Heads up! It’s terrorism: Terror in the beltway

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Written By Barbara Stanley

For over a week, I have been watching and listening to the media tell us it’ s some “lone-gunman”, David Berkowitz-wannabe, ex-military sniper or gun loving psychopath on a spree. NO! It’s straight out of the Terrorists Handbook and if you have any doubts, just check out Israel’s history of shooters wreaking havoc across the border. This is nothing new, just new here. We are in a war, have been seen we were hit on 9/11 (so forget about all the mewling about how American can’t make a “first strike”—make no mistake, this is a response).

Finally the news is getting out, from eye-witnesses (who, by the way, the media informs us, are “usually wrong”—sure, that’s why eyewitness evidence carries such weigh in our courts), in this last case, a man driving a car who came face to face with the terrorists in the truck as he blocked their way with his vehicle preparing to make a turn. He said they were Middle Easterners. I believe him. The media even tried to tell us that the lighting at night made the “olive-skinned” be, in reality, white. As though we have never seen people in different lighting situations and are idiots.

Now the “experts” (using the term extremely loosely) tell us to be afraid, be very afraid, spend our days in hiding and stay away from areas the terrorists have hit already. The reporters ask the idiot’s question: “How do you feel” to those who have lost loved ones, in one case, the husband of the FBI employee who stood next to his wife as her head was blown off. I know how he feels! And I know how the woman feels whose son was shot as she dropped him off for school. We all know how they feel! They are wounded themselves and their wounds go deep, just like the wounds from 9/11. We need information and we need it now.

Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. William Clinton, aided by the likes of the corrupt Toricelli who gutted not only the agencies charged to keep and eye on who was coming into the country and those who would be insiders, Human Intelligence (HUMINT)—those who could inform of the plans afoot, but gave us the mess we live with today. You think it was bad after 9/11? Well, now we are living with the same thing the Israelis live with as shooters murder across the border in their tiny country. I know they are terrorists shooting because it is right out of the Terrorists Handbook. If I can find it on the Internet, why can’t the reporters do a google search themselves and be able to inform the rest of us? Seems the laziness that took over the fourth estate when they relied on daily memos from the democrat White House during the reign of the evil Clintons and have forgotten how to investigate and run down a story.

So here is what they are not telling us right now: not only do we need to be aware, alert but we need to be PREPARED!

Keep a first aid kit in the car and the house, handy at a moment’s notice.

Keep a blanket, water and some food in a boogie bag in case you get stranded somewhere, as exemplified in the roadblocks now going up around the beltway.

Get batteries charged and keep the cell phone handy.

Have a notebook and pen nearby to copy license numbers, descriptions with date, time and place.

Look around and know where you are at all times.

Use your right brain (Intuition) – your ‘gut instinct’ as you go about your lives and when you get a funny feeling, pay attention to it. Better to be wrong than dead.

Profile! We are on the lookout for Middle Eastern, (Arab) men, ages mid twenties to mid forties, angry faces in a see of citizens, but they will stand out.

See who is walking oddly, wearing a long coat that can conceal a weapon or a bomb vest, for that will be next.

Watch for anyone of the profile and see if they look like they are just going into a mall to buy a shirt, or if they are looking all around them for a target.

While only a few, easy to spot, are hunting us, we are in greater numbers watching them. Surround them with eyes.

We now depend on the retired military and ex-policemen and women to be on guard, for these retired experts are the first line of defense. Citizens are already on the scene while the police take some time to get to the scene, so get with the program.

If you hear a shot, drop and look around, see if any vehicles roar to life or shift into fast forward and speed away. Write down what you can see and watch for the exit roads used, direction of travel.

And do not, I repeat, do not rely on the media to keep us informed past the minimal level. They are so busy repeating what they hear and suppressing the intelligence (white male, gun-nut) and ignore the majority of so-called experts who are telling us this is the work of some white kid who was abused by his dad and is “sick”. No kidding, they’re sick. They’re evil; they mean to destroy us and terror and violence are their trade. I don’t give a rat’s patoot about how they feel or what led them to do this.

President George Bush said we will not live in fear, so make your choice and stand your ground. Pay attention and keep yourselves informed. Be prepared and ready to act at a moment’s notice, at the crack of a rifle or the blast of an explosion.

The Terrorists’ are hitting us in GAS STATIONS (can you say OIL, boys and girls? I knew you could), malls, places where our ECONOMY starts—and they have alerted us that this is their aim, to hit us in the economy, to continue the cost from 9/11 and bring American to her knees in the market. The Terrorists hit a man mowing his lawn, doing something so American—we all know how much lawn-mowing is done in their own homes, arid wastelands — and women were murdered while sitting on a bench, cleaning out a car—two more activities that the terrorists only wish they had the time and money and prosperity to do themselves.

I recently read a report that rape is on the rise in countries where large Muslim populations have resettled, for raping an infidel female is not a crime to them. It is also not a crime murdering women, as we have seen in the latest rash of terror, the shootings in the Beltway and surrounds. So ladies, look sharp. No longer can we afford to live in the bliss that used to be a free America. Now we live in the Legacy of the Clintons and we’d better be ready for the carnage.

Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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