Kerry needs a “cute” vice president

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Written By Gordon Bishop

Politics today is all about ‘appearance’ – not substance.

Senator John Kerry selected Senator John Edwards as his vice-presidential running mate because he needed a good-looking dude to ‘wow’ the women.

What a pathetic combination: Two lawyers running on the same Presidential ticket.

America doesn’t need two lawyers in the White House (remember the disastrous Clintons’ lawyer partnership?).

The American Trial Lawyers Association gave the most campaign money in the presidential race to Democrats. Kerry and Edwards are the leading liberal politicians in the United States Senate.

Here’s what Kerry said about Edwards during the Democrat primary nomination: “Edwards had no right seeking the presidency after less than one term in the Senate.”

But liberals will say anything to get elected. And Kerry and Edwards are super-liberals. Kerry ranks as the Number One “liberal” in the Senate, and Edwards ranks fourth, right behind Senator Ted Kennedy.

Kerry and Edwards both voted against President Bush’s “tax cuts” for the working folks.

If elected, Kerry and Edwards will kill Bush’s tax cuts. Kerry and Edwards are super-rich. Liberal lawyers like Kerry and Edwards make big bucks. Why should they care about helping those who work for a living?

Kerry has an image problem. Women don’t warm up to him because he is boring and stilted, not to mention his scary appearance.

Edwards is the warm, fuzzy politician who was named People magazine’s “sexiest politician.” He’s a bright smile “pop” politician who made a fortune ((over $150 million) as a trial lawyer winning big jury awards from medical malpractice and product liability judgments.

Thanks to lawyers like John Edwards, American companies and jobs have gone overseas to avoid the legal sharks destroying businesses.

The American Tort (Legal) Reform Association describes Edwards as “a wealthy personal injury lawyer masquerading as a man of the regular people.”

Today’s suit-happy lawyers are undermining America’s economic system with their immoral, unethical lawsuits. The name of the game today is Money, Money, and more Money! And trial lawyers are leading the pack of wolves attacking our economic system.

Edwards was a distant second choice as Kerry’s vice-president. Kerry wanted Republican Senator John McCain, a genuine Vietnam “war hero.” Kerry is also a veteran of the Vietnam War who organized the “Anti-War Movement” with Hanoi Jane Fonda when Kerry returned home after four months of service in Vietnam.

Kerry needed McCain for credibility. But McCain blew Kerry off like a two-faced political parasite.

Instead, McCain endorsed George Bush for reelection. This is what McCain said about President Bush: “He has not wavered, he has not flinched from the hard choices, he was determined and remains determined to make this world a better, safer, freer place.

The Republican National Committee called Edwards a “disingenuous, unaccomplished liberal and friend to personal injury trial lawyers.”

The single, most important difference between Bush and Kerry comes down to one word: Character.

America knows where Bush stands on the greatest issue of the 21st Century: The War on Terror.

Kerry and Edwards voted against funding the War on Terror in Iraq, the crossroads of the Mideast tinderbox of terrorism.

Kerry and Edwards are on the wrong side of history.

Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney are on the right side of history.

American voters have a strikingly clear difference between two candidates in this year’s historic election:

The leader of the War on Terror Vs. the most liberal Senator who refused to stand against the War on Terror when it was time to vote.

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