Romans 13: Is God a nazi?

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Written By Alan Stang

Something that ratcheted the Communist revolution to a new level happened recently in Los Angeles. By now you know that at least one school principal there – a revolutionary himself – announced that he is not teaching the children in his care to be Americans; but instead to be citizens of some other nation and culture.

For instance, he is teaching them Nahuatl. Never heard of it? You could probably put the people who speak it into a telephone booth, so it won’t be very helpful, even in Los Angeles. He is also teaching them Mandarin Chinese, which would be helpful in Peking. Does he know something we don’t know? Of course he is doing that at government expense. Needless to say, the Communist network media skunks are not at all dismayed.

What you may not know – I know something about it only because I was in Los Angeles at the time – is that KABC, one of the top radio stations in that market, sent reporter Sandy Wells to the school to cover the story. Wells did some reporting and interviews on tape. I don’t have all the facts – apparently the national news is ignoring them – but apparently a car tried to run him down, a felony.

The reporter fled with his equipment; the driver – a Latino man – got out of his car and gave chase, caught him and attacked him, another felony. I don’t know exactly what happened. The station says the assailant tried to steal his equipment, yet another felony, and managed to get away with the tape. The cops are still looking for the perpetrator. The school says it has no idea who did it.

The Communist network news skunks apparently do not think the incident important enough to make it a cause célèbre, even though the victim was one of their own. Let’s celebrate it anyway, because it could be the harbinger of a dramatic change, in which the media skunks are finally forced to realize that whatever happens to us in the revolution they are helping to foment will happen to them too.

Wouldn’t you love to see Katie Kook and sleazy Communist scumbag Mike Wallace and Republicrud front man Hannity running for their lives? Not very likely because there is a difference between the network skunks and the local media – Kook keeps herself very well insulated from hoi polloi – but as the violence intensifies it could happen. Of course Mike has been gone in the head for decades. Remember, I used to write his show.

This recalls the fact that the people are not going to act until the disaster gets as bad as it can get, so let’s not discourage ourselves when it does. As long as the corporate socialism continues and the checks arrive, the people will keep electing Communist world government traitors like Smirk W. Bush and sexual predators like On Your Knees Clinton. They will do nothing to save themselves until they are inconvenienced, so they will amply deserve whatever they get.

Of course all this applies not alone to local media, but also to people in local government, to school officials, to politically correct local businessmen, etc. They remind me of Siegfried and Roy, who ran one of the top shows in Vegas, until one of their tigers almost killed Roy. You can feed the tiger, you can befriend it, but it will always be a tiger and it will turn on you. Its purpose in life is to tear off your head.

The local power structure is shooting craps with the tiger. The power boys think they can manipulate the tiger; that the tiger will eat everyone else, but spare them. They think the traitors at the top will invite them to live in the vast underground cities they have built. But what if that is not the case? What if that invitation never comes and the local judge, the principal, the legislator and the local anchor man are abandoned in the communities they betrayed? You know who you are and so do your neighbors, who are liable to turn mean when finally inconvenienced.

The list of traitors also includes the men you most would expect to protect the community: the preachers. Word now arrives that government propaganda flacks are meeting with pastors and telling them it is their responsibility to keep the flocks in line when martial law is declared, including forced inoculation, gun seizure, property confiscation, relocation to (concentration) camps and all the other Communist indicia of dictatorship.

And the preachers predictably are signing on. Remember that preachers in Nazi Germany worshipped queer Adolf as much as Republicruds here worship Drunk W. Bush. Some even wore Nazi uniforms to important events. Here they will appear as ersatz cowboys like Drunk. The word is that the government is even telling them to use the perversion of Romans 13 for the purpose.

I have already written at length about Romans 13. Because of this latest intervention by the District of Criminals into the Church, we must do so again. According to the perversion, Romans 13 teaches that we must do whatever the government commands, however odious, because all power comes from God, who ordained government to good works, and so on. The trouble is that Hitler’s preachers taught the same thing.

What does scripture actually say? One of the biggest mistakes you can make with it is to quote a verse or part of a verse to prove some point, without considering the verses that surround it. If you don’t consider the context, you can make scripture “prove” anything you want, even the opposite of what it really says.

So, remember that in scripture government was and is a punishment. God ruled directly through his judges and prophets. But the children of Israel were dissatisfied. They wanted a government, wanted to be like other nations. God pointed out that they were not like other people; they were the chosen. He warned that a government would take away their sons and daughters for the king’s work and the military. They would run beside the king’s chariots.

But the children of Israel rejected God. Instead, they chose a king. God, always easy to get along with, gave them what they wanted: King Saul. Monarchy was the only form of civil government in those days. What happened? The very first king disappointed Him. God Himself deposed King Saul. His replacement was King David, a womanizer, an adulterer, a murderer, a traitor, who no doubt would have met Saul’s fate had he not been – through no merit of his own – “a man after God’s own heart.”

Throughout one book of scripture after another the sorry record of government unrolls. Yes, once in a while, there was a good king. God was pleased. But the good governor soon was replaced by another bum and God kicked him out. Remember Eglon, king of Moab? He oppressed the Children for 18 years; they complained, so God sent Ehud, the hero, who assassinated Eglon, the government, with a knife in the belly.

But when Ehud was dead the Children again did evil in the sight of the Lord. Why He put up with these compulsive backsliders, I don’t know; scripture says He did it for His own pleasure. This time He put them beneath the heel of Jabin, king of Canaan. Typically, these weasels “cried unto the LORD” again.

Jabin was the government. Sisera was the commander-in-chief of Jabin’s army. Jael, wife of Heber the Kenite, lured him to her tent as he fled his defeated forces and killed him with a spike through the temples while he slept. Israel hailed her as “blessed above women.” How many of these examples must I list?

As queen, Jezebel was the government. Does anybody out there maintain that Jezebel was doing the will of God? If so, why did God arrange for the dogs to eat her, so that the only thing left were her skull, her feet and parts of her hands?

God sent Nebuchadnezzar, head of the mightiest government on earth, to haul off disobedient Israel; then Nebuchadnezzar developed a case of hubris, so God deprived him of sense and drove him from the palace to forage like an animal, eating grass, “until thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.”

All these kings, these governments, were hostile to the will of God, disobedient, so God destroyed them. Go to the New Testament. Did Herod and Pilate express the will of God? If so, would not Jesus have obeyed them? Would Jesus contravene the wish of His Father? If you believe Herod and Pilate – the government – were doing God’s work, you must believe that Jesus opposed that work, because He would not yield to them.

Finally, if you believe that government is always right, and that you must obey whatever it commands, you must also believe that the Nazis were right. You must believe it was a biblical imperative to obey Hitler. In fact, this whole discussion boils down to the question of whether God is a Nazi.

Is God a Nazi? I say no, because scripture says no. So, the Bible, from start to finish, is in a sense the story of government gone wrong, perverse, disobedient government that God had to punish for producing a stench, not a sweet savor, in His nostrils.

Remember that government is run by men, proud, boastful, sinful men like you and me. When such men receive grace to overcome those flaws, then government does do all the things Roman 13 says. But when they don’t, government does the opposite, no longer expresses God’s will and becomes a curse He will punish.

How likely is it that you and I know this, but your preacher does not? He knows it, at least as well as we do, and in thousands of cases he ignores it. He thinks he will get in good with the powers-that-would-like-to-be. He is riding the tiger. But Stang’s Law says: Mount a tiger’s back and you will ride in his belly. Don’t the preachers know that the totalitarian collectivists hold them in ferocious contempt?

In churches across the country, you need to make this an issue. Remember that Communists have been infiltrating the churches for many decades, since Stalin and Harry F. Ward devised the Living Church scheme. Their descendants are no doubt posing as preachers today, trained to implement the latest Communist tactic.

You need to ask the preacher to declare publicly whether he has participated in any of the sessions in which government propaganda pimps train compliant preachers. Is he working for God, or for Mammon? Scripture says he can’t work for both. If he chooses Mammon, you have clasped a viper to your breast. What would he preach in the wake of another attack like Nine Eleven? You need to flee from him as Joseph fled from the wife of Potiphar, however risky that was.

How different today’s preachers are from those of the War for Independence. Many fought the English, so many that the English scornfully called them the “black regiment.” Peter Muhlenberg, a pastor, finished a sermon, took off his robes and revealed underneath them not the SS regalia, but the uniform of a colonel of militia. Muhlenberg did not endorse today’s Nazi interpretation of Romans 13. He mustered out as a major general. That is why there is a Muhlenberg college, a Muhlenberg county and many others things in the area named for him.

In fact, consider that had the Founding Fathers subscribed to the Nazi version of Romans 13, there would not have been a war. There would have been no independence. We would still be Englishmen, singing “God Save the Queen.” It would have been “wrong” –unscriptural – for the colonists to rise and overthrow criminal English government. Yet the Fathers, who were Christians, did so.

The question now is: Do you worship Smirk W. Bush or do you worship God?

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