The prison of the status quo: Inextricable disasters

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Written By Al Cronkrite

As illegitimate wars and duplicitous government continue to grind on, the public tends to forget their malevolent origins, begins to accept the status quo, and frequently despairs of a solution.

David Kuo’s new book, Tempting Faith, is an expose on the private derision against Christians and their leaders in the Bush Administration. Kuo is the second high level Bush appointee to resign. John DiIulio, a Pennsylvania College Professor, and the first Faith Based Director, resigned in 2002. He was dismayed at the political fixation that distorted Faith Based Initiatives. Using information in a letter from John DiIulio, Ron Suskind writes “For Karl Rove, it’s all and only about winning. The rest — vision, ideology, good government, ideas to bind a nation, reasonable dissent, collegiality, mutual respect—is for later.” Though DiIulio was impressed with the personal magnetism of George W. Bush he wrote “What you’ve got is everything—and I mean everything—being run by the political arm. It’s the reign of the Mayberry Machiavellis.”

Kuo believes Christian leaders have been seduced by politics and should temporarily disengage from the process.

That he and other Christians are appalled at a wide-spread Washington, D. C. derision is an expression of their own jejune character. We have a sinful, duplicitous government and when David Kuo and high level Christian pastors cozy up to government leaders they are not only supporting evil but nullifying their ability to fulfill their duty to rebuke the rampant sin God so vehemently hates.

In response to Kuo‘s book, at least one writer points out that Jesus was not involved in politics. He infers that Christians should direct their efforts elsewhere.

One reviewer writes that David Kuo came to Washington “to end abortion, strengthen marriage, and help the poor“. I would contend that David Kuo misinterpreted the role of government by attempting to vest it with responsibilities that should be left with the Church and that he displays a tragic lack of knowledge of the character of the enemy. It is sinfully naïve to expect that Satanic politicians would honor their promises.

As kings were agents of righteousness in ancient Israel the Christian Church is the agent of righteousness in our society It is of paramount importance in a free nation that Christian leaders define and warn their laymen and women when the state breaches God’s mandates. Wise Christian leaders should understand media bias, slanted reporting, and the proper extent of state responsibility. Today’s church leadership should be stewards of Godly righteousness. They should provide the rudder that determines the direction of the nation. It is the fulfillment of this responsibility that corrects errant legislators and allows voters to cast an informed vote…

For the Christian leaders that are politically active the mistake is not attempting to monitor the process but consorting with the enemy by becoming part of it. Christians should not be members of political parties! Unfortunately a more common problem is Christian leaders who ignore the society in which they are planted and the government under which they live failing to confront sin in the church or anywhere else. This omission is as grievous a sin as the sins that are not being confronted.

The new religion of humanism has been established in our society. It was established because the Church failed to fulfill its responsibilities. Humanism seeks exclusivity and will attempt to stamp out all other religions. As “The Military Commissions Act, 2006.” takes effect Christians may begin to understand the gravity of allowing a foreign religion to replace Christianity. Foreigners suspected of terrorist activity can now be held incommunicado; citizens too, at the discretion of the President.

Christian leaders must stop consorting with an errant government and begin to fulfill their responsibility to monitor the actions of the state and loudly proclaim sinful behavior from the pulpit and in the written word. It may be too late but the responsibility remains!

The latest issue of The New American is entitled “Iran, Behind the Veil”. It provides another case study.

There are several articles between its pages which, notwithstanding William Jasper’s brief disclaimer, seem to lend support to President Bush’s agenda of waging war against “Terrorism”. The Iranian terrorist network is described in some detail as well as the harsh life under Shari ‘a law. Along with Iran, Behind the Veil there are other titles: Terrorist Team Up, Iran and the Bomb, Iran’s Global Terror Network, and Behind the Koranic Curtain.

It is incendiary stuff. Ed Hiserdt writes that the Bomb is not hard to make and that Iran may be “well on its way”. Michael Telzrow acknowledges that Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians are protected religions in Iran but writes as if restrictions on proselytizing and penalties for apostasy are severe and unusual. Dennis Behreandt writes“clearly Iran presents a substantial strategic threat to the United States, and the developing relationship between Iran and Venezuela does much to heighten the risk.” William Jasper describes a powerful Iran, intricately involved in terrorist incidents with tentacles embedded around the world and undiscovered cells within the United States.

While the articles in the New American overwhelmingly buttress the government’s argument that we are under attack and that Iran is a major source, two short paragraphs buried at the end of one of the articles recommend that instead of diplomacy or war we should increase our border security and stop financing nations that sponsor terrorism – China and Russia are mentioned in this category.

Since the solutions are not very convincing and there is no mention of the causes, it appears that the John Birch Society has decided the elevation of power in the Nation of Iran created by our government policies is an inextricable problem that may require military action.

The War on Terrorism should never have been started. It is impossible to win a conflict with a nonspecific enemy. Terrorism is often the only available response to larger and stronger forces. The Indians used it against the colonists, the French underground used it against the Germans, and the Palestinians have been using it against Israel.

In the Middle East prior to the Second World War Jews and Arabs had lived together in peace for centuries. It was the creation of the State of Israel on land that was occupied by Arabs that created the past fifty years of constant murder and mayhem. This arrogant expropriation of Arab land was birthed in England. It did not involve the United States. During the 1930s there was never any mention of terrorism or of militant Islam. Terrorism and Jihad were products of the theft of Arab land by Jews seeking to re-establish their homeland against the Will of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob by Whose order they were dispersed and forced to seek God through the only avenue now available; His Son, Jesus, The Christ.

The motives behind the creation of the State of Israel and the conduct of the War on Terror are hidden in the devious minds that control the world. One thing is sure, those minds do not seek the justice and peace God wants in His creation. As long as the causes of the War are ignored it will grind on year after year creating death and destruction and curtailing freedom.

The New American articles completely fail to mention the policies that drive Islamic hatred for United States. It certainly is no longer because they hate our freedoms because our government is in the process of removing them

There are three primary reasons why we are hated throughout the Middle East. They are: 1) The Iraq War. 2) Our inordinate support of the Nation of Israel. 3) The history of Western manipulation in their governments.

On C-Span, Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez when queried about the Mexican invasion of the United States said that the millions of illegal Mexican families that now live in United States must be granted some sort of amnesty because their U. S. born children are citizens and we can not break up Illegal families. Mr. Gutierrez proclaims another inextricable condition that requires the gutting of the legal structure of the United States in order to not inconvenience illegal Mexican families.

The invasion of the United States by millions of Mexicans as a planned prelude to the North American Union has already been accomplished. There is a feeble effort in congress to close the gate after the horses have escaped but even that is destined to fail.

Armies are used to stop invasions of sovereign nations. Our government is responsible for protecting our borders and when those borders are breached those that breach them should be met with armed resistance. The governmental sin of omission should be loudly proclaimed by every pulpit in the nation!

The treasonous activities of our leaders in attempting to force a North American Union on the American people should be defined in detail from our pulpits and the several specific sins involved should be explained. Failure to address these problems is an unforgivable sin against The Great God of All Creation and is responsible for the loss of our Republic.

The War in Iraq has us in a similar situation; we cannot exit Iraq because of the chaos that would be created in our wake. I guess our leaders have forgotten the chaos that resulted from exiting a stalled military effort in Vietnam.

The United States has invaded and occupied the sovereign nation of Iraq. We have built permanent structures and will leave only under heavy duress. The objective appears to be the subjection of the entire Middle East. It took 300 years to annihilate the American Indians. Today, weapons are more sophisticated and the mission may not take as long.

The War in Iraq was illegitimate from the beginning. Peace waits on our willingness to return the land to its proper owners.

Last week, Ergun Caner, a convert from Islam, now serving as the seminary President at Jerry Falwell’s college, identified Reformed Christians as worse than Muslims“. “Yes, absolutely. For a small portion of these people, just daring to question the Bezian movement is heresy. They will blog and e-mail incessantly. I call it a “Calvinist Jihad”, because just like Muslims, they believe they are defending the honor of their view. They can discuss nothing else. I have even had a few call for my head! Dr. Falwell and I have laughed about it, because they are so insistent, and they miss the point completely. There are plenty of schools to which the neo-Calvinists can go, but Liberty will be a lighthouse for missions and evangelism to the “whosoever wills”. Period. The difference is, Muslims know when to quit – for these guys, it is the only topic about which they can talk.”

Muslims do not worship the Trinitarian God of Christianity. They along with their Jewish neighbors have not accepted God’s sole provision for His people through His Son, Jesus Christ. Because of their failure to accept The New Covenant they remain heathen and under condemnation.

Nevertheless, one of the anomalies of the present era is that Muslims are far more obedient to law then Christians. There are significant differences between the Laws God gave to Moses and the Shari ‘a laws but under the humanist laws of the One World Order godly immutable legal codes will be replaced with human systems designed by the power elite.

Both Dr. Falwell and his proselyte are supporting the vapid notion that the chaos of Grace without Law is the Will of our orderly God. Every society lives under some form of law and when Christians fail to institute and defend God’s Laws they open the door to Satan’s legal system. Contemporary American society is a perfect example of the results of that dire omission.

Because Muslims are a more obedient people than Christians, the Shari ‘a legal system is being subjected to a massive negative propaganda campaign If Christians were obedient to God’s Laws they too would be feeling a hotter response.

King Jesus loves His people and His creation and seeks the peace and prosperity that would come from obedience to God’s Laws. The control He seeks is consensual. The New American reports that Ahmadinejad and Khamenei in Iran seek to “rule the world” with Islam There are Jews that seem to be following the Protocols in an effort to exert world influence but it is the seldom mentioned money cabal that appears to be succeeding in exerting its will over the Globe.

It is the responsibility of Christian leaders to so proclaim the sublime Gospel of Jesus Christ that the people of the world will chose to live under the authority of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to the total exclusion of Humanism, Islam, the Protocols, and Judaism.

Then and only then will there be peace.

Published originally at : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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