Degenerate America: The sodomite plan (III)

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Written By Alan Stang

I was wrong. Last week I talked about the Arnold, and left you with the mistaken impression that I opposed him; that I was recommending you vote for someone else. But that was before I saw the picture, the picture of the Arnold posing nude in the sodomite magazine. When I saw the picture, I realized how wrong I had been.

When I first heard that the Arnold had posed for the picture, I naturally assumed it was a lie, a typical turd extruded by one of the humanoid geeks the Democrats maintain for such purposes, like oozing succubus Larry Flynt, who is too personally revolting to pose even fully clothed.

What would you do if falsely accused of posing for a sodomite magazine? In fear of being burned to bacon by a blazing finger from the sky, you would loudly and righteously deny it. You would accuse the perpetrators and denounce the suffering and embarrassment they have caused your beautiful wife. You would demand retribution.

As I understand it, the Arnold says he doesn’t remember. If, 25 years ago, you made a mistake, for whatever reason, and posed nude for a sodomite magazine, would you remember it today? Yes, you would remember it and you would be forgiven – if you came clean. Of course, the Arnold was using drugs in those days, grass and who knows what else. He can’t remember.

But he doesn’t have to remember. I found the photograph of full frontal wienerschnitzel on the Internet, for all the world to see. As you read this, nude men in New Guinea who wear nothing but penis scabbards, and who are online with the help of fully clothed taxpayers, no doubt are clucking in awe of Arnold’s daring.

When the photograph leaped from the monitor, I looked away, as if I had accidentally barged in somewhere I did not belong and had violated someone’s privacy. My beautiful bride, a mother many times, lingered long enough to report that the Arnold has been circumcised, which should put an end to feminoid propagandist Katie Couric’s lame attempt to link the Arnold to the Nazis.

In the brief but mesmerizing moment when I beheld the Arnold in the raw, I realized how wrong I had been. Not only should the picture not disqualify the Arnold from high office, it is one of the main reasons he should be elected. Think about it. The Arnold says he has “no problem” with sodomy. It’s not his “thing,” but he sees nothing wrong with it, which should certainly endear him to Buggerwood.

How many candidates for governor have posed in the nude? Tom McClintock, the Arnold’s chief rival, certainly hasn’t. Why not, Tom? Do you have something to hide? How many governors are patron saints of the sodomy movement? You don’t need to be Nostradamus to know that, with the Arnold as governor, Queer Nation will brandish large prints of the picture in Sodomy Pride parades around the world.

The only false note I find in the Arnold’s résumé is the unfortunate fact that the lady he doesn’t recall gang-banging in that Los Angeles gym was black; but that only proves the man who saved the Earth isn’t perfect; he’s a common man like all the rest of us and can do stupid things.

Think about all that and you will realize how wrong I was last week. You will realize how right the Arnold is for California. In fact, he is so perfect for the job of governor, that I can’t understand what the Democrats have against him. The biggest danger he faces in the campaign is that sorehead Tom McClintock, who has so much to hide, is now typically trying to scare voters by spreading the canard that with the Arnold as governor there would be no more Arnold movies, no more classic lines like, “I’ll be back.”

Come off it, Tom! Do you really expect people as smart as the Dixie Chicks to believe that the man who saved the whole Earth couldn’t make movies down south in Hollywood with one hand while he diddles Sacramento up north with the other? Sure, we know that the governor of Florida, whoever he is, couldn’t do it. But the Arnold? A Republican in bed with the Democrat Kennedys? A man whose father may have been a Nazi, but who has photographic proof he would be at home in any synagogue in the world? Give it up, Tom. Let’s get realistic!

All of this recalls the series we have been doing spasmodically about realistic opposition to the totalitarian socialist dictatorship that world government traitor George W. Bush is rapidly imposing. Remember that we have no hope of overthrowing it without an understanding of the conspiracy behind it; which is just a shorthand way of saying that the approaching dictatorship isn’t “just happening,” it is being caused. Men who conceal their goal are doing it deliberately.

Remember that we picked an issue to show the electrifying difference between thinking things “just happen” and knowing they are caused. And the issue we picked is the present sodomite revolution. We saw from their own mouths that the founders of the revolution were Communists. And we started to look at a book entitled After The Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the ‘90s, by Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen, Ph.D. (New York, Doubleday, 1989)

Remember that After The Ball is a kind of Manifesto. Just as Marx explained what the Communists would do in his Manifesto, so the authors of After The Ball explain what they will do in theirs. The comparison is helpful because, remember, they speak of a “conspiracy.” The word is theirs. Please see “Degenerate America II,” by your Intrepid Correspondent, in the Etherzone archives.

For instance (p. 146): “When you’re very different, and people hate you for it, this is what you do: first you get your foot in the door, by being as similar as possible; then, and only then – when your one little difference is finally accepted – can you start dragging in your other peculiarities, one by one. You hammer in the wedge narrow end first. As the saying goes, Allow the camel’s nose beneath your tent, and his whole body will soon follow.”

Which recalls the fact that Earl Browder, General Secretary of the Communist Party, USA, called Communism “Twentieth Century Americanism.” The principle is the same. It works like this: (Page 154) “…  In Conversion, the bigot, who holds a very negative stereotypic picture, is repeatedly exposed to literal picture/label pairs, in magazines, and on billboards and TV, of gays – explicitly labeled as such! – who not only don’t look like his picture of a homosexual, but are carefully selected to look either like the bigot and his friends, or like any one of his other stereotypes of all-right guys – the kind of people he already likes and admires. . . . . The image must be that of an icon of normality . . . .”

You won’t see the truth. You won’t see the butt jumping in men’s room stalls; the manic promiscuity and consequent death from disease; the “glory holes” in the bath houses, which offer sex without ever seeing the other butt jumper involved; the predatory recruitment of naïve, little boys. Instead, you will see a highly stylized, manufactured version, as far from the real truth as the admitted certainty that Hitler gave the German people handouts.

On the same page, the authors admit that “our ads are lies. . . . But it makes no difference that the ads are lies; not to us, because we’re using them to ethically good effect . . . .” Suppose the “bigots” know they are lies? The authors explain that the lying ads “will have their effect on them whether they believe them or not.”

Finally, the authors of After The Ball quote as follows a “war conference” of 175 leading homosexuals who met in Virginia in February, 1988: “We must consider the media in every project we undertake. We must, in addition, take every advantage we can to include public service announcements and paid advertisements, and to cultivate reporters and editors of newspapers, radio, and television. To help facilitate this we need national media workshops to train our leaders . . . Our media efforts are fundamental to the full acceptance of us in American life.” (Page 163)

In other words, again, the present sodomite steamroller did not create itself. It did not spring full-blown from the temple of Zeus. It has been carefully prepared by strategists who admittedly are brilliant. It is the masterful implementation of a plan, the long-time purpose of which is to destroy America, proof of which is now visible all around us.

If you did not know this before – and if you are normal, maybe you did not – how do you feel now that you do? Does it make any difference knowing that many of your problems in our greatest of all countries today are not caused by the weather but by men with names and addresses?

Whether or not the Arnold knows it, his picture on the Internet and his campaign will become tools of the conspiracy.

Related articles:
Degenerate America — The Sodomite Plan (I)
Degenerate America — The Sodomite Plan (II)

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