Pro-gun Jews need to be heard!: Only banners are heard!

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Written By Ted Lang

Ever so gradually, the liberal media, led by the New York Times, is launching its 2004 political campaign to force an extension of the “assault weapons ban” to permanent status alongside, and in complete defiance of, America’s Bill of Rights.

It is almost embarrassing to find it necessary to repeat yet once again, the complete and total absurdity of the misconception that supports the wrong-headedness of the “assault weapons” or “assault rifle” ban that Democrats, and now Republicans, are supporting. The same intellectual vulnerability Republican voters display concerning “assault weapons” is precisely the same vulnerability that precludes their ability in grasping the horror of John Ashcroft’s USA Patriot Act.

I have tried to point out that Clinton’s “assault weapons ban” is a total scam to friends and acquaintances. It has one and only one purpose, irrespective of “the right to hunt:” the total unconstitutional ban of all firearms in America! It focuses on a particular type of firing and reloading mechanism, a technology that has been around for over 100 years. Most Americans are sold on the absurd concept that semi-automatic rifles are exactly the same as fully automatic machine-guns.

Semi-autos fire each time the trigger is pulled. How does this differ from flintlocks, matchlocks and cap and ball black powder antiques, with only the exception of virtual instant reload of the next round in a chamber or chambers? Haven’t they heard of cap and ball Civil War revolvers, or antique double-action break-top Smith & Wesson revolvers of the late 1800s? The semi-automatic Mauser pistol was introduced in 1898!

A fully automatic machine-gun continues firing as long as the trigger is depressed until the reserve ammunition in the magazine or drum runs out. That’s not an “assault rifle” in civilian terms. Yet, that’s what an “assault rifle” is in a military context, and that’s not what the “gun Nazis” wish to ban. Machine-guns were banned in America in 1934.

The ultimate and complete objective of the Sarah Brady Campaign to destroy the US Constitution, the Violence Policy Center, Rabbi Abe Foxman and the anti-Defamation League, and the New Jersey League of Jewish Women and others, is to ban all guns in America. First this type of locking mechanism will be banned, then yet another. Then the number of rounds will be reduced, again and again. Then, certain calibers will be banned. It’s the “numbers game” precedent they are trying to establish. This is the objective of senatorial Jews Dianne Feinstein and Chuck Schumer. Feinstein has already confessed her intentions on CBS’ 60 Minutes.

Why in God’s name do Jews support gun control? Do they fail to understand the nature of Hitler’s 1938 Nazi Gun Control Act, imported from Germany by Democrat Senator Thomas Dodd to become the 1968 US Gun Control Act? Are they unfamiliar with the fact that barricaded Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto, armed with only ten handguns, held off the entire SS? It took the regular German Army to overcome them! Shades of Waco, no? Why do such Jews put their lives and the lives of their loved ones so precariously in the hands of the state?

Consider the United States’ campaign to destroy the American plains Indians to make way for the railroad. Consider the US Army’s slaughter of the Indians, the massacre at Wounded Knee, the My Lai incident, Ruby Ridge, Waco and tens of thousands of illegal SWAT assaults by state and local police where innocent citizens have been attacked and killed. Errant police have been “re-assigned.” And if James Brady asks the question, “Why do you need guns when we have the police?” perhaps one can ask him why he’s confined to a wheelchair.

Why do Jews support Nazi gun control? Why do the liberal New York Times and Newark Star-Ledger support Nazi gun control? Both the Times and the Star-Ledger are owned and operated by Jewish families: the Sulzbergers and the Newhouses. In a recent Internet debate, a Jewish writer conceded: “Jews are incorrigible liberals.”

Another writer pointed out: “My views … are shaped by my research on several other influential Jewish-dominated intellectual and political movements….” The author preceded that statement with: “But for well over half a century, with rare exceptions, Jewish influence has been off-limits for rational discussion.”

I have, in a previous article, pointed out the implications of liberal, Jewish support for gun control. No people have suffered more from police state gun control than Jews, so their support of its unconstitutionality favoring big government security at the price of individual freedom is not only astounding, it’s downright dangerous. Virtually all Americans know of the persecution of the Jews in both Nazi Germany and Communist Russia and the Soviet Union. When people recognize the undue Jewish influence related to gun control, they will tend to be lulled into believing that if Jews favor it, what’s the big deal in abolishing the Second Amendment?

This is precisely why Aaron Zelman founded the Jewish pro-gun movement: Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. I think it’s high time for Jewish folks to engage in an open debate on this important issue, and that should happen soon, before Congress gets a chance to muddy the waters!

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Destroying the Enemy
On Liberalism
A Closer Look
Erasing the Second Amendment


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