Platforms and cherished opinions: Often wrong but never in doubt

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Written By Al Cronkrite

Following some personal problems, our son is temporarily back under our roof and while backing into the garage I ran into his truck with my around-town car. My little car got the worst of the encounter and required a trip to the local auto body shop.

The auto body guy loves America and has a problem with anyone who finds fault with her.

It turns out he was one of seven children sired by the owner of an auto body shop located near the Kentucky border in Southern Ohio . A bombastic product of the Sixties generation he followed his father into the fender bending business and now in his fifties claims to own a million dollar home, two airplanes, a still thriving auto body business, several passenger vehicles, and sizeable quantities of real estate with sustainable mortgages. His son is making 80 grand a year in construction and his daughter is on her way to becoming a Doctor. If there is an American success story he seems to be it.

Long on opinion and with the consumption of a couple of history books, this patriot regaled me nonstop for at least twenty minutes about the merits of illegal Mexican workers, the sins of the pre-sixties generations, and the merits of the Bush Administration. He is in favor of a kill’em all policy in Iraq and sincerely believes the American economy is thriving.

Cherished beliefs are often set on emotional platforms with no relation to reality . The fustian, foul mouthed, and even threatening rhetoric was grounded in gratitude and a belief that a nation that could allow such success must be almost perfect. His additional conclusion appeared to be that anyone who disagreed with the United States Government deserved a punch in the nose.

Nevertheless, his is a delightful story that I, too, can echo. America was a land of great freedom and great opportunity. Till now, succeeding generations, myself included, have consistently been better off than their parents.

With all of his overbearing demeanor this successful independent businessman is grateful and loyal to the nation that allowed it.

However, success and gratitude do not tally up to reality.

Opinions not based on factual evidence are common and often hugely erroneous. Even opinions based on facts can easily become maligned with emotional error.

From the perspective of membership in political parties, just and honest government suffers from the distraction of party loyalty. I have written several essays on this subject. See links at the end of this essay.

With elections coming up there is already lots of talk about how the two major political parties are going to posture themselves to gain the best advantage in the eyes of a thoroughly propagandized electorate. Righteousness, justice, and the good of the nation are lost at the outset never to be regained. The Democratic process is a dishonest sham and when the legal bindings of the Constitution are lost all semblance of order is lost with it.

The platforms of racism and anti-Semitism distort both Black and Jewish agendas.

Public rhetoric from Black leaders is almost totally derived from a racism perspective.

Potential progress is lost in the pit of prejudicial self pity and a shallow rebellious outlook. They believe their lack of achievement and all other failure can be blamed on others and that monetary benefits should be paid in return. It is a highly emotional and recalcitrant partial truth that distorts all constructive discourse.

In the innocent Jewish community anti-Semitism is an unspoken assumption that colors opinions and most decisions. I use the word “innocent” because most Jewish families, although they may covertly support it, are not directly involved in the international Zionist agenda which is responsible for fanning the flames of anti-Semitism in support of their initiatives.

Anti-Semitism and racism are cousins; Jewish influence among Blacks has fostered a similar agenda but Blacks have allowed it to paralyze their progress while Jews have used it to exacerbate theirs. It is a selfish, self-centered posture that sucks the blood out of the social order. The separate but strong bonding among Jews and Blacks allows them to collude for their own self interest.

Zionism is not confined to Jews who may actually be in the minority. Dispensational Christians are the largest single group of Zionists. They provide huge spiritual and financial support to the movement. Zionism is undergirded by the erroneous idea that Jews are God’s chosen people and are destined to rule the world. This carefully guarded assumption is tantamount to the Pharisaical spirit Jesus so vehemently condemned. It is the platform from which the elite Jewish agenda is formulated.

The world view of most Christian Zionists falls quickly off the end of their noses. Their opinions are based on the soon coming of world government and the battle of Armageddon. The platform is faulty and the opinions that result work against the Will of God and the good of mankind. Stiff-necked and arrogant, Christian Zionists have acquired a bit of the Pharisaical spirit they so willfully support.

The sources of cherished opinions often come from strange places. A very successful businessman in New England took over a company when his father died. The company had been his father’s creation and during his lifetime, control of it remained solidly in his hands; the son was restrained and resentful. When the son‘s son, the third generation, graduated from college, his graduation present was the Presidency of one of the company divisions.

The decision to grant him this managerial position without adequate experience appeared to be a throwback to the old resentment against his father. It was not only an unusual decision but a bad one as well. The son failed and within a short period of time he was replaced.

The two party political system has provided a means to gain political support for undermining American sovereignty and fitting United States into the One World Order.

The platform of the two party system captivates the opinions of the electorate making it impossible to change our leadership thus sustaining the slide into Globalism. In spite of the inexorable progress of the pernicious One World Order, regardless of which political party is elected, most American voters fail to comprehend what is happening and continue to vote for the demise of their nation.

The two party system is so deeply embedded in the American psyche that positions counter to the current Bush Administration are considered Liberal and are dismissed without considering their validity. Many Conservative Americans believe Liberal resistance to previous wars resulted in failure to achieve decisive victory and this cherished opinion makes it impossible for them to understand that beginning in the Twentieth Century all of our wars have been contrived and victory has not been the objective.

Opinions are always influenced by vocations.

The Federal Reserve’s ability to control the money supply renders it great power. Congressmen and senators never denigrate the organization and are careful to be polite in questioning Chairmen who appear before their committees.

The United States media and press are Jewish controlled and the inordinate influence Zionist Jews exert on our Government is never challenged for fear of ensuing bad publicity which can be death to political careers.

Platforms that have hurt our nation the most are those involving the theological base of the Church of Jesus Christ.

Americans were bequeathed a strong, full orbed Christian ethic developed from the best Biblical scholarship from several generations of fine Christian thinkers.

The Reformation pinpointed serious moral problems in the Catholic Church. As the Reformation progressed, Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox and others provided Christian laymen with a sound platform from which to address and seek to rectify the sins and tyrannies that were prevalent. Councils made up of the finest Christian thinkers were convened and produced a sound theological base for the Christian religion.

Unfortunately for the United States, the Christianity was quickly splintered by anti-Calvinist factions that vied with the sound theology of the Puritans and Pilgrims. Some separated and moved into different states but others stayed in New England and it was not long until Reformed Theology began to deteriorate. This deterioration was soon followed by the determined efforts of John Wesley and his Arminian Methodism, Charles Finney with his rebellious theological void, and Arminian Dwight L. Moody, a frequent guest at Yale. The platform of this new religion was humanistic. Revival not only became a new term but the great commission of all Christian labor. Moody wrote extensively about methods that would result in the most conversions to Christ. It was the creature determining whether he would or would not accept the guidance of the Creator. Not only was it a twisted procedure but it ignored the consistent Biblical narrative that plainly shows God doing the choosing.

This departure from sound doctrine set the stage for the heretical platform of Dispensationalism that has provided the final nail in the coffin of sound Christian doctrine and allowed our nation to fall into sin and debauchery.

These two platforms, Arminianism and Dispensationalism, have resulted in cherished opinions that have allowed Christianity to be wiped out of American society. They are born of ignorance and rebellion and are still held by the majority of American Christians.

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