Zero(B.S.) tolerance: The criminalization of sticking up for yourself

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Written By John Dancey


In sixth grade, we were all walking down the stairs after dismissal and I happened to feel what was later referred to as a “wild hair” by my friends. I started tapping a guy in front of me in the back of the head. He told me to stop, and I didn’t stop. Short story is that I received a black eye for my efforts, and I learned my lesson and received my punishment. No nuns, no school principal, no teachers and no police. Many years later, at my first high school reunion, I spoke with Emory Wall, the deliverer of that punch those many years ago. We were reminiscing about the incident, having a great laugh, when he happened to ask me what I was doing those days. I told him I was a trooper, and he looked at me and said, “Funny you should remember THAT incident now”! I jokingly advised him that I could always get even with a ticket or two, and we had a few more laughs before making the rounds with the rest of our classmates. For the record, Emory Wall was always a good, decent quiet guy, just pushed a little too far that day…and to this day….. I deserved what I got.

Flash forward to 2003:

I had received permission to reveal the name of the young man I am going to tell you about. This permission was obtained from the young man’s mother, whom I have known for years. This young man is still a juvenile, but since I have not been able to contact them all summer to make sure it’s still ok, (I believe they have moved) I will refrain from using his name. The story is true.

Let’s just call him “Jim”. He goes to school in the Palisades District in Eastern Pa. Having coached Jim in baseball for many years, I know from direct and objective observation that he is a good kid, because of his demeanor and the way he treats his friends and others. I also know from speaking with other people in the area that he is well liked and is not a troublemaker by any means. While on the bus to school this past year, a kid sat behind Jim. For weeks, he did to Jim what I had done to Emory Wall, only more of it) This troublemaker, unnamed here because he is a juvenile (yes, he’s been in many situations before this one, including biting incidents and the like) poked Jim relentlessly, and was told to stop. Jim moved his seat, but again guess who sat behind him? After putting up with enough nonsense, Jim hauled off and smacked him, and all of a sudden, guess what? Mr. Wiseguy didn’t aggravate him anymore! But you’d think there had been bloody murder committed, and guess who got into trouble? Jim got hauled into the principals office, the State Police were called, and a complaint was taken, who was now, in the eyes of every politically correct individual involved, a little criminal.

Jim, from what I learned, gets some type of hearing, and is even assigned a probation officer! The State Police resort to taking his fingerprints after a month or two! Can you believe this? Jim cannot leave Bucks County without three days prior notice to his probation officer, who, from what I’m led to believe, is a decent guy who knows this is all bullshit anyway. I won’t even go into what a waste of taxpayer money this is. But the school takes this seriously, because they can’t even think of having so called ” violence”, even justified, of any way, shape or form. Now I’m going to be honest and tell you that I did not interview the principal. I’ve had dealings with him previously (before he was a principal), and that resulted in a teacher’s contract not being renewed, but that’s another story for another day. Supposedly he has to tow the company line lest he be out of a job, although I believe he should have done the right thing and tell the State and everyone else, including the brat’s parents, to weigh anchor and shove off somewhere. And I didn’t interview the trooper who took the case because if he refuses to do his job, as much of a mountain that they made out of this molehill, he’d be out of work too. I know from interviewing those close to Jim, however, that there were teachers who had the backbone to step forward and volunteer to go to any hearing to stand up for Jim. To those teachers I say Bravo! As of this writing, as far as I know, Jim is still on probation, and his story is just one of probably hundreds of thousands from around the nation. And what of Jim? Does he continue to have any respect for law enforcement now as he sees how silly this all is, knowing that a trooper had to be assigned to such a minor case which could have been handled without state intervention? Does he “feel better” knowing he has his very own personal probation officer? You tell me……

I relate this story for another reason, however, and I’m telling you this as a parent, a former trooper and a father. There is a dangerous precedent that has been set in public and some private schools these days, and it is the myth of zero tolerance. According to those politically correct do-gooders, there is no discernable line between defending yourself, another person, not wanting to be tapped in the head by some nitwit kid, doing drugs, or bringing a weapon to school. Zero Tolerance, period. Suspensions, hearings, blah, blah, blah….on and on. Of course in the real world crimes and offenses are delineated into categories, with appropriate punishments in most instances. This has worked for some 200 years now, and only needs straightening out every once in a while. During a talk, I gave an example of a girl being assaulted in a school locker room after hours. What would happen if one of our sons, brainwashed and “trained” in the p.c. art of “no violence, walk away,” lest they get into trouble, just trod on by and ignored her cries? Of course a few folks said maybe he should run for help. “To where?,” I asked, as your daughter is being raped. Three hundred feet down the hall to an empty office as she lies moaning and bleeding on the floor? Or would you rather that strapping young man and a few friends enter that room with a chair, or his baseball bat, and just start swinging as they call out for assistance? Will he/they get into trouble for stopping the perpetrator, or will he be forgiven and receive a pass? I guess only if it’s YOUR daughter that’s being violated…, or maybe someone’s kid from the school board, eh?

I’m telling you man to man: As you rear your children, especially your sons; they need to know how to defend themselves and not put up with any crap from would be troublemakers or bullies. Train them, or get someone else to instruct or train them. The martial arts, as one example, bring discipline to the student as well as self control. It will teach them when to fight as well as when NOT to fight. More important, you can teach them about the public brainwashing academies they call “school” nowadays, and not to be afraid of the consequences of a failed system where those who stick up for themselves are just as guilty as the perpetrators! Teach them to never, ever be afraid to defend themselves or someone weaker than themselves from those that would do them harm. Especially in school, where they spend so much of their time. Bullies need to know that there will be those that are not afraid to fight, even if they don’t fight. Power perceived is power achieved! Bullies and part-time nitwits need to know that there will be those who will not take any garbage from them. Some only understand the smart end of a fist. While I have advised more than a few kids to definitely walk away all the time from name calling and any verbal silliness, I also advised them that when someone puts their hands on them, they only get one warning. And that they should only respond if the act is so overt it demands immediate action. In other words, it’s time to dance. And you know what else? Tell your kids that if they were right and justified in doing what they did that you’ll stand behind them. And unlike some gutless fathers I’ve met in the past, show them and your wonderful school leaders you mean business. Tell them you’ll stand up to those who would brainwash them into being weak. If they are suspended from school, and no one in the school system has the stones to call off the p.c. dogs, then take ‘em fishing for a few days, reminding them that you’re with them all the way. Some might ask whether this breeds disrespect for the system. I say there’s no reason to respect a failed system in the first place.

I’ve taught my son these things, and comes the day he has to defend himself or a weaker person at school, well….it looks like it’s either the Florida Keys or the Salmon River. And I don’t give a damn about what anyone else thinks. You can also bet your sweet fanny that if the probation officer wants to talk to him, he’d better bring his pole.

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