When dictatorship comes: How do you know? (II)

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Written By Alan Stang

The ability of allegedly “conservative” radio talk show hosts to twist themselves into pretzels protecting George Bush is ever more amazing. The latest circumlocution concerns the Patriot Act and its illegitimate offspring.

Have you ever heard some version of the following scenario? A listener will express his fear that the Patriot Acts have diluted our liberties and could lead to dictatorship. Indeed, remember that the Members of Congress who voted on Patriot I – a legislative behemoth hundreds of pages long that radically changed our system – were not allowed to read the proposal they were voting on.

Remember also that the District of Criminals at first denied the existence of Patriot II. We found out about it only when somebody inside spilled the frijoles. Rubber stamp law and secret law are hallmarks of dictatorship. If you don’t understand that, read Franz Kafka.

Yet, I have heard allegedly “conservative” radio talk show hosts excoriate callers who dare to express such concerns. “Have you lost any freedoms? If you haven’t, who has? Can you give me an example?” There is a long pause of dramatic dead air, the host pushes the button and the whimpering caller disappears into the ether.

The theory seems to be that if a piece of legislation is enacted this week, and if all its malevolent ramifications do not manifest themselves by next week, then they are not going to happen, in which case you need to shut up, sit down, quit complaining and vote for Bush. No doubt you have heard some version of this yourself.

We’re talking of course about people like Limbaugh, radio’s foremost front man for the conspiracy for world government, Hannity, as stupid as he is charming, a man who would cite as gospel a White House press release that said the moon is made of green cheese, and O’Really, who runs the Spin Factor, parades belligerence as insight and says the gospels are mere stories that someone made up.

But history teaches that this cheesy attempt to protect President Bush is akin to the wisdom that we have nothing to fear because only you and your boy friend know you are pregnant. Have you ever heard of the income tax? Before passage, opponents of the proposal warned that such a tax could someday go as high as 10%.

Of course, the conspirators behind the income tax denounced those alarmists as dangerous extremists. Who ever heard of an income tax as high as 10%? The very idea was preposterous. Thank God those alarmists are safely dead. Alive, they would be the perennial butts of bitter jokes.

Did you know that when the second plank of the Communist Manifesto – the income tax – was imposed, about one half of one percent of the American people paid it? That’s right. The people no doubt had heard of it, but it had nothing to do with them. Very few Americans had ever seen the income tax “return.” See my 1988 book, TaxScam, How IRS Swindles You and What You Can Do About It.

Indeed, as recently as 1942, within the lifetime of many living Americans, only 3% of our people paid any income tax at all. The District of Criminals still collected more alcohol and tobacco tax than it did personal income tax. The conspirators for world government were able to subject our people to the income tax only by arranging for the Japanese to attack our fleet and kill 3,000 of our men at Pearl Harbor.

So, no, the process of degeneration did not consummate overnight. It did take some years. But now it is here, isn’t it? It is here and it is far worse than those alarmists in 1913 warned it would be. Professor Richard Weaver entitled his book, Ideas Have Consequences, and they do.

Also in 1913, Marxist Edward M. House and certain international bankers gave us the Federal Reserve, while most Members of Congress were at home celebrating Christmas. At first, nothing went wrong, despite the alarms sounded by the same nut cakes who said the income tax was no good. Today, your 1913 dollar is worth how much? One cent? Two cents? And the economy is the roller coaster the Fed allegedly was designed to prevent.

Hitler is still the most useful propaganda weapon in the arsenal of the conspiracy for world government. How was he able to conquer so many countries? For instance, the Dutch, as you know, are utterly civilized people, who registered their guns. When the Nazis invaded Holland, they went to the Dutch police stations, got the lists and grabbed the guns. Who could have known that would happen?

Hitler became Chancellor legally, appointed by the President under the Constitution. One of his early gifts to the people of Germany was the Enabling Act, his solution to the crisis caused by the Reichstag fire, Germany’s version of Nine Eleven. Who could have imagined what it would enable?

Of course there are many more examples, governed by what some historians call the “law of unintended consequences.” But sometimes these examples are motivated by another law that can be even worse – which I am making up now, as I write – the law of intended consequences, in which the legislator knows what he is doing and does it because that is what he wants.

There is a hallowed principle in our system of jurisprudence that says a man is presumed to intend the natural consequences of his acts. If I drop a two-ton safe on your head, the cops won’t buy it if I say I didn’t know the medics would have to scrape your corpse off the floor. They will assume I meant that to happen.

The allegedly “conservative” talk show hosts who dominate radio today expect us to believe that because George W. Bush is such a nice Christian man, because he does not drop his pants like his predecessor and ask for sex, because he does not rape women in hotel rooms and – especially – because he is a Republican, it makes no sense and is downright insulting even to wonder about the Patriot Acts.

In other words, they are asking us to trust him with power. But let us hear no more of trust in man. Let us instead bind him down from mischief with the chains of the Constitution. Remember those thoughts by Tom Jefferson? Remember Lord Acton’s dictum that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely?

The Limbaughs, the Hannitys and the O’Reallys remember. But they are paid to do a job and they will do it, until the money stops. They are the right leg, the “conservative” leg, on the dialectical bug, which at ground level appears to be very far away from the left leg represented by the Communist News Network for instance. Americans need only look up to discover that both legs belong to the same bug and take it in the same direction.

We have already endured our Reichstag fire. What would happen were we hit again by another, major terrorist act? Have not our leaders warned us that some such thing is coming? Did not General Tommy Franks, former U.S. commander in Iraq, say that next time we would respond with martial law?

Did General Franks make that up? Did the District of Criminals encourage him to say it? Because of who he is, a four star general, the media gave his comment considerable play. Remember that the White House did not protest even a little bit, which it does whenever someone says something Commissar Karl Rove does not like.

By now, the Continuing Criminal Enterprise called the Democrat Party knows that its candidate, Hanoi John Kerry, has no personality, no ideas and only one distinction. He is the only dead, hollow tree capable of speech. Democrats are starting to talk about replacing him with a man who is alive.

If Hanoi John is the candidate after all, and if the conspiracy for world government decides to let Bush play at President for another term, another terrorist act that would ensure his reelection may not be necessary. The job could perhaps be done with nothing more than the announcement of the capture of Bin Laden.

But suppose Kerry is nominated and is elected. Would you trust him with the power the neocon Trotskyites have accumulated for Bush? Would you trust another totalitarian monster like Lincoln with it? Suppose another version of the man who destroyed the Weimar Republic becomes President? Would there still be nothing to worry about?

If we do go down to the darkness of totalitarian dictatorship – or, rather, if the dictatorship we already have seizes enough power to come out into the open – the only benefit I can think of is that the Hegelian “right wing” media will be discredited at last. As the camp gates close behind them, the people will finally know they’ve been had.

Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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