The country is gone: What can we do? (Part I)

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Written By Alan Stang

Gather ‘round, my friends. It’s time for another come to Jesus discussion. To validate the inflammatory title above, I offer three recent developments. First, you already know about the Extreme Court’s ruling in Kelo, which says in effect that if local governments can find somebody, some corporation, that can pay more under the table than the local gauleiters can extort from homeowners, then the former can kick the latter out and use eminent domain to make the stink bomb smell legal.

At the time, you probably retched, as I did. With a manful effort, I was able to suppress the vomit. Did you soil your attire? But now comes a ruling by another Communist court that will make your vomit taste like Mom’s tapioca pudding. Enter the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals, in U.S. v. $124,700, decided August 19th, 2006.

If this is the first time you have run into such a case, you may wonder how the government could sue an amount of money. Shouldn’t it sue an individual? The explanation is that an individual has rights; money has none, so it can’t defend itself and is much easier to sue.

Believe it or not, the court actually uses the Alice in Wonderland/Gilbert & Sullivan/Soviet (take your pick) term, “defendant currency.” The marvel is that allegedly adult men can use such a term in public without breaking down in uncontrollable giggles. I know I would especially if I were the federal judge recently sentenced to four years in prison for using a penis pump in court.

What happened? Emilio Gomez Gonzolez (oh, oh) flew to Chicago with a one-way ticket (no, no). A Nebraska state trooper stopped him on I-80 driving a rented car with someone else’s name on the paperwork (oh, oh). Hidden in a cooler, the trooper found the “defendant currency.” Extremely suspicious, yes? Not at all the way you and I would do things.

Mr. Gonzolez says the “defendant currency” actually represented the combined investment, including some life savings, of some associates and Mr. Gonzolez himself. He flew to Chicago one-way to buy a refrigerated truck they planned to use in business but it had been sold when he arrived. Someone warned him about flying with so much cash, so he rented a car to go home, but, since he had no credit card, a friend put his name on the paperwork. He hid the cash in a cooler to protect it.

And guess what? All this turns out to be true. Illegal narcotics were not involved. There was no crime. Mr. Gonzolez did have the cash and did go to Chicago one-way for the reason he gave. The court pointed to the fact that years before, Mr. Gonzolez had been “arrested” for drunk driving, but it doesn’t say he was convicted.

Does that mean he wasn’t? If you are not convicted, doesn’t that mean you are not convicted, innocent? If it doesn’t, it means that Clinton’s impeachment was the same as conviction and that he should have been kicked out. Of course, “I am not a lawyer,” surely one of the stupidest things Americans have been brainwashed to say. It assumes you can’t talk about your law unless you are a lawyer. Guess what? Even the Extreme Court says that if a man of ordinary intelligence can’t understand a law, it’s void.

Despite all this, the court found for the government and let the police steal the man’s money, thereby offering the police a lucrative reason to become thieves. If they can concoct a reason to connect cash to narcotics, they can steal it. The rewards are so great; if necessary they could plant one.

The court puts it this way: “Possession of a large sum of cash is ‘strong evidence’ of a connection to drug activity.” The court doesn’t define “large.” The ruling goes a long way toward making cash illegal. The conspiracy for world government hates cash because it means freedom and privacy. Try to buy an airline ticket these days with cash.

Which recalls that even some years ago, my wife and I entered a bank. I told the teller I wanted to buy traveler’s checks. She told me I needed to fill out a federal form. I asked why I needed to fill out a federal form to buy a mere $2,000 worth, yes, $2,000. She summoned the manager who said, “You could be a drug pusher.” That’s right, with $2,000 of cash in your attaché case, that’s what you could be.

In other words, the law is no longer something you look up in a book. The law is whatever the government says it is at the time, which means in effect that there is no law. Along with Kelo, the ruling makes the government – the police department – the most dangerous, most malevolent gang on the streets. The law is worse than “a ass,” it’s a deadly sham.

The second example concerns the two Border Patrol officers recently convicted for chasing a career felon who was trying to smuggle 800 pounds of marijuana into this country. In 2005, one of them was nominated as Border Patrol officer of the year. In 2006, they face twenty years in prison. Later, the career smuggler they tried to arrest was arrested again, trying to smuggle still more illegal narcotics across the border. He was released and now is suing the Border Patrol for $5 million dollars. Both officers have lost their homes.

As I write, I realize that, if you haven’t heard of this elsewhere, you may begin to suspect the story is one of my tricks. It isn’t; no joke or surprise is coming. I have embellished nothing. The jury convicted because the judge allowed the suppression of evidence, including the smuggler’s criminal record, his violation of immunity and the accused officers’ exemplary records.

I have explained the meaning of this horror many times, but infinity is not enough. The most important thing you need to know about it is that this is conspirator for world government Jorge Boosh’s policy. Yes, right wing Communist talk radio – from Laura to Limbaugh – bemoans our immigration policies, because they would lose credibility if they did not, but they schizophrenically never explain whose policy it is.

It is the policy of world government traitor Jorge W. Boosh. How do we know that? We know it because were Boosh to pick up the phone and say, “Stop this at once!” – it would stop at once. And since he does not pick up the phone and say that, we know that the present horror is exactly what he wants. It sends a message to other Border Patrol agents to do nothing or face prison and the loss of their homes.

The third proof is something we have already discussed: the attempt by Monopoly Medicine and the courts to force medical treatment on 16-year-old Abraham Cherrix in Virginia. Remember that Abraham took chemotherapy, which failed. He elected to use an alternative regimen and Monopoly Medicine tried to force him to take the same failed chemotherapy again.

Remember that forced medical treatment is a basic element of Nazism. In the beginning it had nothing to do with Jews. Nazi doctors explained that because Jews wereuntermenschen, “subhumans,” they were “not good enough” for it because it was so “humane.” The Nazis applied it to Jews only at the end, not the beginning. The same Nazi principle is being applied here. Yes, spontaneous, national outrage forced the court to back up temporarily, but it is still in charge.

Of course there are many more examples. These three are simply the most outrageous. They tell me that the country is gone. What does that mean? It means that the treason perpetrated by Boosh, by Clinton and their predecessors and the treasonous twits who serve them has now corrupted us – destroyed our foundation – to such an extent for so long that the system they hate with such passionate intensity can never return.

Conflict will erupt that will dwarf mass murderer Abraham Lincoln’s War to Destroy the Union. There will be considerable physical destruction and many casualties. What will emerge from the wreckage will be something else. Of course, the Marxists will call it a “synthesis,” which in turn will become a new “thesis.” But this does not mean that everything will be lost.

Remember that these united States are not mere geographical entities and not just the people they contain. Unlike most other nations, ours is to a considerable extent an idea, an experiment, if you will. Yes, an idea is something that lives inside a man’s head, but a successful idea takes on a life of its own. And the idea of America has been around too long to disappear, a “shining city on a hill.”

It will endure whatever traitor Boosh does, and however few the people who recite it, however tarnished it becomes. The record shows that the more it is crushed, the more it will spring up. Again, because it is an idea, it is not tied to a particular piece of land. When it springs up – like the persnickety blade of grass that bursts forth in the cracks on a sidewalk – it could do so in an entirely different place on the planet. When it does so, it will still be Americanism.

Meanwhile, what can we do? What sort of conflict do I expect? I see that our time for this session is gone. Be with me next week, when I’ll review a remarkable book.

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