton.

What has kept America from becoming a completely government-controlled socialist state was a rare senior citizen named Ronald Reagan. The rest is history.

America needs another Ronald Reagan. Someone with a clear vision who speaks plain English. And the courage to make it happen.

As a result of 9/11, America is now in the throes of World War III: The War on Terror.

The worst terrorist attack on America left 3,000 dead on 9/11, at a trillion dollar cost to our socioeconomic system.

Since then, the War on Terror has been fought on the terrorists’ turf in the Mideast.

Better there, than here.

Leading that war is an old-fashioned American traditionalist who has protected the United States for nearly three years from another 9/11 attack.

America’s war leader is President George W. Bush, who is absolutely hated by America’s liberals, led by Senators Ted Kennedy, John Kerry and John Edwards. Add to that the liberal media, the Hollywood Left, the atheists and agnostics.

What a pathetic lineup of visionless losers.

When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, America rallied around FDR, a socialist Democrat (The New Deal).

When the terrorists bombed the World Trade Center and the Pentagon military headquarters, the confused liberals first gave Bush begrudging support, and then went against Bush when he took the war to Iraq.

Liberals refused to rally around Bush because they want to destroy him because of his popularity. Bush still leads in the non-liberal polls against Bush’s socialist challengers, Kerry and Edwards.

Yes, America is divided.

Liberalism Vs Traditionalism.

It all comes down to liberal secularism (anti-religion, faith, God) Vs. Traditionalism (pro-religion, faith, God).

Liberals are “pro-choice” when it comes to abortion, same-sex marriage, and social-economic welfare.

Traditionalism is pro-life, marriage between a man and a woman, and less government, less taxes and more freedom for the people – the working taxpayers, those who accept individual responsibility, and accountability.

Liberalism is on the wrong side of history.

Traditionalism is on the right side of history.

Where do you stand?

For traditional American values? Or, against traditional American values?

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