Power unleashed: Turning the hurd from the middle

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Written By Deborah Venable

If anyone still has the idea that we have any beneficial functioning governments left anywhere in the capitals of America today – state and federal – you must not be paying attention. Lost is any semblance of order in the chaos of the CYA game. (That’s Cover Your Assets, for those with nasty little minds.) Oh, and just in case you are really duped, legitimate, tax paying voters are NOT necessarily counted among government assets. See, generally, WE expect a little representation for our support and that is quite out of the question for these people who can take oaths they don’t really mean or have any intention of honoring.

We have the various law enforcement and security agencies under investigation by the legislators, who are probably fearful that THEY may be exposed by these very same agencies for some impropriety or another. (Pity that they would have that worry, but you can bet they all do.) All levels of the executive branches of governments spend all their time passing the buck so that blame for things gone wrong never lands squarely on any one set of shoulders unless the others cooperate long enough to frame said unfortunate soul.

Then we find the judicial branches in such disarray from trying to keep up with ridiculous caseloads perpetuated by unnecessary regulations, that all you can count on them for is to disagree among themselves on legal interpretations – which results in a continued snowballing of the caseloads. Justice? What is that in today’s courts?

The little dictators in the executive branches all around the country have their hands full just trying to keep their houses in order and their staffs from chewing each other up. Any extra time they might have is tied up with stumping to fund their party candidates and themselves of course in an “upcoming” election. There is always an upcoming election you know.

As it becomes easier for their constituents to communicate their views to elected officials, we find less attention paid to these communications and much more attention given to the “sampling” polls that have become so popular. If the electorate really gets insistent and organizes a campaign of communications, then we are warned that we must not find fault or we will be labeled “unpatriotic.” In other words, the shepherds get out their whips!

Media Watchdogs! Our heroes! We’ll just let them square everything away, right? Well, no, because they, too, are dancing to the music of an “out of town band.” Don’t count on them to keep the masses informed of the true blue government agendas. They discovered the true source of the butter on their bread a long time ago.

Along about now my patient readers are saying to yourselves, “Wow! Who messed up her Wheaties today?”

Some days are just more frustrating than others I suppose. As we pick up our badges and go out into the depositories of freedom called America, we’d like to see something tattooed across our foreheads besides “LOSER” when we look in the mirror I suppose. It gets old taking one step forward and two steps back. Only, in this case, it is the other way around because we need to go back and we are going forward too fast – forward into that black abyss of the future. The fact that we are all accomplices in the chaos only adds to the frustration.

But, wait! You are saying that YOU certainly are not an accomplice to the government and social chaos because YOU have gone underground and no longer pay income tax of any kind, so I certainly can’t mean that EVERYONE is an accomplice. Right? Well, then, how about any other tax, or even license fees? Do you pay any of those? Do you ever purchase goods or services from businesses that pay taxes or license fees? Now I’m being silly, right? No I’m not. Think that if you wish, but you would be hard pressed to prove that you do not in any way support the behemoth of government chaos. There is no way around it.

As Thomas Paine said back in 1776 in his most famous publication, “Common Sense”:

” . . .government, even in its best state, is a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer.”

Truer words were never written. Now, consider that you and I ARE the government. Not only that, but WE are the biggest “buck passers” of them all, because we shuffle the responsibility for all the chaos onto the “official government” – of which we certainly are not. Right? Golly, it’s kind of like being one of those sheep in the middle of the herd that suddenly decides to turn around and head the other way, isn’t it? The only way to be successful is to turn the whole herd from the middle. Isn’t that really the challenge we face? Looking at it like that can be overwhelming, but it is certainly the only view that lives up to the truth.

May God bless us all in meeting that challenge!

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