The growing no-vote protest: Should go third party voter

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Written By Dorothy Anne Seese

This is the first election year in which I’ve heard so many people vow to stay away from the polls and vote for neither major candidate, who is presumed to be John Kerry for the Democrats and known to be George W. Bush for the Republicans.

The reasons for this rebellion sound alike, an echo chamber of “I won’t vote any more for the lesser of two evils” and they mean it.  This means that Americans, at least some Americans, are beginning to think about how this nation is controlled by a few in the elite group rather than having truly open selection of candidates for all our key offices up to and including the president of the United States.

But my job, or what I feel is my duty, is to tell these folks that staying away from the polls will not be seen as a protest, it will be seen as voter apathy and a further encouragement to those in leadership positions to grab more of our freedoms. It will be viewed as a capitulation to the powers-that-be rather than a protest.  So for mercy’s sake, don’t refuse to vote, go vote for a third-party candidate.  It doesn’t matter than Libertarians have been around over 30 years and haven’t won an election!  A giant protest is going to make the political cabal sit up and take notice, Americans aren’t capitulating, they are exercising their franchise in a protest against the two-sided, one-party system that is leading America into an unconstitutional, globalist arrangement where there will be no polls.

Yes, we have to deal with the possibility of rigged voting machines and other errors.   I’ve read that the US, after four years have passed since the Florida fluke, is in no better shape today than it was in 2000 when it comes to vote-counting accuracy and I don’t believe that has been oversight or sloppiness.  In fact, I don’t believe it is lack of funding or anything other than a capitulation to those who want the ability to count chads, hanging or otherwise, or decipher marks made by a doodler who can’t make up his mind in the voting booth.

In 2003, this writer gave up on the label “Goldwater Republican” and switched to the Libertarian Party, something my Christian friends felt was inconsistent with being Christian.  I’ve tried to explain to them that Libertarians only want to get less government, and less government (preferably as little as it takes just to hold a nation together at minimal cost) allows the people to determine what they want to be, do, worship, not worship, like, dislike, and follow the intent of the founding fathers.   I do not want any attempt by government to control me or you, my life or yours, beyond simple constitutional guidelines and a small, swift military in the national security interest (reluctantly).  I’m a Tenth Amendment advocate, always have been and always will be as long as our Constitution and Bill of Rights are even given a shred of credence and acknowledgment as the law of the land.

We have enemies at home and abroad, and while the enemies abroad became enemies because the US invaded their sovereign territory or otherwise infringed on the rights of another sovereign nation (regardless of how bad it was/is) our country has enemies within who are taking apart our sovereignty, personal privacy, constitutional protections and using our military for political wars that need never have been started.  Young lives are being snuffed out because of the outrageous “intelligence gaps” that are being used to cover up the great land and oil grab we thought, mistakenly, that we could get by with in Iraq as we did in Afghanistan.  Wrong.  We failed to deal with the fierceness of Islam and their commitment to keep the west out of their religion and culture while infiltrating the US with their own people, some of whom represent a clear and present danger.  We don’t have thirty thousand mosques on US soil without having some radical Islamists in the group!

The arrogance of the Donkey and the Elephant is that one or the other must win.   To which I say, Bull.  If the people who intend to stay home from the polls this coming November will get off their couch (leave the potatoes at home) and VOTE THIRD PARTY, then this nation will be in for a political shakeup that will leave the people a force with which to be reckoned by the leeches who tend to gravitate toward high offices in government and live off the sweat of the working people.

Why do our representatives have limousines and luxury homes and those they supposedly represent have to pay for that kind of lavish living while struggling to pay their own bills for life’s necessities?  They call themselves public servants?  The only ones most of them serve is themselves, and at the expense of the taxpayers who are intimidated by the Internal Revenue Service into giving the government a ridiculously large portion of their income, billions of which go unaccounted for every year.  We have bad government, government that is out of control, and it is time to put a halt to it.  Not voting is apathy or disaffection, voting against R and D by casting a third party vote is a real protest.  But vote for a third party that wants to downsize government, especially the federal government, to something constitutionally acceptable.   Washington’s leadership has more “cabinets” than the Food Channel’s kitchens.

Cutting government down to a skeletal minimum is a genuine way to reduce taxes that should never be taken out in the first place.  The only fair and legal tax that I can see is a consumer tax on things actually purchased, with food and prescriptions excepted.   Taxing one’s wages is stealing the product of their work and that is not only unfair, its legality is highly questionable. The biggest corporations, who tell the government what they want, don’t even pay taxes.  This amounts to the development of a class of serfs who support a feudal fiefdom of rulers of the worst kind.

Refusing to vote is a vote, for your own slavery to the system, because when you do not exercise that franchise, you take one more step toward losing it altogether.  We’re too close to dictatorial rule now, don’t invite more by being disaffected because R and D give you two evils from which to “choose.”  You have another choice, so make it and be heard.

We don’t have that many more elections before us at the speed with which we’re globalizing and removing freedoms. Every evil plot hides behind a good mask, such as “for the children.”  What is for your own good?  Learning personal responsibility and expecting the same of others!  Irresponsible people are only fit for slavery.

So when the temptation comes to abstain from voting, remind yourself that not voting will only increase the power of those against whom you think you are protesting.  A real protest is a shakeup.  It’s time a third party got some real popular backing and real notice in Washington.  The vote is still powerful when it is used properly and with some forethought.

Published originally at : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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