The legacy of liberalism: A crescendo of chaos

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Written By Paul Proctor

I can think of no better illustration of liberalism than the leash. Yes, I’m referring to that little chain with a handle on one end and a clip on the other, that allows one to control an animal.

Liberals in Washington don’t create big government, absurd rights, self- serving laws, endless taxes and perpetual welfare to improve the lives of the people they claim to serve. They create big government, absurd rights, self-serving laws, endless taxes and perpetual welfare to justify the leash. Once the leash is accepted by the majority, “the big man” takes the handle and “the little man” gets clipped. (ala; “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”)

Many people today are waking up to the fact that so-called “liberal leaders” are in reality global socialists, who view the common man as a mere animal, without any value outside their exclusive control. This leaves no room for a higher authority, including that of the Bible, with it’s teaching of right and wrong, not to mention one’s own accountability to it’s Author. Christianity has therefore always been the antithesis of global socialism because it undermines the elitist agenda of global control.

God addressed the centralization of power long ago by destroying the Tower of Babel, dispersing mankind and imposing upon him a complex and confusing array of languages that made it difficult, if not impossible, to communicate and thus re organize against His sovereign authority. Since that time, many have come and gone trying to play god and “conquer the world” by force or attrition.

They say, “Necessity is the mother of invention”. With that in mind, the “elites” of our global village continue to busy themselves inventing and re-inventing the necessity for more leashes. They know that by creating conflict and chaos, people will eventually accept, if not cry out for, a “new world order”. One need only spend a little time in the books of Daniel and Revelation to recognize who¹s really behind it all and why.

You see, global elites actually benefit from the breakdown of society. It only stands to reason that the more school shootings, terrorist threats, wars, bombings, riots, rapes, murders, acts of violence, pornography, promiscuity, perversion, disease, unwed mothers, starving children, abortions, drug overdoses and suicides there are, the more powerful these wannabe gods become.

Let’s face it…if someone wants to sell smoke alarms to a sleepy neighborhood, all they have to do is burn one house down. If you happen to be the President of the United States and wish to be king of the world, just call your buddies at CNN, stage a crisis for the cameras and before you can say “THIS JUST IN”, fraidy cats the world over will worship and grovel at your feet, begging for protection.

Liberal leaders have always been against training people to be independent, accountable, responsible, prepared and productive, because it makes the leash of liberalism irrelevant and unnecessary. Instead, they devoted the entire 20th century to teaching us Victimology 101, using every educational institution, media outlet and entertainment venue at their disposal, until we were absolutely convinced that we had a constitutional “right” to do whatever our glands told us to do, because we can¹t help it. We¹re only the accidental offspring of the evolutionary process anyway……and “religion is just a crutch for weak minded fools”

Unfortunately, those who refuse the government leash, regardless of their good behavior, are considered dangerous and should be demonized and destroyed for the good of society. This is why the Davidians were burned alive in Waco… offering to the gods of globalism, courtesy of Big Bubba.

Since then, it has been one crisis after another…..a crescendo of chaos all designed to persuade us that there is more peace and prosperity in trusting government than in trusting God. This is the legacy of liberalism.

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