Some of the best brains in America are brainwashed

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Written By Al Cronkrite


Image courtesy of Neil Conway under CC BY 2.0.

Wordsmith Fred Reed’s last column reminded us that President Bush was at one time a male cheerleader. In his own inimitable vernacular Reed wrote that cheerleading is usually considered to be in the female domain and that there is a troubling element of eccentricity in men who enjoy it. Fred describes our President as a cheerleader who favors torture and as a “little man” who wishes to show his manhood. He goes on to outline the almost unlimited authority President Bush has been able to accrue to himself and broaches the fear of a coup d’etat that would keep him in power.

After reading Fred Reed’s column, I watched the President’s news conference on television (hard to take and I seldom do it) and was struck with his repetitive use of meaningless clichés. He frequently uses the word “Democracy” and every other sentence seems to contain the word “enemy“. “Al Qaeda” is often mentioned. Though he, himself, is responsible for the loss of many of our freedoms and the Constitutional safeguards that protected them, he constantly refers to our “freedom“. He has perfect prescience and knows that if we fail to conquer Iraq it will become a terrorist state and the “enemy” will come after us here in our home territory. He is prone to a repetitive prolixity of emotion packed but poorly defined words and extended explanations. He speaks to emotions but does not engage minds.

One might make the case that dictators must talk their way to despotism. Citizens want to have faith in their government and if the proper words are spoken they will accept them even when they are divorced from reality. Hitler was noted for his speeches as were Mussolini, Fidel Castro, and Francisco Franco of Spain. In the initial stages of his regime Castro was reported to have held his audience rapt for as long as four hours.

With the elections coming up President George W. Bush has mounted an offensive (pun intended). He is very good at what he does. His repetitive clichés find a home in the American electorate and though he fails to hold a rapt audience for four hours he does convince enough naïve voters to win elections.

I have a close friend who believes Muslims are implacable enemies of the United States and that if we disengage in Iraq they will use that nation as a base for terrorist operations in America. It is his opinion and he supports the Bush war because of it.

It is my contention that the creation of the State of Israel, the inordinate military support United States has provided it coupled with the pervasive manipulations of the governments of the nations of the Middle East by the CIA and other U. S. government operatives, has created a reservoir of resentment against us. The War in Iraq has turned that resentment to hate.

We have been responsible for the deaths of over 600 thousand civilians in Iraq. Muslims may hate Christians but terrorism was not an issue before the creation of the State of Israel and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of human beings created in the image of God over an opinion is an outrage of great proportions.

In WW II the ratio of dead soldiers to dead civilians was about 50-50, during the Vietnam War it went to 80-20, and in the Iraq War it is 99.5-.5. The figures indicate that for every American casualty there are 200 Iraqi civilian killed.

My friend asked me what I would recommend.

I have no respect for the Muslim religion but there is no excuse for the United States to launch a pre-emptive war on a nation that was of no immediate threat to us or to anyone else. Though I am not a military expert, it is my opinion that we should withdraw our troops from Iraq, cease all support to the Nation of Israel, and stop attempting to manipulate the governments of the nations of the Middle east. I believe those three major policy changes would stop the terrorist attacks on America. My friend disagrees.

If my friend is correct and attacks continued against a neutral America, I would first use police forces to apprehend terrorists and if that was not successful I would wholeheartedly support a war against any nation involved in terrorist attacks on our soil.

Invading and occupying any nation in order to create a democracy is an oxymoronic endeavor. When our President opines about bringing freedom and democracy to Iraq he is attempting to brain wash the American people into believing fiction. The same mind twisting agenda is being foisted on the Iraqi people. Our President and his cadre are attempting to convince Iraqi citizens that the new government will be controlled by popular vote. What is being attempted in Iraq is the same procedure that was accomplished following WWII in Japan, Italy, and Germany. United States still has soldiers stationed in all three nations. The citizens believe their countries are sovereign, but the strings of manipulation are ever present and all three of these nations are in the American pocket (America is in the pocket of the cabal).

A half decade ago I wrote an article on cognitive dissonance pointing to the pervasive efforts of our government to condition our citizens to accept pernicious policies illogically labeled as beneficial. Today, the gap between reality and the actions of our government has grown wider.

When everyone involved in our government and media like a herd of compliant sheep put small American flags in their lapels; when the top Generals in our army are willing to accept the concept that women are physically equal to men and to conduct their public policies as if that is a fact; and, when our legislators who have sworn to uphold the Constitution with a straight face pass legislation that abolishes its tenets, it is understandably quite easy to get them all to fall in line with whatever outrageous lie their maximum leaders put forth.

Hundreds of thousands of Evangelical Christians, forsaking all sound theology, are overcome with the emotional frenzy of the Second Coming. They bury their heads in the sand and become willing to support a nation of neo-Pharisees that not only banishes The Savior but were He to come now, would again seek to nail Him to a cross. This is a new pinnacle in cognitive dissonance.

That is bad enough but it gets worse. Christian leaders expressed their preference and voted for the current Bush II regime, not once but twice. James Dobson, Pat Robinson, D. James Kennedy, Jerry Falwell, Phyllis Schlafly and dozens of other Evangelicals ignored third party candidates honestly seeking to bring reform and along with hundreds of thousands of followers voted in the treasonous Council on Foreign Relations flavored regime of George W. Bush. I read recently that James Dobson admitted he was not satisfied with the Republican Party (this should win a prize as an understatement) but could not contemplate the alternative.

Now just when you think you are at the bottom of the barrel there is an even deeper level. Here is where two of the more orthodox and cerebral Reformed Christian leaders stand. David Behansenvoted for Arnold Schwarzenegger. Click here to see what he wrote.

Pastor Joe Morecroft believes there is no sin involved in voting for the evil contained in the Democratic and Republican party policies.

Unfortunately, there are many other Reformed Christian leaders who hide behind expository preaching, support the Bush Presidency, and fail to understand and engage the abject sin being forced on God’s creation.

In a previous essay I used this mathematical exercise to prove the folly of voting for shades of evil. If 4 is assumed to be righteous and 3 7/8 allows for a slight error, the error in the 3.875 figure is slightly over 3%. If the two figures, 4 and 3.875, are taken to the fourth power the error becomes 17%. Numerical error compounds quickly, political error does too.

It is astonishing that in the midst of long standing social entropy resulting from the policies of the two major political parties Church leaders would shun their fellow third party Christian candidates and publicly support major shades of evil. Pragmatism is the only explanation for this behavior and the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is not pragmatic!

I understand that third party candidates would face a formidable task in attempting to govern to the standards they promise but that task would have the support of voters and even if turmoil resulted it would have to be better that what we are getting.

To maintain righteousness in a Democracy citizens must vote on principle (what is best for the nation); not party affiliation, nor on ability to win. Support must always flow to the candidate that promises to foster the most righteous policies. Whenever voters deviate from that primary objective a Democratic nation begins to deteriorate.

President George W. Bush is a puppet to the financial cabal that seeks world domination. The Council on Foreign Relations is an arm of that group and is the source of the policies being fostered by his administration. The North American Union is a cherished goal of Rockefeller forces and Henry Kissinger, Bush’s close advisor, is a Rockefeller operative.

With all of his cunning mendacity President George W. Bush is a quisling of questionable character. He disregards, disobeys, and overrides the law.  His policies are designed to circumvent Constitutional government and exhaust American power in endless Middle East wars so the nation can become part of the North American Union and later One World Government.

For several decades the United States Constitution has been overridden and has become progressively anachronistic. Subverting the Constitution is a primary objective of the Bush Administration; its mandates must be forgotten in the face of One World Government. Many of the plethora of laws passed to “protect American citizens” (another Bush cliché) contend with the Constitution.

The coming war against Iran is designed to subdue the last nation of any size that might resist the Luciferian forces. Secularism in the One World Order requires the eradication of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism.

Our Christian leaders are supporting a government that has been in the process of enslaving America for the past Century. The Federal Reserve System started the ball rolling, it was followed by the Income Tax, which was followed by the Great Depression, Roosevelt’s power-infused Socialism, World War II, the United Nations, clandestine subversions of national sovereignties, and now the final stages.

President George W. Bush may have had a conversion experience but the god that created that experience could not have been the exclusive Trinitarian God of the Christian religion else his rhetoric and the policies of his administration would be quite different. Christians need to pray that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob would touch his heart and change his ways.

The former cheerleader, the wily man with the big ego, the brainwashing orator, the moral midget, the treasonous leader, the crafty proponent of open borders – he acts more like a Communist apparatchik than a true American leader.

Also, those beady eyes bother me!


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