Our founding fathers return: To give America a new start

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Written By Jim Moore


What America needs is what we’re giving the rest of the world: a succoring force to step in and save it from tyranny and destruction. Too bad we are not doing that for ourselves.

But suppose, just suppose, we could put new life into this country by having our Founding Fathers come back—for a second time.

It’s one of life’s givens that great men and patriots like George Washington, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, and Benjamin Franklin are here only once in a lifetime. The rest of the time, who knows? They may be out there somewhere saving some other wretched (but more appreciative) nation from itself.

By now, they are probably writing up a new Constitution for beings on another dimension; guaranteeing them what they guaranteed us: freedom and independence from tyranny; in this case, of a celestial nature. And maybe this time somebody will listen to them and take their directions to freedom more seriously than we have, here in America.

But let’s say those five ingenious gentlemen suddenly appeared on our soil again—for one purpose: To follow up and see how we’re doing with what they gave us; to rejuvenate and sustain us; to shake us up and revitalize us; to remind us of the self-reliance and self-determination they gave us; to revive the spirit of freedom and independence and the guts to fight for it if we are threatened; to show us how to recognize any form of tyranny when we see it, and how to throttle it before it grows and ultimately destroys us.

What will these five gentlemen do when they see how we’re not defending the freedoms they gave us? How will they help us undo the mess we’ve made of our independence? How will they restore the commonsense we let slip away? What will they tell us that we don’t already know—but forgot?

We shall see.

WASHINGTON: Welcome, good people, we came back here to give you this warning: if you love America and admire what it stands for, you better do something to keep it before you lose it, forever.

HAMILTON: And quite honestly, from what we’ve seen so far, you’re well on your way to doing just that.

JEFFERSON: So we came here again to show you where you’ve gone wrong, and help you get back on track.

FRANKLIN: You don’t remember, of course, but when we fought for our own independence and freedom we were originally not Americans; we were British subjects.

WASHINGTON: That’s right, folks, and in our fight for freedom, we didn’t just fight the British, we wound up fighting our own government, too.

JEFFERSON: Why? For the same reason you should be challenging yours. Because, just like our government back then, your government forgot this— the only legitimate reason for a government’s existence is to secure the rights of its citizens. Nothing more. If it goes beyond that, you have a right to take matters into your own hand, as we did. Read the Constitution we wrote for you. It’s in there.

MADISON: Tom’s correct. The purpose of government is to protect your inalienable rights. Period. Not to feed you, clothe you, medicate you, educate you, control you, lead you in worship, look after your mental health, or chip away at your God-given rights—-and certainly not to expand its own power, here and abroad.

FRANKLIN: We were dead serious about that. And still are. In fact, good people, when we wrote the Declaration of Independence, which gave you this country, we all made this pledge: “For the support of this declaration, with firm reliance on the protection of the divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.” That’s how determined we were to give you a free and independent America.

WASHINGTON: But the way you folks take it for granted is unbelievable. What other people in the world would take freedom as lightly as you do?

HAMILTON: Worst of all, by getting lazy and forgetting what you’ve got, you opened the door for government to eat away your freedoms, until,,,well, look what’s happening.

JEFFERSON: Yes, take a good look. Not just at the single issues, like taking American history and values out of the schools, or allowing an invasion of your country by illegal aliens, or forgetting that freedom is never free—all of which is bad enough. No, we’re talking about the “core” of the apple.

WASHINGTON: By the core, we mean where the apple first starts to rot; like where the germ of tyranny begins—just like it’s happening to you today.

MADISON: Probably the most important thing we said about America the last time we were here—which you forgot-was this: “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none.”

JEFFERSON: Did you get that last part? Entangling alliances with none. Most of your politicians think that means “isolationism.” They’re dead wrong. What it means is: Minding your own business, and staying out of foreign problems, entanglements and wars.

FRANKLIN: But your government is NOT minding its own business. Maybe you haven’t noticed, but your government is in the process of empire building. And if it isn’t stopped soon. it means the end of America as you know it.

WASHINGTON: Empire building is tyranny in action. Think not? The troops that should be protecting your sovereign shores are being sent all over the globe, to “keep the peace.” Nearly a half million troops in 120 countries. And for what? To “rescue” the world with your blood, sweat, and money. That was never meant to be America’s job.

MADISON: The America we gave you was to set an example of freedom and good government and let the world catch on to the idea. Those that can, will—without your help. Those that can’t, never will, no matter how long you baby-sit them.

JEFFERSON: But the most dangerous problem off all, as we see it, is that you’ve got shadowy characters running your Government, especially your foreign policy. If you don’t get a handle on that disastrous situation soon it will bring your beloved country to its knees.

WASHINGTON: And don’t say we didn’t warn you. Remember what we told you the last time: “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is FORCE, like fire: a dangerous servant and a terrible master.”

HAMILTON: Fellow citizens, it really disturbs us to see how you’re letting your government buffalo you. When your president plays Monarch and sends more soldiers overseas, or when congress is about to pass a bad law, or when “security” takes more and more of your rights away, you just sit back and let it happen. In our day, we did something about that. What are you doing about it in your day?

JEFFERSON: Maybe the government has you so scared you’re afraid to speak out. Or you’re afraid you’ll be called unpatriotic, a spoiler, or even a traitor. In case you forgot what we told you, here it is again: “Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.” Remember that. It’ will help you take back your country. Goodbye and good luck.

*  *  *  *  * * * * *

This visit from our Founding Fathers was make-believe, of course. But what they said, isn’t. The world, and all things in it. is never stagnant; it is always changing, to something else, for better or worse. Whether our part of the world, called America, changes for the better or worse is up to us.

Thank you, gentlemen, for reminding us of that. Again.


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