War, plagues and media: Does civilization have a chance?

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Written By Dorothy Anne Seese

Since the world has never seen a true civilization, where folks behave in a civilized manner toward one another and toward their neighbors, let’s confine the term “civilization” to structured societies with more or less standard customs and culture under a definable government.  In other words, we’re talking about definable clusters of people, however large, and not roaming tribes.

War has been the custom of mankind since the first murder, continuing in a path of random bloodshed and senseless killings by rulers and invaders alike.  Concurrent with or immediately following war, there have been plagues of notable strength and scope.  The plagues have been largely beyond man’s control, and those who choose to believe the evolutionist’s slime-to-primetime froofrah can attribute all this to some population control theory by which an ungoverned, non-created universe exercises control over its own affairs by the survival of the fittest. That’s rather curious but nonetheless, millions believe it.

Twenty-first century thinking has gotten to the “we’re people, we can do anything” stage, which is probably more regressive than progressive since it lacks substance or humility, but it exists and we as people are very sure that there is a cure for everything in the way of plagues, pestilences and diseases, bacterial and viral infections and tainted mosquitoes or ticks.  We devote billions of dollars to finding cures for social diseases where the source of transmission is clear and the penalty for participation is nil, then condemn certain other forms of behavior by bringing against them outrageous claims and charges based on baseless “statistics” and snake-oil sales pitches.  

Perhaps the truth be known and admitted, the greatest plague of our day is a biased media whose sole job is to carry forth the tainted agenda of world control of the masses by the global elite, and it’s doing its job with heroic efforts and amazing success.  It can justify war or condemn it, the same war incidentally, by building briefs and motions that belong in a courtroom trial to bear on public opinion.

The other name for this sideshow is propaganda.

Eleven to twenty people are killed in a massive freeway wreck and no one lobbies to outlaw motor vehicles. Ten people die of a virus akin to the common cold that produces a form of pneumonia and we have cause to issue masks and orders for quarantines … holding American citizens against their wills while infected citizens of other nations might be roaming the earth at will.  Further, with a population of around six billion prior to this latest war effort, the world has a few people to spare (as long as it is not you or me or our families).  If they die from an auto accident, a military accident, a space shuttle accident or simply hit a tree while skiing, oh well, life ends some day and what a shame.

When the media whips up a new plague that hasn’t even killed a thousand out of six billion people, we could suspect there’s either an agenda under foot again (there usually are several traveling together now, joined by others along the route to Orwell’s Palace which is not in Las Vegas), or a media hype for sensationalism. People love to be frightened, and the government loves to make people feel secure.  The price is liberty.

Why has SARS become such a mania?  Because we have been told by the media what a “mysterious” illness it is, while at the same time we’re told that it’s a form of the coronavirus or carrier of the common cold.  For everyone who is at risk for pneumonia, of those who contract it there is a certain percentage of deaths, particularly among infants and the elderly.  And the mystery in all this is ….. ?

A couple of things come to mind.  First, there is probably a vaccine on the way to cure something we just heard of, which means science has not just heard of it.  Second, after the nine-eleven attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the government has found out just how much liberty the new breed of Americans, and city-dwellers in particular, will sacrifice for some feeling of security.  They’ll even volunteer to take new vaccines to feel protected and never correlate later symptoms and illnesses with the vaccinations.  But they will allow the president (not our representative or supposedly representative Congresscritters) to issue an Executive Order allowing for further decimation of our Bill of Rights.

Old fashioned Americans used to voluntarily keep their kids and sick adults at home until the disease ran its course or killed the victim.  Most ran their course.  Many folks never contracted a case of the latest designer pestilence.  For instance, both my parents were alive in 1920 when “Spanish” flu … which did not originate in Spain at all … was killing incredible numbers of folks around the planet and both survived without a sniffle. Neither of my parents were vaccinated for anything of which I am aware, one having been born in December of 1901 and the other in March of 1906.  I managed to live through numerous sino-bronchial infections and a case of viral pneumonia as a young teen in 1950.  The 1950 pneumonia was unaffected by antibiotics, a fact unknown to doctors in those days.  An overdose of penicillin caused a bad reaction and the worst effects were from the antibiotic rather than the viral pneumonia itself, although the severity of the case probably would have killed an infant or an elderly person, or one with an immune deficiency.

We’ve had Executive Orders flying from the White House like bats from a cave on fire since the 1990’s, although they were somewhat in use prior to that time.  The fact is, most Americans were not aware of them in the way they are now.  But aware or not, we do nothing to protest the executive branch of government’s usurping of the legislative function, all to the detriment of our liberty and the things we think America still represents.  Why?  The media feeds us the line and we bite on the lure.  Suckerfish are probably less suckers than the econuts who protect them, and the public who believes what the media says.  Weather forecasters are more honest and we all distrust their prognostications.

We also lose our dearest, fondest liberties and rationalize the need for the loss based on media hype.

Thus, while we expect a pill to cure all our ailments from warts and ingrown toenails to cancer and migraines, this generation of people will rationalize the killing of thousands or tens of thousands in order to liberate the survivors of war.  Does that sound illogical?  To one side, yes. To the liberators, no.  The ability of the human mind to rationalize is unlimited.

There’s an incredible amount of advertising done now by the medical/pharmaceutical industry.  Medicine used to be a profession, now it’s a business. (So is much of the clergy, but that’s another matter entirely.)  There are human growth harmones, pills or liquids to cause one to lose weight (thus avoiding the exercise of pushing oneself from the table), exercise machines for the Type A folks who want to get this thing on the front burner and get on with the healthy lifestyle.  There are full body scans that are non-invasive and non-radiation producing. No one will ever be bothered by side effects.  There are pills for a mass of ailments for which Kleenex and menthol used to be the standard treatments, along with time to let the orange blossoms turn to buds of fruit.  Sometimes the side effects of these sound far worse than sneezing.

If an American military general gets SARS, will they go to Walter Reed, Mayo Clinic, a field hospital, Bethesda, or will they be quarantined?  Guess!

If you sneeze and someone suspects you have SARS … guess which of the above will apply to you?  I’m assuming here that you aren’t a bigwig somewhere … I don’t believe my readership includes any bigwigs, at least none who would openly admit it.

Anyway we have a new mystery global pandemic as an additional stress upon a stress-ridden world at war and reeking with weapons of mass destruction, including the West Nile infected mosquitoes.  And all the time, we thought mosquitoes only carried malaria, and that only in retarded …err … challenged third world areas.  

When anything goes wrong now the first thing to do is look for the money trail.  Does someone or something stand to make enormous profits off the gullibility of the masses? Pharmaceutical houses maybe?  Does the government have something to gain … like centralized power in one location — the White House?

We bemoan the ailments that kill us.  Cloners would have sold us a bill of goods that aging could be defeated, but we know it cannot.  Cloners do not replicate us, but something like us.  The clones also have proven to be quite defective as well as not being the same as the original.

There is so much about life that we don’t understand and yet … we don’t hesitate to take it, by ones or by thousands.  Which is why there has never been a true civilization or altruistic state.  Power and altruism cannot live in the same space.  Love and altruism do.  

Love gives life (and no, not “luv” but genuine human love of one individual towards all other individuals).  Death stalks the body, mind and soul.  Man is mortal. Whether a bullet shot from an AK 47 or an over-the-cliff minivan is the instrument, death is death, dead is dead.  Most accidents and all wars are preventable. We honor our fallen heroes, but the families would rather have their loved ones alive even if not heroic.  If they can have both, then that’s splendid.

Corruption, power and money interests are the reasons we don’t have a real civilization anywhere on earth but we do have a great deal more deaths than are necessary at any given time.  Some play at power as a game. Too bad Genghis Khan didn’t have a video game to take out his aggressions.  Ditto for Hitler.

Too bad that more people do not seek God and godliness.  It would go a long way toward changing things. However, the Bible, which Christians accept as God’s written word, says it isn’t going to go that way because of people and their sin nature.  

Life is hazardous business and 100 percent fatal as to the mortal body.  That is why all so-called civilizations have their religions, some as brutal and cruel as war.  The idea that God is offended has come down from the Garden of Eden (not too far in terms of miles, as we understand it, from the area in mortal combat today).  God is offended, but the offense has been paid in full.  The benefit, however, inures to those who receive it by grace through faith.  Works alone won’t cut it. Sola gratia, sola fide.

Meanwhile, back on the very unique Planet Earth, a few thousand more souls have left their mutilated carcasses behind and crossed into the other dimension.

Even the media cannot make sense of the senseless … not for very long at least.  All we can wonder is what the next panic attack will be that sends folks running to sign up for any government deal that promises to keep them safe … until they die.

Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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