The fall of America: Began with the fall of man

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Written By Jim Moore

My apologies. This is going to be a rather heavy piece. So if it’s too early in the morning, wait until this evening to read it.   Thank you.

All biblical interpretations aside, something strange happened in the Beginning that has affected every civilization in every era of the long history of the world.

All we need do is think about what is taking place on earth today to realize that, unfortunately, it is now our turn for this “thing” to manifest itself again.

What is happening is the total and complete destruction of the most independent, self-reliant, and individually-free society in the recorded history of man on earth.

That society has a name: America. That destructive force has a name too: Evil, which comes in all shapes and sizes of horror.

The evil manifested in our time also has a name: Global Government. Which happens to be the goal of the United Nations. And the basic tool the UN is using to develop and support its goal of world rule is, The Hegelian dialectic.

Gulp. I know it’s a mouthful, but please keep reading

All forms of socialism, communism, fascism, globalism, and all the other “isms”, are unthinkable without considering the Hegelian dialectic. This is the conclusion reached by Joan Veon, a journalist and author of the bombshell book, “The United Nations’Global Straight Jacket”.

For many years, Veon has traveled around the world with the United Nations’ many organizations, attending their meetings, and studying every aspect of their operations and objectives. She, therefore, knows a few things about this evil entity that most of us seldom give any thought to.

So what is this mysterious Hegelian dialectic? And why is it important that we know something about it, and how it works?

Named after its originator, Frederic Hegel, the Hegelian dialectic is a psychological indoctrination process which the Marxists use to gradually change the minds of people and society.

By applying this subtle, mind-altering process, Americans are being moved away from our individual freedoms of the U.S. Constitution, and gradually being led to accept the restrictive mandates of the United Nations Charter and the concept of the New World Order—without even realizing it is happening!

Although the mind-altering workings of the dialectic itself is rather obtuse, its fundamentals are simple. It works in three definite and progressive stages:

(l)  the thesis: what you, as an individual, think or believe.

(2) the anti-thesis: what someone different than you believes.

(3) the synthesis: the changing of your belief to blend with theirs.

If this process of changing your position to blend with someone else’s position sounds like the way socialism, communism, globalism, or any of the “isms” work, you’re exactly right.

Veon claims that the Hegelian dialectic is all around us. And I believe you’ll agree when you think about it.

Take religion. When an “absolute” of any faith is attacked, it leads to a change in values: the person involved often gives in and sacrifices HIS values for the sake of the relationship.

Or take morals. To older Americans, nudity displayed in any form makes them uneasy. Yet, to the younger generation, near-nudity in movies or ads is a fact of life. Now the older generation grudgingly accepts it. What happened to the public perception? The Hegelian dialectic changed it. And not for the better, we might add.

Apply this mind-altering theory to what is happening in the world today, especially in America, and it becomes frighteningly clear that, by using the Hegelian dialectic we are being “processed” by the United Nations away from America’s original status as a Republic, to a Democracy, and eventually to just a cog in the wheel of the New World Order.

As Veon emphatically points out, we are being taken from our position of Constitution, Bill of Rights, individual freedoms, personal property rights, and free speech, and dumped squarely into the unnerving paradigm that is the United Nations Charter, the Declaration of Human Rights (as they see it), collective action, elimination of individual needs, limited personal property rights, and that old standby, politically correct thinking.

Do you recall Al Gore’s line, “Reinventing Government?” THAT is precisely what this is. Only the “reinvented government” Gore so earnestly talked about turns out to be socialism.

Socialism’s rallying cry is “One for all, and none for one.” Its final objective is a global government. Its big star, but impotent and subservient member-nation, will be America. And the United Nations is the treacherous organization that is making it happen.

You may never have heard of the Hegelian dialectic. But now that you know what it is, and how the United Nations is using it to destroy America’s liberty and independence, your reason for not taking the New World Order seriously has just gone out the window.

Published originally at : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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