The second coming of the third reich: He may be a tyrant but at least he’s our tyrant

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Written By Robert Moon


Image courtesy of David under CC BY 2.0.

My, my I’m amazed at how so many bright people in e land have turned into paranoid Chicken Little’s convinced the nation has been hijacked by the second coming of the Third Reich. All we keep hearing is how the Bill of Rights no longer exists thanks to the Patriot Act and the war on Terrorism. The Neo-Cons have ruined the economy and convinced their friends in “big business” to hire their workers from overseas. Well, you people need to think long and hard about the effects of a Democratic win next November. You need to stop listening to Howard Dean or Wes Clark and think about another president who gave amnesty to the Mexicans despite the same warnings we’re hearing today. People need to realize it’s going to take more than four years to straighten out eight years of disaster. Bush is not the best choice; he’s the only choice unless you want the UN running America. Let’s just all slow down and think about all the crazy things being said out there:

1. “We can’t criticize President Bush or any of his policies.”

1a) Have you or anyone you know ever been arrested, threatened or convicted for speaking out against President Bush or any member of his administration? NO!

2. “The flow of information to the media is controlled by the government.”

2a) Americans access to information is at an all time high because of the Internet which the American government doesn’t censure. In today’s age of computers there is no way the government could stop the flow of information, although the UN is trying.

3. “Because of the Patriot Act your home can be searched without a warrant or without your knowledge.”

3a) Not true. Here again, have you or anyone you know ever had their home searched without a warrant? Has your property ever been searched before you were informed?

4. “The Bush administration nearly declared martial law on 9-11.”

4a) Not true. We never came close to martial law on 9-11. If Bush had wanted to declare martial law 9-11 would have been the perfect opportunity.

5. “Unlike presidents before him Bush likes conquering and bullying other nations.”

5a) Remember America was attacked first! Bush made it very clear from the beginning he thought Iraq was a major part of the terror puzzle and that they would be dealt with. We still only attacked after Iraq failed to abide by the 17th resolution warning them of the consequences of their actions.

6. “The Patriot Act allows for the wholesale surveillance of private citizens, private business records and other materials without proof of probable cause.”

6a) This is a flat out lie. The P A does not give police access to any more information on private citizens than is already available without a warrant. Nor does it allow the police to obtain the private business records of private citizens for surveillance purposes. This includes library or book store records without the consent of the business.

7. “The Patriot Act destroys all Email and Internet privacy.”

7a) No one has been detained, arrested, or charged for information sent out over the internet unless the surveillance was approved with a warrant before hand. The P A does not expand the wire tap laws to include Emails. Also, have you or anyone you know been approached, arrested or detained for criticizing the Bush administration or the government due to something published on the Internet? No one has been arrested despite the vicious lies people state about Bush and company. If they had would be closed down.

Despite all of the dire warnings and predictions of gloom and doom, there have been only a few instances where people where held for extended periods without being charged and in those cases the courts stepped in and corrected the situation. We haven’t come close to martial law. No one has been arrested for being unpatriotic. The terrorism sweep only netted roughly 500 men from the Middle East and most of them were only held for short periods unless charged.

The damage done to the Bill of Rights was mostly done during the Clinton administration and it hasn’t gotten any worse since Bush was elected. We still have the right to say what we want. Pissing in a cup, over Jesus is still called art. The only First Amendment losses have come at the hands of the Leftist Democrats. We still can’t pray in school or mention Christ in public. The Ten Commandments have been kicked out of the Court Houses in the Rural Southern United States. If the Leftist don’t like your thoughts or beliefs they call it a hate crime and you go to jail. Abortion is still legal in all 50 states. The Right to peaceably assemble is intact. Despite the lies, the Press is still free and continues to carry the torch for the Left. The government doesn’t control the flow of information. Access to information is easier to obtain than ever before thanks to the Internet. The left still wants to ban guns and destroy the Second Amendment too. They whine constantly about the government but don’t want the ability to defend against tyranny. The Fourth Amendment is still working despite the Patriot Act. No large number of American citizens are being searched without warrants or held without probable cause. The Fifth and Sixth Amendments are also still holding on. We still have trial by juries and the majority of the people in jail are guilty of committing a crime. The Drug War is still ruining the lives of low level non-violent criminals though. Here again thanks to the Leftist Democrats private property rights have fallen prey to the environmentalist and so-called conservationist. The Eighth Amendment is there depending on who you talk to. The Tenth Amendment has been killed by the Democratic Left too. It seems they don’t believe in states rights only central socialist government.

Despite all of the Chicken Little’s, Conspiracy Nuts, America haters, Deanie Babies, and Whiners, America is still the freest, wealthiest and most compassionate nation on earth. America is still the best place to live. If that weren’t a fact Mexico would not want to move to Arizona.

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