Bushmire: Smarts bombs!

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Written By Ted Lang

bushmire-smarts-bombsMany people are of the belief that those in authority and those who are in superior positions of power and control over us are there because they are smarter, or worldlier, or somehow more gifted than we of the unwashed street masses. And authority figures in these positions are there indeed because of their Ivy League credentials, or their family wealth and country club ties, and some have certainly worked themselves upward because of their superior intelligence and educational accomplishments. But not many have done the latter. People who believe those in authority are better, or chosen, are simply simple.

It would never cross the minds of most people that education and pedigree do not make the anointed ones immune from stupidity or incompetence. Bill Clinton is a classic example. Instead of making America safer, stronger and more secure by scaling back freedom-stifling laws, taxes and regulation, and making America better for all, Clinton’s astonishingly large repertoire of lies hinged on the primary one that the error of big government was over.

Say what you want about Reagan, his statement that big government is the problem was definitely on the money. And please remember how Clinton came to power. It was the super, catchy phrase “read my lips” that turned out to be a bald-faced lie. And absent any soul-searching and groveling, Bush 41 succumbed politically to only one term.

One would think that the evolving crop of the fittest, the richest, the smartest, and the chosen would at least learn from prior mistakes. Isn’t that the sign of either stupidity or insanity, doing exactly the same thing over and over and expecting different results? Now we have Bush, Jr., No. 43, doing the same stupid things his father did, and expecting different results! Can’t he at least figure out that it’s not 1918, or 1941, or 1950? Haven’t we learned from the meddling mess of Vietnam?

It is always dangerous for a president to circumvent the United States Constitution and trick Congress and the American people into an unnecessary war. Who can he now blame? His advisors? Wrongo! Look at how he handled the bumbling incompetence and stupidity of the FBI and CIA relative to 9-11! Did he go after Louis Freeh? Did he fire Tenent or Mueller? No? Then it’s on him! If he refuses to fire incompetent underlings, then 9-11 becomes his fault! If he refused to hold Clinton accountable for anything, I don’t want to hear him or his RINOs whining about 9-11 being Clinton’s fault. Clinton is gone, and Bush is going!

It is now obvious why the Iraqi war was initiated. Prior international contractual arrangements for oil and oil pipeline work for Bechtel and Halliburton unraveled and needed to be put back on track. Saddam realized Israel had access to US Intelligence and might attack the pipeline, causing him to balk at signing onto the deals. Israel wanted Saddam removed, and Dubya wanted to even the score with Saddam for making an attempt on the life of his father and to avenge his father when the latter was criticized for not having finished off Saddam. That’s all folks! That’s why lives were lost and why we are now alone at the top of the world’s list of most hated, tyrannical, unjust powers. Did getting US there require intelligence, or rather an enormous amount of stupidity and incompetence?

Now Ed Gillespie and the Republican National Committee want to know what conservatives are going to do, and where they are going to go, now that the back-stabbing liars and double-crossing Republicans have admitted their plan to grow government to its greatest limits, increase the national debt to unimaginable and staggering amounts, and start as many wars as possible. I’ve already made my commitment to either Libertarians or Democrats under the banner of “the voting of personal disruption.” Does that answer your question Ed? I’ve been a Republican since I voted for Barry Goldwater, but don’t look for my vote in 2004! So tell me Mr. Ed, where’s Dubya gonna’ go?

Either the economy, or Iraq, or both, are going to blow, and real soon. And since we are so hated, another terrorist act is imminent. And the fact is, if Hillary Rodham Clinton were to run, she’d outshoot, outride, and trash Bush’s sorry lying butt the same way her part-time hubby trashed Poppa! Nothing like these PNAC and Patriot Act geniuses snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory! How’s that for “smarts,” as in PAIN?!
Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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