The reis man cometh: Anti-semitism – thrust and counterthrust

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Written By Roderick T. Beaman

My article last week on anti-semitism and libertarianism generated a lot of response, most of it fiercely antagonistic but some supportive.   Edgar Steele, the focus of a small part of the article demanded an apology, with what appeared to be a threat of legal action, from Robert Momenteller, Ether Zone publisher.  He stood firm and refused.  I thank Mr. Momenteller for his steadfastness.   

Mr. Steele is an attorney in Idaho.  We had several exchanges and he has now disavowed any such threat.  In one of his mailings, he forwarded me a link to a letter sent to National Vanguard by one, Robert Reis, who attacked me for my article.   Reis lives in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.  From the tone of the latter, I concluded that neither Messers Reis nor Steele understood my point.  I excuse no excesses by anyone, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, etc.             

I do believe that throughout history, practitioners of every religion have taken passages from their sacred scriptures and justified some abominations against the God we are all supposed to worship and fear.  Catholics did it with The Inquisition, Jews have done it, as Mr. Reis cites, Muslims have done it and continue to do so today, and I’m sure every religionist knows of perversions of his own faith’s message.   They are all to be condemned. 

One respondent invoked horrors of what Jews did in the twentieth century.   Excuse me?  I recall that Jews were subjected to some abysmal horrors during something called “The Final Solution”.  But, oh yes, Mr. Steele and his cohorts at Vanguard National deny that it was anywhere near as extensive as six million Jews exterminated.  I refer anyone to accepted history and suggest that the burden of proof is upon Steele, National Vanguard, et al, rather than me as to the number.     

Mr. Reis states,  “Dr. Roderick T. Beaman has posted a strongly worded criticism of the anti-Semitic articles written by Edgar Steele and apparently posted on the Etherzone forum.”

I take it that Mr. Reis thinks that Steele’s articles are anti-Semitic.  Maybe Steele should threaten Reis.

Mr. Reis then goes on to attack Maimomides, from the seventh century and Martin Buber, from the nineteenth and twentieth, with quotes and examples of how their work has resulted in horrible conclusions and actions.  Whatever else, Maimomides is credited with some great medical advances.  It’s all very easy to take quotes from context, especially religious, and infer horrible intentions.  Buber’s work stands as central to understanding of human interaction.  His name will live far longer than mine and even the exalted Mr. Reis’, though he likely doubts it.   

Reis:  “Living in one of the most rigidly Islamic nations on earth as I do, I can testify that although I have met many who are not happy with the policies of the United States, I have never encountered hostility as a result of my non-Moslem religious status.”   

Reis’ experience evidently differs dramatically from that of American servicemen who were stationed there  during Desert Storm and Shield were not permitted to have their own Christian ceremonies.   

Reis:  “Islamic history does also show the initial (sic)   Moslem conquests were marked by a disinclination to demand religious conversions among Christians or Jews. Converts, unlike those who continued to practice their Christian or Jewish faith, were exempt from taxation.”  

Yes, and every death at Auschwitz was listed as due to heart failure, which in a perverted way, was true.   

The Moslem rulers preferred Christian and Jewish taxpayers instead of tax exempt Moslems.  Now, isn’t that just so tolerant of them?  Convert or be taxed.

So let’s look at some of the Islam’s heritage.  The Koran contains many recommendations for violence against others and the Prophet Muhammad was a close contemporary of Maimomides.  So, if you hold one responsible for any horrors resultant from their writings, logically, you must hold the other and Muhammad is a far more important figure for Islam than Maimomides is for Judaism but I suspect neither Steele nor Reis is concerned with logic.

During the Crusades, captured Christian soldiers were routinely tortured by the Muslims, including by the gallant(?) Saladin.  This was at a much later time, and consequently, we should expect, a more ‘enlightened’ time than that of Maimomides.  Undoubtedly, Muslim defenders justified it through their scriptures.

Let’s jump to the time of Buber.  The Ottoman Empire was still very strong and Islamic.  Its soldiers regularly sodomized the enemy dead after battles.  In fact, they were credited(?) with developing it.  Enemies committed suicide rather than be captured by Ottomans and they begged their comrades to kill them rather than be captured.  The Turks were the most feared soldiers of their time.   

Then we have the Armenian massacre.  One and a half million mostly Christian Armenians were killed, during an insurrection, by the mostly Muslim Turks, an event still denied by Turkey.  In villages, townspeople were buried to their necks and herds of camels stampeded through them.  Hitler cited the world’s mild reaction to the events as reason not to fear any consequences from the programs of National Socialism.  (Oh yes, Reis, Steele and National Vanguard  may deny it ever happened or think the Jews were responsible for it, too.)   

If you say, let’s dismiss these things as aberrations of Islam.  Fine, then accord Judaism the same latitude.  The results of Jewish traditions have been far less disastrous for mankind than Islamic, especially in the twentieth century.  And Robert Kennedy was NOT assassinated by a Jew.

Finally, assume you are Catholic, as I am.  (I hope that neither Reis nor Steele claims to be Catholic.)  Where would you prefer being to practice your religion.   Israel or Saudi Arabia?

Out of curiosity, I went to National Vanguard’s website and its letters department.   One writer from Hungary detailed his commitment to National Socialism and received a laudatory response from the editor.

I rest my case.

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