Government madness: It’s the law!!

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Written By Ted Lang

Can there be anything more absurd than “the law?” The answer is, of course, “yes!” The very reason a law was created in the first place! Take the greatest absurdity in the history of American politics: Bill Clinton. He sells WMD secrets to our future potential nuclear enemies, the Communist Chinese, and we the people get saddled with campaign finance laws! What did we do?! Has Clinton been punished for this treason? His buddy Bush protected him and came after US!

Arab speaking, dressing, and looking young men used box cutters to hijack airliners, and we the people that don’t even remotely connect with the Arab world, are the ones suspected and hassled by our wonderfully protective government. More aggressive screening of Arab folks is verboten thanks to the “pop” stupidity that is termed “political correctness,” precluding “profiling” of the most likely culprits.

A while back, a habitual drunk with a long history of drunken driving accidents was continually given back his driver’s license by a state. He got behind the wheel again, and in a drunken stupor, ran down and killed a young girl. The mother got so angry she formed an activist group: Mothers Against Drunk Driving, or MADD. The acronym might connect, but its correctly spelled synonym is much more defining. Rather than being activists inspired by anger, the group is indeed motivated by a variation of group insanity! The founder quit her own organization when it became increasingly apparent that madness was overtaking both anger and reason.

And that’s the problem with most laws. They are agitated for, pressured for, and propagandized to achieve popularity by our left-leaning, socialist media. The media is, as is the case with any left-wing entity, anti-individual and pro-group or commune. Their Marxism supports Big Brother beneficent government.

Yet, if government had done the right thing in the very first instance, as in the case of the drunk driver, he wouldn’t have been able to get behind the wheel of an automobile and kill anyone. The narrow-minded will take this approach: Preventing him from having a license wouldn’t necessarily have stopped him from driving a car; it would only have precluded him from having a valid driver’s license.

But mentally impaired liberal “thinkers” never bring up the logical argument. What should have happened is that this errant individual should have been severely punished and dealt with much earlier, thereby precluding the fatal accident that created MADDness! There were plenty of opportunities where the offender’s license could have been revoked, and if for a serious offense such as repeated drunken driving, the law should have been structured such that were he to be caught driving again intoxicated, with or without his license, he would be required to do a very long stretch in the state’s penitentiary. And if causing a death with such a record, he should be charged with premeditated murder and sentenced to death if found guilty!

Why premeditated murder? Why not?! Was he born drunk? Sometime between his birth and getting behind the wheel drunk, he made a decision while sober to drive drunk. His past record shows him to be out of control when inebriated and behind the wheel of a deadly automobile. He made a decision to put US all at risk. That’s premeditation in my book! But the insanity that is defined as “liberal thinking” respects and protects this type of individual and his weakness from government-sponsored punishment, while on the other hand, subjects all morally strong and decent individuals to government tyranny by abolishing individual freedoms.

Why am I arguing in this vein? What we are dealing with here is individual responsibility. Liberals offer that there is no such thing. The only thing the aberrant “thinking” of liberals would offer in this instance, is that while individuals are irresponsible, large groups of individuals in bureaucracies and agencies in the form of government are responsible, and would never acquire a “mob rule” mentality of disconnect. Government is, therefore, more responsive and more responsible than one person. Has reality ever supported such an idiotic conclusion? What we find consistently in bureaucracies are unresponsive, irresponsible individuals! Why did the state’s DMV keep giving the drunk back his license?

So now we have illegal, unconstitutional road stops by armed police, stopping us, investigating us, and searching our automobiles even though we have committed no crime. No probable cause! No reason for heavily armed police and SWAT units to stop us, other than the standard, tyrannical MADDness: LAW is GOVERNMENT, and GOVERNMENT is LAW! Individual freedoms, our civil rights, our Bill of Rights, no longer apply. The new crime-defining blood alcohol content might have started at 2.0, and was then reduced to 1.5, then 1.0, and then .8, and on and on. Once tyrannical, despotic, inhumane government gets into the numbers game, inspired and provoked by MADDness, there is no limit to the increasing restrictions that are guaranteed to follow.

If criminals like Clinton, or the drunk, or a shooter, were properly dealt with at the outset by the laws of a compassionate and just society, rather than one governed by emotions, the rest of US could enjoy our lives with a lot less government intrusion.

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