Man of Steele: Anti-semitic pollution

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Written By Roderick T. Beaman

As a member of several internet groups and the moderator of one, I’ve been impressed with the continuing underlying anti-semitism that marks several contributors.   Impressed and appalled.

One of the perpetrators, Edgar Steele, lists abuses to which he has been subjected by Jews.  It’s a clever bit of sophistry.  Jews are involved in some, and maybe even all, of the actions but there are some non-Jews, as well.  He doesn’t mention that.

In a recent posting, he talks about how ethnic jokes have gone by the boards and he cites the lack of “Rustus and Eliza” jokes, of late.  I assume he means black jokes but what does that have to do with the Jews?

As far as ethnic jokes go, I enjoy them.  They satirize stereotypes and let us laugh at them and ideally ourselves, too.  I don’t like jokes that make people look like fools.  My ancestry is German-Irish and I enjoy Irish jokes.  I also enjoy Italian, Jewish and Polish jokes.  As far as German jokes, there don’t seem to be that many, possibly because of what happened in World War II but Mel Brooks made a fortune out of offending everyone.

One time, in casual conversation at my hospital, I observed that my father-in-law’s BMW motorcycle looked typically German.  A Jewish intern said, “All business”.  I replied, “Well, yeah, but if I were riding down the street on a BMW and you were to come from the other end on anything else but, I would expect you to salute me.”  Everyone, including a listening black surgeon laughed.  That could probably be considered an ethnic slur.

But let’s not give all Jews a free ride.  Like any other group of people, their members must be held to a level of accountability.  There were Jewish gangsters – Bugsy Siegel, Arnold Rothstein, Meyer Lansky, and Jack the Ripper may have been but overall, the Jews come off pretty well.  Throughout history, they have been people of peace.  There have, of course, been exceptions and many of the people running Israel haven’t been nice to the Palestinians but this is not the fault of the world’s Jews.

I have watched references to violent passages from the Talmud by David Duke.  I have also read an alert about the Kol Nidre.  I did a Google search and read the Kol Nidre along with an explanation.  The Kol Nidre is a way of Jews avoiding the obligations of previous oaths they have made and starting over.  Rabbinical councils were torn over the idea but, eventually, approved it for the hope of forgiveness.  Isn’t that what religion is supposed to be about?  I accept the explanation.  Anti-semites use it as an example of how Jews can avoid responsibility for their acts.  Like the practices of other religions, the Kol Nidre is subject to distortion.

It’s dangerous to try to infer too much from these things.  In one gospel, Jesus says that it’s his intent to sow discord, even in families.  It’s a difficult passage and I remember a priest saying just that in a sermon.  But Christianity has had a great positive effect on the world.

Let’s look at the results of the Talmud.  Throughout history, Jews have been in the forefront of community activities, including the arts.  From the Talmud, they take it as a noble charge to be involved and lead.  As humans, some have failed while others have succeeded.  Bugsy Siegel and company’s shortcomings have been more than compensated by Maimomides, Felix Mendelsohn and Martin Buber.  And if you need further examples of decent Jews, try Jesus Christ and His Apostles as well as almost all of his disciples.

Anti-semites like to cite Jewish predominance in international banking and other businesses.   Jews are prominent in banking.  The Rothschilds and Warburgs were in the center of the hyper-inflation that led to Hitler’s ascendancy.  But there were non-jews, too.  It might help, also, if these anti-semites examined the historical reasons for Jewish banking dominance.  Jews were excluded from the craft guilds during much the Middle Ages and Renaissance.  They were left with the remainder, among which were business and banking.  Some became good at them and developed a tradition which they handed down to their descendants.  So despise them and give them no other choice, then despise them because they become successful at it.   Wow!  They just can’t win.

One problem that Jews must address is the ongoing perception of exactly where their loyalties lie, especially vie a vie Israel.  A frequent presumption is that between America and Israel, Jews would choose Israel.  I’ve known several who visited, and like Christians who have visited the Holy Land, they were grateful to get back to the United States.  One classmate of mine from NYU did.  He went over as an American Jew and came back as a Jewish American.  Like everyone else, they know where their bread is buttered and this country has an abundance like no other.

As far as Israel goes, it merits close scrutiny, like all other nations of the world.   Zionism is an understandable idea, especially in light of what happened under German National Socialism.  But Israel’s founding should have been handled much differently.  There are many anti-zionist Jews and to question Israel’s actions is neither anti-semitic nor anti-zionist.

Many anti-semites overlook the one religion that has had its teachings result in the most violence – Islam.  There are many good Muslims, but its spread was almost entirely by sword rather than persuasion.  Areas that were dominated by Christianity were overrun by Arab hordes and the people were given a choice – conversion or death.   St. Augustine was the Bishop of Hippo, in today’s Muslim Algeria.  Almost everywhere that Islam interfaces with another faith, there is violence – Pakistan, Israel, The Phillipines, Indonesia, Nigeria, the Balkans, etc.  I can only conclude this is not accidental but rather a consequence of its teachings.  Its sacred texts have many violent passages with recommendations for violence against others, many more than The Bible.

Muslim societies are the most intolerant on the face of the earth.  Try to conduct a mass in Saudi Arabia.  Try to do missionary work in a Muslim city and make conversions to Christianity.  It can bring a death sentence.  When was the last time you heard of a Jew issuing a death warrant for anyone who ridicules Moses as was done with the Fatwa imposed on Salman Rushdie?  And don’t overlook the assassination of Malcolm X at the behest of Elijah Muhammad.  Call the Black Muslims a renegade sect of Islam but they weren’t Jews or Christians.

Others like to cite the prevalence of Jews in organizations like the ACLU and Americans for Democratic Action.  But Roger Baldwin wasn’t Jewish.  Some point to strong Jewish tendencies to vote Leftist but I’ve met a lot of Jews who are extremely conservative.  And where would free market economics be today without Milton Friedman?  Almost singlehandedly, he made non-Keynesian economic thought respectable.   Like many other libertarians, I subscribe to the Austrian School but I went through Friedman’s Chicago along the way.

It is dangerous for libertarianism to be associated with this type of thought.   Its hatred can very easily deteriorate into violence which is inimical with reasoned discourse.  True conservatives must dismiss it out of hand.  When William Buckley organized National Review magazine, he insisted on no anti-semitism.   Its first religion editor was a Jew.  We need the same statement of principle in libertarian circles.  I offer it now.
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