That nagging feeling: Something’s very wrong

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Written By Dorothy Anne Seese

There have been comments published by the media from the so-called “undecided” voters in America.  Actually their comments reflect that they’ve decided but don’t know what to do about it.  There’s that feeling that something is greatly wrong, both in America and in the world, and no one knows what to do about it, no one has the power to take control and restore order and sanity to the nation or to the world in which we live.The undecided are simply undecided about what to do when there’s no clear choice.  One road may lead to endless war, the other road to socialized medicine, spiraling taxes and a nation even more dependent on government.  Actually these are the thinking people who realize that while many at the grassroots level may be thinking about America, those at the top appear to be thinking about themselves.  That’s what happens in dictatorships and this time around, the election appears to offer very poor choices to Americans who want America restored.The most frustrating part of this whole mess is the absence of clear, capable leadership with a view to America in mind.

We look at America and hear the same old rhetoric as if nothing much had changed since 1952.  Slurs are worse, there is less dignity everywhere, parents and children are out of control, the government is far too large and unwieldy to be effective except at snooping on the citizens, some activities are positively Orwellian, and at the very time we need decisive leadership in the right direction headed by people with vision and courage, we find neocons and blathermouth liberals repeating their same scripted talks on television shows.  Frustration mounts.

Then we look at the world — televised beheadings of noncombatants, strange diseases crop up in various parts of the world and make landfall in America shortly thereafter, our daily lives have been interrupted by devastating forest fires, an unusual number of tornadoes and hurricanes, severe drought followed by intense rains and flooding, and half way around the world the same is true in Taiwan and Japan with record typhoons.   Icecaps are melting, sea life is dying, forests are receding, and killing is rampant everywhere.

What’s going on?  It wasn’t this way twenty years ago in the 1984 elections. Ronald Reagan won, some insurgents were causing distress in isolated areas, but the world generally and America in particular was less raunchy and vulgar than it has become today.   We’re on a moral and social downslide as well as a political toboggan ride down the slippery slopes of world power.  Where are we?  Who are we?  Is there anywhere that is sane?

Probably not.

What my generation was taught was cause and effect.  Subsequent generations were instructed to disbelieve in cause and effect other than being applicable to scientific projects, in the social world it was a myth handed down from an old religious age where people believed in accountability.  Well that old religious age produced great leaders, education that far surpasses what is handed off as “education” today, and a general belief in personal responsibility and accountability.  It produced respect and yet in America offered great opportunity.

Then someone decided that government could do a better job by being bigger, more intrusive, more inclusive, more “tolerant” of everything that used to be intolerable, and intolerant of what used to be civilized behavior.  America turned a full one-eighty in the years between 1965 and the present.  What used to be good is bad, what used to be bad is good, and we have a ramshackle mess of a society soaked in liberal values until we reek like a massive compost heap in the middle of the city.  That means, we stink.  We stink here and we stink around the world.   Worse, the nations that are complaining that we stink are stinking just as badly.   The whole world stinks, we smell it, we feel it, it permeates our bones, and that’s why all that the media can call the people who see this and vocalize some of it as “undecided.”  It’s like wondering whether the guillotine or the firing squad is preferable for one’s execution.  What a pleasant thing to contemplate.

Want to see a visual comparison?  Very well, it is available almost every night of the week on the classic movie channel.  Look at the manner in which people dressed and spoke.  Notice the absence of vulgarity, cursing, disrespect, drugs, and a moral to the story that said evil will be punished.  Observe also the talent needed to produce those scripts and direct such movies, and the talent of the fully-clothed actors and actresses.  They evoked good emotions, sensitivity to human emotions and needs, they addressed the people as if those who paid money to see the screening of the film deserved the best they could give.

Look at country music today.  Only a few years back, country was deemed to be the core of blue collar America, the music of the working class and the people with a pioneer background.  Today the women dress like whores and the men look like they need a bath, shave and a new set of clothes (and a job).  Millionaires are being made out of people selling absolute trash.  Why?  Because millions of people who love trash are buying their videos and attending their concerts.  Roy Rogers would be an absolute failure today, but in the 1940’s he was a hero because of his decency.

A nation of tramps isn’t going to produce very many people of worth.  Perhaps that’s why neither of the candidates for president can match the election rivalry even of Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan, and that was just 1980 — twenty-four years ago!   Since the election of the Clintons to the White House this nation has plunged into the depths of depravity with no signs of emerging, and regardless of his personal demeanor the incumbent president has not been able to change this direction in which the nation keeps heading.  He cannot do it with another term in office and liberal socialist John Kerry, who spent some time in Vietnam only to emerge a vehement and outlandish war protester rather than a man of vision who could educate decently on the wrongs of the Vietnam war is his opponent.

Is that confusing?  Certainly.  Which non-leader will get your vote?

Bill Clinton tried to please everyone by not being able to distinguish the truth from his fantasies and attempting to please everyone, and is still a top media favorite.   He wants to be Secretary-General of the United Nations and meld America into its global village.  John Kerry will most surely aid him in doing that.  Whether George Bush would or not remains to be seen, provided he wins. He has differing views on globalism, more of the idea of spreading Americanism around the globe when we cannot keep it ourselves.  Kerry wants the US to join the world on the world’s terms, Bush wants to spread the America we lost to areas that don’t want it.  Pardon me, but both positions are untenable.

Our nation has kicked out God and cannot see retribution coming back at it as we lose more and more of our liberty and the resources that make us strong.  People may forget, God does not.

There is one generation of people fighting for this nation’s sovereignty and respectability, and that is the generation of people over fifty who recall and want to recover the kind of America we had in the 1940’s and 1950’s.  When this generation passes, then all that will be left are those who were educated under the federalized revisionist system of non-learning.  Such generations will not know history, won’t care about it, will never have been instructed in cause and effect, and will believe that large government is better government and the only way to save the planet is by government fiat, not individual cooperation and responsibility.

That uneasy feeling is a sensitivity to the negativism that has to accompany a nation in decline and a world in chaos.  There’s no voting one’s way out of it, there is a return to the principles (on an individual basis) that make for a strong nation and a strong people.  Such a choice for individual strength and virtue requires returning to the godliness that made the nation great.

The undecided must first decide on their worldview and individual position as people of character, then if they choose to vote, do so with the understanding that they are only filling an office with the unworthy until the worthy can gain place once again.

Those who believe in God, the Christian God, do well to take up their responsibilities to civic duties as well as to get busy praying for revival in this nation such as has never been seen before even if volcanoes pop out like chicken pox spots in all fifty states.  As to “terrorism” we used to call that sabotage, and we executed saboteurs. We aren’t quite used to decapitators, but they deserve execution in return and possibly in like manner. In that respect nothing should change.  Traitors, savages and foreign saboteurs deserve the harshest punishment. In all other matters of the nation, we have documents by which this land is to be ruled, we merely need to return to them and do away with all the extraneous and illegal laws passed since the United States of America became a nation.

The uneasy feeling comes from not expecting any of the above to happen, and to seek change in areas where no real change for the better will exist.  Change for the worse may well happen.

The nagging feeling will not go away but we may well find out why we had it unless we, personally, effect some changes in this nation by what we watch, do, permit, accept and disregard.

Cause and effect — in action 24 hours a day.  Every day.

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