The gathering storm: Will freedom ring again?

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Written By Roderick T. Beaman

Another election year is almost here.  George Bush will certainly be renominated and, right now, the Democratic frontrunner is Howard Dean.  Once again the major parties will nominate Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.  The Democommies will charge the Republicrats with policies akin to Adolf Hitler and the Republicrats will charge the Democommies with reckless spending.  The true issues will never be explored and therein is the problem for limited governmentalists.

I am constantly amazed by the attitude that people display to the politics that threaten to destroy this country.  You can point out the problems and they will agree but then go right out and vote for these mirror images.  I have taken the time to explain something as simple as the fact that a special constitutional amendment was necessary to permit income taxes.  Most people are completely unaware of this.   There are numerous other examples.

These people are not to be despised.  Rather, they should be thought of as the likely type of citizens that The Founding Fathers thought would be populate this nation; people who would go about their business, oblivious to a government hamstrung by the Constitution and they counted on government to comply.  They were wrong about the latter.  The people are keeping their end of the bargain but the government is not.   They are the criminals.  Does anyone foresee Bush, Cheney, Ridge, Rehnquist, Breyer, Kennedy, Daschle, et al being arrested and brought to trial for their crimes?   Does anyone see any hope on the horizon of some kind of turnaround?  I don’t.     

All three branches of the federal government are out of control.   The courts, that the public mistakenly thinks of as interpreters of the Consitution to protect their rights, do not have that power.  It is not in the Constitution.   Look it up.  The power was assumed at John Jay’s insistence after the reluctant capitulation of President George Washington and Congress.  There is no chance that a justice will be appointed with an understanding of the Supreme Court’s constitutional role.  Such a nominee would never make it out of committee.

Events of the past several weeks should convince anyone who held out any hope for relief from the courts.  That they acquiesced in McCain-Feingold proves that The Supreme Court will bow to the other two branches of the federal government and is only interested in kicking around the states, individuals and other relatively helpless entities.  They do not have the courage to tackle anyone their own size.  And the Courts will not surrender any of their appropriated powers.  William Rehnquist has said as much.     

The decision to let rest the Silveira vs. Lockyer case from the Ninth Circuit underscores their lack of  principle.  The Silveira decision declares The Second Amendment unconstitutional.  There is no amendment more universal in its wording, yet The Supreme Court let the Circuit Court’s decision stand.

I have read numerous times that there are more than 20,000 federal, state and local laws dealing with firearms.  I have not read a single one, yet I am willing to bet that if I went and simply bought a rifle at a store and brought it home, that I will have broken one of them. Any takers?  Remember that the government got Al Capone on income tax evasion!  Eliot Ness was no hero but a conniving government hack.  If you don’t think they can get you on some similar trumped up charge, let me assure you, from personal experience, they can.  The government can and does get indictments for nothing.  Grand juries are a one man show.  As Jimmy Hoffa said, ˜If they can do this to Jimmy Hoffa, they can do it to anyone.”      

So what happens when some government agent goes and tries to enforce a law under the Ninth Circuit’s permission?  The first time, maybe nothing and maybe the second too.  But at some point, someone is likely to take exception to it.  Then the violence begins.

The federal government has simply refused to address the questions  of organizations like Bob Schulz’s We The People.  Whether you agree with their theories or not, and I do with some reservations, the Constitution guarantees that the people have a right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.  By this simple measure, our federal government is now illegitimate, illegal and immoral and every federal official should be arrested.  Their only responses have been threats.   Resentment builds.        

But that’s not the only scenario.  The Detroit race riots in the 1960s began over a TRAFFIC TICKET.  And remember Charlton Heston’s defiant ˜out of my cold, dead hands” speech that garnered all that applause at the NRA convention.  There are a lot of people who agree with that.  It doesn’t take much tip to over the bucket and you never get the water back in. The Soviet Union found that out.

President Richard Nixon once said that the 50% level of taxation in this country was an important critical threshold over which we must never go.  We are perilously close right now. 

We now have SWAT teams in over 40 federal agencies and every city over a certain size. They are already setting up mechanisms to ally with each other and the military, for ‘security’ of course, which means killing Americans.  The military was at Waco as ‘advisors’,  which is in direct violation of Posse Comitatus.  Anyone want to initiate an arrest of the people responsible?  To restore order, they will be ordered to fire on American citizens.  Some will but others will bolt.  Mutiny.

Do not think that these things are far fetched.  I refer you to the book, The IRS – A Law Unto Itself published by The New York Times Press, no less.  The author reveals the contingencies that have gone into disaster planning and they have revolved around the IRS.  Don’t think for one minute that it is limited to the IRS.   Other agencies have developed similar plans both in conjunction with and independently of each other.  They are ready to be used against all Americans and are being trained and desensitized to do just that.  Just like in the Soviet Union, the people as the enemy of The People.

Which gets us back to an old point that I have raised many times (apologies to any old readers of the garbage I crank out).  It is extremely important to have a personal arsenal.  Government forces will be far better armed than the people in the coming conflict, which I am convinced will break out before the end of this decade.  I see no way around it.  With luck and a hint of morality on the parts of police and military, some government forces will come over to the side of the true people and not their commissar pretenders in Washington.  Make sure that you have also have at least 100 rounds of ammunition for each weapon.  And if The Man comes around doing a survey about any firearms you possess, decline to answer.  That will be used to for weapons confiscation.  I assure you, these things have been in planning now for decades.

Which gets me to another point.  It is obvious that The Founding Fathers were very suspicious of a standing military.  They felt our defenses should rely on decentralized militia and state forces.  The establishment of the service academies were among first steps down this road to fascism.  Realize also, that it was observations of the military by Cyril Northcote Parkinson that led to his famous dictum about bureaucratic inefficiency, “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.”  There is no greater example of bureaucratic inefficiency than the military.  And as another saying goes, “Idle time is the devil’s workshop.”  There are more people employed doing nothing in the military than any other institution and worst of all, they and the rest of the government have resources far beyond that of private citizens which is why weapons confiscation must be avoided at all costs.

With collapsing economy under the twin assaults of social security and worthless currency, and politicians refusing to address the true issues I see only disaster.
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