Response to Joe Farah: WND bashes christians again!

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Written By Ted Lang

Once again, WorldNetDaily has launched a vicious follow-up attack on the Presbyterian Church USA. The denomination does have problems knuckling under to secularist political correctness, including homosexuality and other government intimidation. I agree with Joseph Farah’s assessment in that regard.

In his opinion column of July 27th, “Presbyterians or prostitutes?” Farah continues the anti-Christian tirade first initiated by Dennis Prager in lambasting PCUSA for dropping funding allocations to Israel from its investment portfolio. Prager went over the top in assessing that divestment as the “economic strangulation” of the state of Israel. And as I pointed out in my non-concurrence to Prager’s column, Israel receives most of its funding via the American taxpayer as foreign aid, not to mention the billions in military aid and equipment as well. Mr. Farah goes over the top in assigning the terms “prostitute” and “whore,” to describe the Christian denomination.

Farah feels justified in denigrating the church in this fashion, offering that he once was a Presbyterian. To his credit, he obviously abandoned the church when it started its national slide at the headquarters level. Let’s hope he doesn’t move out of the country considering our national politics and its players in the beltway bordello.

I still am Presbyterian, even after the repeated debacles at the national level. My family and I suffered ridicule and were ostracized when, as the church’s accountant, I fought with many vocal headquarters-lovers who wanted to send more funding there than our little church could afford. People who vehemently opposed me thanked me for my resolve and tenacity years later, admitting: “Ted, you were right!”

Farah’s mistake, which he mitigates when offering “most PCUSA churches,” is to renounce the entire church because of its leaders. It is a mistake he makes two-fold; first, by assuming that the church leaders and the members are one and the same, and second, by assuming the same as regards a government and its people.

I hold nothing against Mr. Farah for leaving PCUSA – when heavily involved in business ventures and while trying to ensure the best in both an academic and a Christian education for one’s young family, perhaps abandoning the denomination was the most expeditious and effective course of action. But as a continuing member in one of those PCUSA churches that doesn’t advance the “gospel of political correctness,” I continue to rail at the viciousness of Farah and Prager’s pronouncements.

In the confusion between a nation’s leaders and its people, I was careful to point out that many Israelis and Jewish Americans oppose the Israeli policies of ethnocide on the West Bank. I had offered examples, citing the 27 Israeli fighter pilots who refused to attack Palestinian civilian targets, and the demonstrations by some of the Israeli people.

Mr. Farah and WND continue to allude to a biblical justification to allow a rogue state genocidal license, when its creation and its continuing policy of ethnic cleansing were originally set in motion via political arrangements in modern times through the very secular United Nations. And the UN has asserted its authority over all peoples, and therefore all religions, as concerns their direction towards a New World Order.

If Mr. Farah continues his personal policy of abandoning that which he cannot control or condone, and that eventually extends to the growing police state our nation is becoming on a daily basis, where will he and his family go? His contempt for PCUSA was triggered by their renouncing Israel. But I intend to stay with my church and to help fix it, just as I fixed the local church’s books, budget, parking lot and buildings. And I intend to stay in this country and fix it as well. Will I succeed? I don’t know, but I’m going to keep trying by informing others and writing what I believe to be the truth.


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