Who will win the house?: Does it matter?

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Written By Alan Stang

Syndicated columnist Robert Novak is saying that the Democruds will win the House in November. There are many straws aloft that tell us this could be true. And this is causing Republicrud neo-cons to panic. Sean Hannity is scaring us with the prospect of a Speaker Pelosi. Worse, Speaker Nancy could facilitate the inevitable presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton, who in turn would reinstall slime bag Bill in the White House.

Is all that scary? Yes, it’s terrifying. Neo-cruds argue that however rightly disgusted with the Republicrud Party we are, however many promises Republicrud leaders have broken, we still have to vote for them because there is nowhere else to go; a Democrud Congress could even vote to impeach President Boosh. This is a powerful argument that has advocates even on the American side.

So, let me take a few minutes to make a point entirely supported by what you already know. I am simply going to remind you of it. First, remember what history shows. It shows that whenever the Republicruds are elected, the people either go back to sleep or go fishing. They tell themselves they have won and stop paying attention. And the Communist/world government agenda somehow is advanced by default.

Name a time when it did not, starting with Eisenhower, whose shadowy supporters stole the nomination for him from Senator Taft. Eisenhower was supposed to overturn the treason committed under Truman and restore our national independence. Of course, he did nothing of the kind. The fact that Eisenhower ran Operation Keelhaul for Stalin wasn’t mentioned. See, for instance, Operation Keelhaul, by Julius Epstein. If you can’t find it, call Lady Patricia at the American Opinion Bookstore, (800) 470-8783.

Yes, I know all about Reagan. Ronnie was an utter fraud. His famous budget cuts were cuts in the increase. While he talked about the “evil empire,” he signed an agreement to merge the U.S. and Soviet school systems. See Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt’s masterful work, the deliberate dumbing down of america. Reagan did nothing about the Soviet attack on KAL Flight 007 and did nothing to get our POWs back.

If you want to know more see the two books by Kent Steffgen, Counterfeit Candidate and Here’s the Rest of Him. Or you could order my 1984 speech on the matter, Reagan versus Reagan, plus the four-page announcement by U.R.O.C., United Republicans of California, the leading Republican group in the state, explaining one after another the reasons they had withdrawn their original support and now were opposing him. Send $10 to me at P.O. Box 580503, Houston, TX, 77258.

I’m sorry, friends. There are no exceptions, which is a symptom of the fact that today’s Republicruds and Democruds are nothing more than two competing criminal gangs herding us between them, two legs on the same bug, implementing the favorite tactic of the Communists, dialectical materialism. So the question arises, since the only practical choice this November is one of these criminal gangs, which one should we choose?

Consider that degenerate Bill Clinton survived impeachment only because the Republicruds saved him. Without their support, he would have been driven from office, like Socialist Richard Nixon – “We are all Keynesians now.” – irrevocably disgraced, and the Democrud Party along with him. We would not now be facing the prospect of a Hillary presidency.

Federal spending under Clinton was bad, yes; but isn’t spending under Jorge Boosh much worse? The war is no excuse. It was much worse before the war and would be much worse without the war. Boosh has taken us to a point at which the federal debt can never be repaid, a point at which the dollar is teetering on the edge of collapse. Compared to Boosh, Clinton is a Jeffersonian.

Clinton used the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City to get totalitarian firearms legislation through the House. Boosh & Co. used and maybe even perpetrated Nine Eleven to ram the Patriot Acts through the House. Remember that, according to Congressman Ron Paul, they didn’t allow the Members to read the bill they were voting on and then denied the existence of Patriot Act (II).

Clinton was very accommodating to the sodomite underworld; he made a home for buggery in the military and many other areas of American life. But Jorge Boosh has done even more for organized sodomy. For just one instance, remember that the day after he was returned to office, the lesbian “boy” friend of Cheney’s dyke daughter – or is she the “girl friend?” – was allowed to appear on stage as a member of the Second Family. “Forget what we say – we really didn’t mean it – watch what we do.”

Clinton did little if anything to stop the invasion across the Mexican border into this country. Hasn’t Jorge Boosh done worse than nothing? Have not Republicrud leaders in the House backed him up? Neo-cruds discuss the invasion in schizophrenic style; they denounce it, even strenuously, but they never mention Boosh in connection with it, as if one country is being invaded but Boosh is President of another country, a different, maybe parallel country.

Remember that if Boosh picks up the phone and says “Stop this at once!” it would stop at once, and since he does not pick up the phone and say that, the invasion is what he wants. He is deliberately trying to flood the country with illegal aliens, in order to bring us to our knees, so that the country can successfully be submerged in a world government.

By now you know that official Border Patrol policy is not to chase illegal aliens, which of course raises the suspicion that the only real reason for the Border Patrol’s presence is to persuade the people to believe the pretense that the border is protected. Where is Border Patrol policy made? Doesn’t it come down from Washington, D.C.? Who is the big hombrein Washington? Remember the recent case in which two Border Patrolmen face 20 years in prison for wounding a drug smuggler who threatened them? Where does that policy come from?

Clinton did much to advance the cause of world government. As usual Boosh has done more. He has expanded immeasurably on NAFTA. In March of last year, he met at the Crawford Rancho with then Canadian PM Paul Martin and GeneralissimoVicente Fox, el presidente de Méjico, and announced in effect that the three countries would be merged.

Since then, the tentacles of that merger have encircled us. Part of the merger is the new super highway from Laredo to Canada, which includes Mexican customs in Kansas City. Republicrud leaders in the House presently deny there is any such project. Boosh has made it easy to do that by hiding the money in other appropriations.

Boosh lied us into the present war in Iraq and since has worked again and again to cripple our military. Remember Major Allen West? Remember Lieutenant Ilario Pantano? Remember the Marines locked up right now in Pendleton, in worse conditions than the terrorists enjoy in Guantanamo? Could these be the reasons our military is leaving in droves? Again, the Republicruds could stop all this in a minute; they don’t because it is what they want.

There are endless examples. For years, the Republicruds whined that if only they could control the government again, they would do what must be done. They have now controlled the White House for six years; they have controlled both houses of Congress even longer, much longer. There is no excuse, no one to blame. They have done nothing else but implement – even expand – Democrud policy.

So you can make a case that the Republicruds are worse than the Democruds. I mentioned above that whenever the Republicruds win, the people go to sleep or go fishing; because they think they have won, they let down their guard. They let the Republicruds install the next phase of the Communist program.

On the contrary, when the Democruds win, Republicrud “conservatives” awaken. There is active opposition. They make it very difficult for the Democruds to get the job done. The Communists have a much easier time when the Republicruds are in power. With a President Kerry, the Communists could not have gotten away with all the things Boosh has done for them.

I am not arguing here that we should actively waste time, energy and money working for Democrud candidates this November. I am simply reminding you that with rare exceptions – like Texas Congressman Dr. Ron Paul – it really doesn’t make so much difference whether Republicrud Communists or Democrud Communists run the show. You will get the same program. Again, the record of more than half a century proves that. How many times must you be swindled before you get the point?

Yes, these two criminal gangs have different styles – the Democruds throw more and better parties; they have more and bigger sex scandals; they are more fun – but the substance is the same. So, I suggest that, except for people like Dr. Paul, the main patriotic effort should be redirected to the Achilles Heel of the conspiracy: to the media, to the Nine Eleven mass murder that now threatens to break wide open.

Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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