The evil within: Strobe Talbott… commie bastard

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Written By Barbara Stanley

“A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victim, and he wears their face and their garments and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared. The traitor is the plague.”

Marcus Tullius Cicero– from speech to the Roman Senate.xxxxxxxxxxxxx

“We can’t be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans…” Bill Clinton, 11 March 1993.

Did you ever notice how the revolving door between the media and the White House turns? First we get Steffie Steponallofus from the war room and oval office going to ABC, suddenly anointed ‘journalist’ (read here ‘shill’), and in the instant case, Strobe Talbot going from Time magazine (the one w/o the photo of the Kidnapping of Elian) to Department of State. Huh?

Although to be more accurate, Strobe was there, all along, starting with the Oxford days, the visits to the Soviet Union in the summer of 1969 as an intern for Time, where he met with Soviet dissidents and dreamed about Russia’s romantic past. “This is my spiritual homeland,” Talbott was quoted in the Washington Post magazine as telling one dissident. It was also that summer that Talbott first met with Victor Louis, the Soviet “journalist” and suspected KGB spy. Soon after, Talbott’s career took off., whereupon he became so enamoured with Mother Russia (and a great argument against higher education, by the way), he wound up taking his family there, years later, to vacation. Yup, vacation. Must confess, if I had a chance to vacation somewhere on the globe, standing in a bread line, looking over my shoulder at the soldats ‘n AKs, wouldn’t be my first choice. Nor my last.  And then, Strobe had the burning passion to translate Nikita’s diaries ( translated and edited two volumes of Nikita Khrushchev’s memoirs, published in 1970 and 1974.)…makes one wonder.

Talbott still won’t say who turned over the tapes of Nikita Khrushchev’s memoirs to Time magazine that summer, but Senator Jesse Helms and others believe it was Victor Louis. “According to several reports, it was Mr. Louis who provided the Khrushchev memoirs to Time magazine-who gave them to Mr. Talbott to translate in 1969-coincidentally the same year that Mr. Talbott first met Louis,” Helms told the Senate in a February 1994 speech protesting Talbott’s nomination.

Helms quoted a 1986 State Department Report to illustrate his concern over Talbott’s ties to Louis. The Soviets “gave high priority to the recruitment of foreign journalists who can help shape the opinion of elite audiences and the general public.” The report continues:

“The USSR also uses Soviet citizens as unofficial sources to leak information to foreign journalists and to spread disinformation that Moscow does not want attributed directly. One of the most prolific of these individuals is Vitaliy Yevgeniyevich Lui-better known as Victor Louis-a Soviet journalist who several KGB defectors have independently identified as a KGB agent. In addition to his leaking such newsworthy items as Khrushchev’s ouster, the imminent Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, and the reassignment of Marshal Ogarkov, he has been used to try to discredit the memoirs of Stalin’s daughter Svetlana…. After the Chernobyl accident, Victor Louis was the vehicle for publicizing distorted statements by [Soviet dissident Andrei] Sakharov that implied he was supportive of the Soviet handling of the accident and critical of the Western reaction to it.”

At the time the Khrushchev memoirs were turned over to Talbott, then KGB-boss Yuri Andropov was engaged in a muted power struggle with Party leader Leonid Brezhnev, whom he accused of destroying the Soviet economy and weakening the USSR. The Khrushchev memoirs supported Andropov’s thesis, painting Brezhnev as a fool who reveled in pomp and ceremony, while letting the country go to ruin. By publishing the memoirs in the West, Talbott and Time aided Andropov’s rise. After the second volume came out in 1974, Brezhnev rewarded Talbott by revoking his Soviet entry visa. By the time it was restored five years later, Brezhnev was deathly ill and Andropov close to assuming power.

Asked in writing about his relationship to Victor Louis, Talbott gave what Helms took to be a candid answer. “I knew the late Victor Louis, a Russian journalist who died a year or so ago. When several reporters first met him in the 1970’s [emphasis added], when he was working as a reporter for Time magazine and making frequent trips to Moscow. They continued to see him over the years. Occasionally they would visit him and his family for lunch on Sunday afternoons at their home in Peredelkino, a village on the outskirts of Moscow. He brought his sons to Washington in the mid-1980’s, and they showed them the tourist sights in the city.”

But when asked at his confirmation hearing to elaborate on that statement, Talbott squirmed. This time he “remembered” that he had known Mr. Louis “from 1969 until his death in the middle of 1992,” and that “even before several reporters were familiar with him.”

Helms was astonished at the discrepancy, and said so. “We already have the Department of State report and volumes of classified information about Mr. Louis. The evidence clearly points to the fact that Victor Louis reported to the KGB and his primary mission was to work foreign media contacts. Mr. Talbott’s response to the Committee clearly acknowledges that he had more than a casual relationship with this KGB agent, Victor Louis.”

When several investigative reporters called Victor Louis’s son, Anthony Louis, in Moscow and asked whether he had any recollections of visiting Talbott’s house in Washington as a boy. “I think you’d need to talk to Mr. Talbott about that,” he said “I don’t want to talk about this if he doesn’t want to talk about it.”

This is not to say, of course, that Talbott had any sort of formal relationship with Victor Louis or with the KGB. Talbott made it clear that he understood that Mr. Louis was in all likelihood working for the KGB, and that “it did not matter terribly” since he took the measure of his sources, and like any good journalist, only used information that checked out. “I never felt used or exploited or manipulated by Mr. Louis,” he told Helms.

That may be so. But whether Talbott was influenced by the KGB as a journalist, or was merely stricken with a romantic affection for Mother Russia, he repeatedly sang the tune of the KGB disinformation artists and continues to do so.

It is not as if Strobe has kept his thoughts all to himself, either. He recently gave a speech in which he wistfully predicted a world of no nations or governments–but a New World Order, where the UN runs things.”In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.” Strobe Talbot, President Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of State, as quoted in Time, July 20th, l992

Hey, Strobe, checked out the way the UN ‘runs things’ lately? Ever since the inception of that other ( the Mafia, which doesn’t really exist, was there first) corrupt body in NYC, with Hiss the commie’s commie at the helm, the UN has been a force for communism, a force against America, and using my own hard earned money to boot! What’s wrong with this picture?

Rarely has one man been wrong so often and been rewarded so much as Strobe Talbott. His Cold War writings on the Soviet Union would be great laugh lines on Jay Leno. He continues to have the ear of Bill Clinton, who has never opposed a single Talbott give-away to Russia, whether it involved expanded U.S. taxpayer credits for the former Yeltsin government, the unilateral U.S. concession not to develop ballistic missile defenses, or the administration’s intense lobbying of Congress to make sure no legislation is passed punishing Russia for its bad behavior in selling missiles to Iran and Iraq. Talbott’s relationship to the president is so strong that one State Department colleague, quoted in an otherwise glowing cover profile of Talbott in the Washington Post magazine, revealed that no career diplomat would even think of opposing Talbott and his Russia-first policies, unless he was avidly seeking to join the ranks of the unemployed.

As with the other commsymps (communist sympathizers) Strobe has quite the biography. Before being confirmed by the Senate( yeah, what WERE they thinking?) in 1994 as Deputy Secretary of State, Strobe was affiliated with Time magazine( starting an an intern in 1969) as Editor at Large, foreign affairs bureau,and authored books about diplomacy (as he sees it).

He wrote a series of three books on U.S.-Soviet arms control: one of which, Endgame: The Inside Story of SALT II (1979) tells me that Strategic Arms Limitations Agreement II, with the (former) Soviet Union , is just, in the words of Martha Stewart, ‘ a good thing.’ Of course Strobe doesn’t go into how the former Soviet Union can actually keep any agreement, if past is prologue. First START II will have to be renamed, since the Soviet Union how has a new name, The Confederation of States (what a riot), and then just burn the damn agreement since the ruskies ‘don’t play that’ anymore that Homey D. Clown does. Imagine what kind of simple mind would actually think the Soviet version of Charlie Brown and the football ain’t the norm since the Ruskies never keep agreements. They just sign and smile and laugh all the way to Krasnoyarsk, where they take all that American money and destroy useless weapons of mass destruction, to make new ones to ship all over the globe to every dictator with the bucks to buy. Guess Strobe can’t say ‘proliferation’, either.

Mr. Talbott served as a trustee of Yale University and the Hotchkiss School and as a director of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, The Council on Foreign Relations, and The Aspen Strategy Group. Quite the resume for a member of the Department of State.

“The most powerful clique in these (CFR) groups have one objective in common: they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and the national independence of the U.S. They want to end national boundaries and racial and ethnic loyalties supposedly to increase business and ensure world peace. What they strive for would inevitably lead to dictatorship and loss of freedoms by the people. The CFR was founded for “the purpose of promoting disarmament and submergence of U.S. sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful one-world government.” ( Harpers, July l958)

All you have to do is look at the picture of Strobe to see the heavy brow, the tight lips, the lack of smile lines to see a crabby old commie lost in the radical 1960s. But just like each and every member of the Clinton administration, working feverishly behind the scenes to effect the destruction of America as we have known it, these commiesymps only see the utopian world as their Marxist handlers have drawn it. Talk about myopia! Where I see communism or socialism, I see misery for the citizen/slave. Where I see freedom, I see happier families. I wonder why these leftist commiesymps live in the horrible USA, when they can easily live under communism in Russia, or Cuba for example. I also confess I don’t recall reading of anyone trying to climb the Berlin Wall to get INTO East Germany, nor do I remember any news stories of leaky rafts on the way TO Cuba.

Some radicals just never outgrew their distaste for everything America has given, to bite the hand that fed them, gave them their cushy lives and freedom to rant, gave them the very representative democracy of tolerance which they now want to deny to us.

In his own words:

“Here is one optimist’s reason for believing unity will prevail… I’ll bet that within the next hundred years, nationhood as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. A phrase briefly fashionable in the mid-20th century — ‘citizen of the world’ — will have assumed real meaning by the end of the 21st …” — U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbot, TIME magazine column, July 20, 1992.]

Remarking about the cold war: Talbot characterized Western policy toward the Kremlin as a “grotesque exaggeration” based on a “paranoid fantasy” of an imaginary threat to West Europe. Gee, Russian missiles in Cuba, a “paranoid fantasy”? BioIogical and chemical weapons made in Russia to this very day, “imaginary”? I wonder if Strobe is the advisor who has Clinton making all those ‘gestures’ to new Russian president Putin, in which the US will cut off it’s own nuclear nose to save the commie’s face.

In 1993, Talbot’s love affair with his beloved Mother Russia, via revisionion, became official policy when the Clinton administration pushed through Congress the (ironically named) ‘Friendship Act’, which stripped from congressional resolutions all references critical of past Soviet actions. No more talk of all the millions slaughtered by the commies. I guess once the history is rewritten, once free speech and behaviour is regulated, those dead just disappear from the memories of their loved ones.

Maybe they are smart enough to realize that communism is really capitalism for the very few at the top, and Strobe wants his place at the top, while giving us the bottom. One thing these commiesymps have in common: they sure do love their perks and pleasures at the top. And they sure as hell need us slaves at the bottom to provide it to them. Count me out.


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