Speak now: or forever shut up

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Written By Alan Stang

For many years, I traveled the country on interminable speaking tours, trying to alert the citizenry to the totalitarian disaster that was approaching. Some of those tours took five, six, even seven weeks to complete, a long time to be away from home. That is why today I have only five kids.

Every day found me in a different town, in a different motel. On a typical morning, my hosts would cart me from Rotary to Lions to Kiwanis for a speaking breakfast, then from radio station to television studio to newspaper for interviews, and then from high school to college class for appearances. Often, we would do an Optimist or maybe a women’s club for a speaking lunch.

After lunch, back in my motel room, I would write the magazine articles and radio news commentary I had to do, and then in the evening my hosts would haul me to the main lecture I was there to give. Often, after the lecture, there would be late night talk radio; sometimes, after that talk show, they would hustle me to the airport and dump me, because the next morning my hosts in the next town had booked me on a talk show or a breakfast there, so early that I had to fly in the night before. The new people would meet my plane, hustle me to the new motel and dump me.

After a while on this schedule, the victim gets punchy. I remember a couple of times when I woke up in a motel room and couldn’t remember where I was. No problem; you simply look at the matchbook, where the name of the motel will appear. But once, the matchbook was completely blank, stark white. Still no problem; you simply call the desk. But this was not the Four Seasons; the switchboard was closed for the night. So, I had to wait until the next morning to find out where I was. It is mildly unsettling not to know which state you are in.

My mission, in every town, at every appearance, was to arouse everyone who would listen to action, to motivate them to oppose the totalitarian juggernaut that was threatening to devour the nation. Everywhere I went, I met people who told me they were aware of the problem and that – when it got bad enough – they would take action.

Often I would find myself at the local American Legion or VFW hall. In the bar, there would always be a man with a beer who would tell me: “Son, I been fightin’ Communism since before you was born!” He would assure me that when it got bad enough – when the Communists came to take his gun, for instance – he would rise. This was happening when we still thought the Communists were the whole problem, before we learned that they were merely errand boys and head busters.

The reason all this now comes again to mind is that in the present context, the totalitarian threat my colleagues and I were so worried about then, today seems quaint; looks in comparison like a dignified dispute in a seminary class. And I am still waiting for Middle America to take the action they promised. As best I can tell, these good folks are today even less inclined to act than they were those many years ago, hypnotized by Fox News and other extrusions of the “vast right wing conspiracy.”

This is especially remarkable, because the Communists now completely control our government, and no longer even bother to hide. What? The Communists control our government? You’re out of your mind!

Am I? By now, everyone who is even mildly interested knows that men who call themselves “neo-conservatives,” or just “neo-cons,” control the U.S. government and implement policy. The “neo-cons” are Trotskyites, disciples of Lev Davidovich Bronstein. As Leon Trotsky, Bronstein was one of the top Communists who seized power in Russia in 1917.

He was the chief founder and leader of the Red Army and minister of war. He crushed the rebellion of the Russian sailors at Kronstadt. He was the main advocate of “permanent revolution,” in which the Communists never stop trying to seize other countries by means of perpetual war, rather than take time to digest.

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, who took the name Lenin, was the supreme leader of the Communist revolution in Russia. He died in 1924 and Trotsky went nose to nose for mastery with Iosif Vissarionovich Dzugashvili, a former seminary student who called himself Comrade “Steel” (Stalin). Stalin won and became Soviet dictator. Trotsky lost and went into exile.

He could just as well have won and been dictator for many years, like Stalin. History shows that power is a supremely fickle mistress. For want of a nail a kingdom was lost and maybe if Trotsky had convinced one more Communist to take his side, the outcome would have been different.

When he went into exile, he was still a Communist. He still believed everything he had believed. He was still immensely influential in the international Communist conspiracy for world government. Indeed, long after he had won, Stalin was still afraid of him. Stalin sent assassins to kill him; one of them finally succeeded in 1940 in Mexico. He wormed his way into Trotsky’s confidence and buried an axe in his head.

Trotsky was gone but his ideas and his followers remained. His followers were and are “Trotskyites” and, like the Communist whose ardent disciples they are, they too are Communists. Let’s put a small “c” on the word, if you like, to distinguish these communists from Communists who belong to the Communist Party, but remember that some of the most influential communists don’t belong and never belong to the Communist Party. The Party itself tells them they can do more for Communism on the outside. By “Communist,” or “communist,” if you prefer, we simply mean someone who believes in Communism and works to impose it.

Okay so far? Again, the communists control our government and no longer need to hide. I don’t need to name them. You even know who they are. Wolfowitz, for just one example. Because his name is so eerily appropriate for what he does – like Stalin’s – I assume it is a revolutionary moniker he chose. For all I know, his real name is Bill Smith or Ted Jones.

And the communists who control our government are implementing the Communist program. We are always at war. The intervals between wars that used to be called “peace” are unnatural; we are at war now, and the communists in control are arranging the next war even before we finish this one. The only question seems to be, whom shall we attack? George Washington’s wise policy has been thrown into the toilet.

Most important, freedom of speech in our country now hangs by a thread. What? That’s preposterous! We have more freedom of speech than ever! Do we? Yes, there is freedom to speak about J. Lo and Hillaroid and other inanities. There is freedom to speak of one’s admiration for George W. Bush. But freedom of speech is not measured by what the media make popular.

Try speaking about women – or often even to women – at work. Try speaking about race, about buggery, about illegal aliens, about Israel. Indeed, try talking about Christianity and Jesus Christ in school. Americans have already lost their jobs and reputations – maybe even their minds and lives – for making comments, even accidental comments, on such issues. The communists in power are creating an atmosphere in which Americans are too terrified to speak about things that really matter. Regular readers know that the name of this process is “brainwashing.” We don’t need to prove it again.

The latest victim of the process is a gentleman named Dusty Baker. I had never heard of him until a few days ago. I am told he is a black baseball manager, who stands accused of saying that his black players play better in hot weather than his white players. Goodness! Will he be “rockered,” subjected to the same (mis)treatment suffered by Atlanta pitcher John Rocker? John was almost destroyed after making some judicious comments about people he saw in New York.

So now I return to perhaps my favorite question. When will you folks in Middle America take the action you promised? When will you speak up? You didn’t speak up years ago because you were afraid. Today the thing you were afraid of is much worse; it is getting worse every day. It won’t get better by itself. And only you can stop it. The situation is bad, but you can still speak. If you keep saying nothing, a time could soon arrive in which you will be unable to speak, in which freedom of speech will be against the law. It already is against the law in some respects. If you are going to do it, now is the time.

The first thing you need to speak about is the fact that communists could be running our government only if the President who employs them – and at whose exclusive pleasure they serve – is a communist himself.

Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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