Sick & tired of 9/11 lies: Our voices must be heard

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Written By Alan Homcy

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I’m sick and tired of both Republicans and Democrats politicizing 9/11. They’re both equally guilty. I’m sick and tired of Republicans characterizing anyone who questions the official government story as being a “Bush Hater,” and I’m sick and tired of the Democrats using 9/11 as a political football to gain an edge in the upcoming election.

Despite the mainstream news saturation about the 9/11 hearings, nobody is saying anything. The bickering and name-calling bring to mind spoiled 5 year olds. The administration appointed commission has proven itself to be a sham, unwilling to ask the probing questions that would truly make the witnesses squirm.

The problem is that the commission has framed their inquiry with certain a priori assumptions, from which their line of inquiry flows. The tacit assumption is that the following statements are irrefutable:

  1. The 9/11 attacks happened precisely the way they were reported by the mainstream press, and our government was caught totally by surprise.
  2. They were planned and executed solely by Osama Bin Laden and Al Queda.
  3. All material evidence conclusively shows that points 1 and 2 are true beyond any reasonable doubt.

This is like holding hearings about how far one can sail before falling off the end of the earth. The entire debate is predicated on the assumption that the earth is flat. But outside the courtroom, a crowd of citizens is screaming that the earth is round, while those inside are locked in debate over whether the distance is 50 miles, 100 miles, or 200 miles. The point is that if the foundation is unstable, it really doesn’t matter if you go with the mauve or the teal drapes.

Now if statements 1,2, and 3 are indeed true, then the line of inquiry makes sense, but if there still exists legitimate doubt about these statements, then the questions are irrelevant. It’s like a group of blind hunters arguing about who shot off the elephant’s bill or the elephant’s wings, while a duck lies dead at their feet. Regardless of who wins the argument, it’s still a duck.

So here we have the CFR sponsored commission asking about who knew what about Osama and Al Queda and when they knew it. Whoa. First, please share with those of us who pay your salaries the top-secret body of evidence that proves their guilt. And please don’t show us that grainy videotaped “confession” starring the fat Osama, or the incredible indestructible passport that somehow survived the carnage at ground zero that liquefied the black boxes. By the way, whenever something blows up, every terrorist group on the planet claims responsibility, even if they were not involved, because their cause is furthered only by planting their flag on the rubble. Why has Bin Laden failed to take credit for the most successful and devastating terrorist attack in history? Humble terrorist is an oxymoron.

The CFR sponsored commission is investigating the supposed breakdowns in intelligence. Whoa. FBI agent Colleen Rowley’s request for a search warrant of a suspicious flight student’s laptop was categorically denied, causing Rowley to suspect foul play since such requests were never denied. She subsequently wrote impassioned letters to FBI Director Robert Mueller begging for explanation, which she never received. Breakdown? More like a decision. When intelligence agents were threatened with firing if they continued to investigate Bin Laden and Saudi sponsored terrorists, is that a breakdown? When FBI translator Sibel Edmonds was told to ignore pre-9/11 transmitted warnings and offered a promotion to keep her mouth shut, is that a breakdown? When Russian and Jordanian intelligence officials delivered firsthand accounts that Bin Laden was going to carry out massive US attacks in late summer of 2001 to key government officials, was that too a breakdown? When huge volumes of put options were suspiciously placed on airlines and securities firms directly affected by the WTC attacks, all under the watchful eyes of the FBI and Justice Department’s PROMIS software, the sole purpose of which is to immediately identify and red flag just such activity, is this also characterized as a “breakdown?”

It’s as if the 9/11 believers and the 9/11 skeptics are living in parallel universes. The CFR sponsored commission, mainstream media, and nearly all government officials parse millions of documents looking for needles in the proverbial haystack, while thousands of independent researchers and concerned Americans wait outside, banging on the soundproof windows screaming that the dots have been connected. Many of us, myself included, voted for Bush and could care less about politics. Both conservatives and liberals, we want to know the truth. We have been lied to long enough. We’re prepared to deal with the truth.

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