How about that: The truth from Iraqi scientists

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Written By Jim Moore

how-about-thatI swear, you just can’t believe anything or anybody anymore.
Saddam says he’s going to blow us to kingdom come.
Bush says, See, folks! He’s got weapons of mass destruction.
Then, Saddam says, I got no weapons of mass destruction.
Bush says, yes you have, and we’ll invade Iraq and prove it.
We invade Iraq, Saddam hightails it, and we find nothing.
An Iraqi general says, See, like we told you, no WMDs.
Bush says, you MUST have WMDs, the CIA confirmed it.
The Iraqi general says, Be our guest. Go ahead, look around.

Bush says, you GOTTA have WMDs. My credibility is on the line. My reason for going to war depends on it. Besides, Saddam said he would blow us to kingdom come. You don’t do that with an AK-47.

Then, comes a voice in the dark, We never did have WMDs. Period.

Who the hell are you, Bush asks.

I’m Iraq’s Chief of the weapons program. And I’m telling you, we have no weapons of mass destruction. And we never did.

Then Saddam was lying to me all along, says Bush.

Not exactly, says the scientist. He told you what he thought was the truth, because WE lied to HIM.

You’re either trying to confuse me, or lying again, says Bush.

No more lies, says the scientist.

Then I don’t get it, says Bush.

It’s simple, says the scientist. Since the 1980’s our nuclear program has been dead in the water, but we kept telling Saddam that we were making great progress and producing a lot of bomb material. You can read all about it is the book.

What book? Bush asks.

“Iraq’s Nuclear Mirage.” by Imad Khadduri. He’s one of our top scientists and bomb makers.

Bush is stunned, So what does Khadduri have to say about WMDs?

Khadduri says that it would have taken Iraq at least several more years to build a nuclear weapon of any kind.

I don’t believe it, says Bush.

Believe it or not, says the scientist, it was a “massive deception” in Washington that led the United States into this war, and Khadduri wanted to expose that deception by writing his book.

Well, says Bush, it’s true that up to now our experts have found no nuclear, biological, a chemical weapons in Iraq. But that doesn’t mean you never had any.

The Iraqi scientist smiles. Just like the U.N. inspectors found nothing before the war, right?

Bush does not answer. Officials in my administration, he thinks, keep insisting there is a threat from WMDs, but they never bring me any hard evidence. How can I run a war this way, much less win one?

Then, says Bush, what you’re telling me is that there was no point in reviving your weapons program because you had no materials, no equipment, and at that time, no scientists. Is that right?

That’s right, says the Iraqi ex-bomb-maker.

Let me get this straight, Bush says quietly, You duped Saddam by telling him he had WMDs when he didn’t have them; then Saddam duped me by telling me he had no WMDs when all the time he thought he did have them but didn’t; and I duped the American public by telling them he had WMDs when all time he didn’t have them but thought he did. Is that what you’re saying?

The Iraqi scientist looks puzzled. Would you mind repeating the question?

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NOTE: The facts in this article came from an Associated Press report titled “Ex-bomb-makers say they lied to Saddam.”, written by Charles J. Hanley, to whom we are indebted.

This article is related to the world wide exclusive 5 part series that Ether Zone broke on the week of October 20th.  Below are the links to all 5 parts.

Inside the Iraqi Nuclear Program – A High-Ranking Nuclear Scientist Tells All (Part I)
Inside the Iraqi Nuclear Program – A High-Ranking Nuclear Scientist Tells All (Part II)
Inside the Iraqi Nuclear Program – A High-Ranking Nuclear Scientist Tells All (Part III)
Inside the Iraqi Nuclear Program – A High-Ranking Nuclear Scientist Tells All (Part IV)
Inside the Iraqi Nuclear Program – A High-Ranking Nuclear Scientist Tells All (Part V)

Published originally at : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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