The unmentionable Foe: With malice toward Goyum

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Written By Lincoln Booth


Image courtesy of Charles Clegg under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Former Judge Roy Moore now Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court whose refusal to remove the Ten Commandments from his courtroom created lawsuits and much furor, has now had a two ton granite monument placed in the rotunda of the state Judicial Building inscribed with the same Godly Statutes which created the first furor.

Chief Justice Moore’s life is a story of excellence and success in spite of great odds.

His father was an itinerant construction worker who was frequently out of work. Following several moves they settled in the small Alabama town of Gallant some 15 miles west of Gadsden. Roy Moore was the eldest of five children and following his father’s untimely death became mentor to the family.

His mother describes him as a dutiful son and a straight “A” student. In the town of Gallant, praise is on the lips of all who know Roy Moore.

When Roy was still a child and the family was living in small houses without indoor plumbing Roy told his dubious mother he planned to attend West Point. He attained his goal, was commissioned and served in Germany and Vietnam. Following his discharge from the Army he earned a Law Degree from the University of Alabama.

He is still a mentor to the Moore clan most of whom still live within rock throwing distance of each other in Gallant, Alabama.

The furor is supported by small groups of God haters and an inordinate number of Jews. Montgomery attorney Stephen Glassroth is the Plaintiff. He is represented by Attorney Morris Seligman Dees, Jr. Attorney Dees is head of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) which he formed with a New York Jewish Attorney named Joseph J. Levin, Jr. SPLC is the Nation’s wealthiest civil rights organization with $68 million in assets. Dees was raised a Baptist on an Alabama cotton farm and has apparently reverted to Jewish roots.

Attorney Dees has been joined in the prosecution by Americans United for the Separation of Church and State (AUSC) and its president, peripatetic spokesman Rev. Barry Lynn.

SPLC has been involved in prosecuting various white supremacy groups and in promoting Tolerance. Both are Jewish agendas. Jews have been major backers of racial strife between blacks and whites and are solidly behind tolerance and diversity which includes open borders, gays and lesbians, religious minorities, pornography, etc.

As events of this sort unfold it is ironic that Christians and Christian organizations fail to notice that the adversary is often Jewish. D. James Kennedy has lambasted the ACLU for years. He has mentioned that the roots are Communistic but has failed to mention that they are also Jewish.

Most Jews have a liberal dose of the Pharisaical spirit. They hate Jesus as much today as they did when He repeatedly said of them, “Hypocrites”; “fools and blind”; “outwordly righteous unto men, but within, full of hypocrisy and iniquity”; and “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?

There is a particular Jewish agenda regarding Christianity. Since the Name of Jesus is offensive to them, they seek to have Christianity barred from the social order.

The Plaintiff, Attorney Stephen Glassroth, testified that Chief Justice Roy Moore’s Ten Commandments monument has a “visceral” effect on him because it represents an official state policy on religious briefs.

Kenneth Segel, Rabbi at Temple Beth Or in Montgomery, does not believe in expressing one’s personal spiritual beliefs, “through a tangible physical monument in a public place. To construct a monument to any religious teaching in a public place divides us and does not unite us. We don’t need that divisiveness. We need to be inclusive and not exclusive.

Jews are adversaries of prayer in public schools and were a major power in suppressing all public prayer.

Tuscaloosa attorney Joel Sogol, who was involved with the American Civil Liberties Union legal committee, said Chief Justice Moore first came to his attention when he began opening jury sessions with a prayer requesting God’s guidance in the jury deliberations. This was before Roy Moore became a judge and the Ten Commandments became an issue.

AUSC has a lawyer named Ayesha Khan who is also involved in the fray. Jews are major supporters of AUSC.

Rabbi Kenneth Segel’s statement, “We need to be inclusive not exclusive” is the American Jewish mantra. It is intended to annihilate the culture. It is the genesis of open borders, multiculturalism, diversity, and the other European Cultural robbing platforms that pervade Jewish controlled America.

Communism was the predominate political agenda of thousands of Russian Jewish immigrants and still garners clandestine Jewish support.

The motives of the “Jewish Agenda” are additionally suspect since the doctrines they support for the nations in which they are guests are diametrically opposed to the doctrines of the secular Nation of Israel which they universally endorse.

Christians need to heed Christ’s repetition of the word “hypocrites” when they assess the Jewish agenda.

“Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falleth.” Luke 11:17

*Author’s note: Criticism of the Jewish agenda is not anti-Semitic. We have been brain washed into believing that we must concur on all Jewish initiatives . One can like Jewish people and abhor their deleterious, schizophrenic agendas.

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