Neo-cons have done us a favor…: And don’t even know it

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Written By Jim Moore

Well, let me put it this way. Those deceiving, nation-wrecking sonsabitches didn’t mean to do us any favors, but it turned out that way. And there isn’t a damn thing they can do about it.

Excuse my French, but I’m so happy with what I found out about this neo-con windfall that I could sit on a cactus and feel no pain.

The way I discovered how the neo-cons put this goodie on our plate was by a careful reading of the speech Rep. Ron Paul gave the U.S. House of Representatives on July 10, 2003.

Rep. Paul called his speech “Neo-Conned “, which I presume he means how the neo-con hit squad is taking advantage of the American people by over-running our administration, running over our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and foreign policy, and outrunning any attempts to stop their rotten political steamroller.

In his quite long and very comprehensive speech, Rep. Paul explains in detail all the facts we need to know.

Paul reflects on and reiterates what the term “conservative” used to stand for: limited government, rule of law, free markets, Constitutional guidelines, a less militaristic, interventionist foreign policy, and so on.

He then explains how a strange and powerful (yes, even subversive) group of people, the neo-cons, changed the whole meaning of conservatism, by slithering into power-positions in the US. Government, infiltrating the administrat ion, and turning our foreign policy upside down.

Without beating a dead horse, here are few things the neo-cons in government believe in and are actively pursuing:

+ Attacking civil liberties

+ Using force to change foreign nations

+ A powerful federal government

+ Re-shaping the Middle East

+ Increasing the welfare state

+ The ends justify the means

+ No neutrality in foreign affairs

+ Preemptive wars

+ Unconditional support of Israel

As you see, nothing on this list has anything to do with American freedom, security, laws, or ideals. How the neo-cons managed to gain access to the reins of American government is a subject even Rep Paul must have found complicated and tough to describe. Suffice to say, the neo-cons have the power, and they don’t intend to give it up.

Now, if the neo-cons are changing America to our detriment, why do I say they’re doing us a favor? And just what is that favor?

To answer that, think about how most of us vote year after year, often along party lines. We do that because we know, or think we know, what the Republican, Democrat, Independent, and other political parties stand for. So we register and vote for the party, automatically, that seems to best represent our views. We figure that’s the best we can do for America.

Not so fast. When the neo-cons began defying all the principles America stands for, they inadvertently blurred the distinction between political parties and began screwing both sides of aisle. By designing and carrying out an agenda to take over America (they already control most departments of the present administration), they made it necessary for politicians in ALL parties who truly have America’s interests at heart, to seriously consider where we are heading, begin thinking on a bi-partisan level, and eventually taking an INDIVIDUAL stand of some kind.

This has forced the American voter to do likewise; to begin looking more closely at the person instead of the party. It is making party platforms less important, if not non-sequiturs. It is making us scrutinize closer the qualifications of each individual, rather than overlooking a better man or woman for the job, and voting sheep-like for the party “our family has always voted for.”

But most important of all, it gives us an excellent reason to contact our representatives and let them know that we know what’s going on in our government, we don’t like it one bit, and we want them to do something about it. Or else.

Not everyone, of course, will take this opportunity seriously because everyone has personal likes and dislikes. But none of us dislike America, and seeing the bigger picture, then acting on it, can work wonders.

Forcing this change in voter perspective is, in my opinion, a very big favor, albeit unintentional, that the neo-cons did for us.

And if we’re smart, we’ll take advantage of this “crack” in the neo-con armor and shove our spear in, right up to the hilt.

Published originally at : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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