Lucifer gives instructions…: To his army of dark angels

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Written By Jim Moore

Gentlemen, I called this special meeting today because we are at a crossroads of cataclysmic proportions.

America is embroiled in a battle between freedom and tyranny unlike anything before in its history. If freedom wins, we may chalk that up as a failure of our influence on the planet Earth.

We obviously cannot allow freedom to win. This would put a permanent blemish on our record. Therefore, we must do everything in our power, and use everything at our disposal, to make sure that chaos and tyranny prevail in America.

To do that I have laid out an emergency agenda which will identify both our specific tasks and the weapons we have at our disposal; weapons that Americans themselves have inadvertently made available to us.

This is our agenda:



As you all know, America was created by dissent. It was contrary voices and treasonous actions of a few British rebels who were responsible for the founding of America. And it was the force of many diverse opinions that helped make the Nation strong and kept it free and independent.

Thus, if tyranny is to take hold here, we must break the power of dissent. To do that, we have a strong and formidable weapon, the Patriot Act. This Act, disguised, of course, as a security measure against terrorism, will enable us to stifle resistance of all kinds, both mental and physical, and help us gain access to every phase of peoples’ lives: homes, families, and work.

We will harass them, hound them, arrest them, punish them, and drive them into subjection, despair, and finally, lock-step obedience to the State, from which they will never recover.

Our task of obliterating dissent and establishing tyranny in America is therefore essential, and we will not fail.



There are some die-hard people in America who fancy themselves dedicated patriots. They persistently dig for the facts, uncover evil (as they see it), search dark corners, sift through information, and tell the truth about it, wherever, and to whomever they can. So far we have been able to bottle up these rebels. But occasionally we get lax and truth leaks out. Our task is to destroy the patriots, and plug the leaks.

To do this, we must give lies, deception, and subterfuge our total and undying support. We must deceive and intimidate people however we can. Making a mockery of patriots with accusations and doctored facts, we will convince the people of America that it is the patriots and truth seekers who are their real enemies. And that will give tyranny the foothold it needs.



America, at one time, had the finest educational system of any country. But no longer, thanks to your efforts. However, gentlemen, timing is critical; we have the momentum, so now we must move to the next phase of our goal: perversion of American history through misinformation.

We are making significant progress in the “reeducation” of America’s children, and for that you are to be congratulated. But now our goal of absolute tyranny requires us to increase the tempo.

We succeeded in taking God and prayer out of the schools; now we must obsess, and bewitch the students with Marxist and “politically correct” ideals. We hid from sight the Ten Commandments; now we must help promote all sorts of pagan and alien religions. We threw America’s heritage and traditions down the memory hole, now we must replace them with fables, distortions, and falsehoods. We are gradually making the Constitution an irrelevant document; now we must replace freedom, individual rights, and protection under the law, with submission to authority, herd-thinking, and rampant lawlessness.

Gentlemen, as you see, we have work to do.



The President of Mexico is on our side and he knows what he’s doing. Mexico claimed the southwest portion of America until the U.S. Government declared it for themselves and threw the Mexicans out. President Fox is determined to get this territory back, and our task is to help him all we can. Which, by the way, we are doing—and very well.

We opened the borders and let the Mexicans pour in at a spectacular pace: nearly a million per year. It is an inspiring sight to see. Now we must work to keep the borders open so that every illegal alien can get everything he needs, free, just by crossing over into America and holding his hand out.

President Bush and the Congress of Nation America are aiding us immeasurably by doing absolutely nothing to protect the borders. Bless them for that. So all we need do is to keep the border patrol in a state of confusion, and let thousands more illegal foreigners come in.

If we are persistent, and successfully mix the races, it’s just a matter of time before we have the whole of America mongrelized.



Bringing political chaos to America may well be our most important task. We’ve already done a splendid job of subversion in Washington. We were able to help traitorous individuals infiltrate the government and take over top positions in the administration— the Defense department in particular—without most Americans even suspecting it, or apparently caring about it.

Without that beautifully simple takeover, and the “salesmen” (almost as good as you gentlemen) convincing the White House to send troops to Iraq to fight “terrorism”, thousands of young Americans would still be peacefully at home, instead of where we have them: fighting and dying overseas.

And gentlemen, here’s another glorious fact: America is slowly going broke, spending billions of dollars on no-win wars, letting America’s economy sink or swim (it’s sinking), losing more troops after the war than while the war was going on, and all the while the majority of American citizens still not awake enough to demand an end to this conflict.

With our help this weakened position of America will get worse until the end comes. But by then, we will have completed our task of creating another land of violence, destruction, and tyranny, and be well on the way to our next project.

Gentlemen, I ask you, who says Lucifer and his Dark Angels don’t get things done?

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