Liberals are just too scholarly: Strategy to counter the conservative agenda

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Written By Paul Walfield

network-577021_1280Let’s see, the Liberal pundits have determined that they are just too smart, just too intellectual to compete with conservatives in the media. According to the New York Times, Democrats are beginning a manhunt (person-hunt?) “Scouring the nation for a liberal answer to Rush Limbaugh and the many others on the deep bench of Republican friends.” The Liberals have admitted they are ill equipped to compete with conservative ideology, but in the same breath conclude it is because dumb Republicans have outwitted them. Seriously. The intellectuals at the top of the Liberal agenda believe they, in all their erudition, have been unable to convince people that their way is the smarter way, but the Neanderthals over at the RNC (Republican National Committee) can. Pretty amazing, huh?”

Apparently, before the rise of the Fox News Network and The Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity radio shows, the Liberals and Democrats were able to win friends and influence people. However, now that the masses have an outlet to alternative ideas, the Liberals and Democrats find themselves in a pickle. So long as the American electorate was only exposed to the Liberal ideology, the Liberal agenda was able to hold its own against a non-vocal opposition. Now however, when the conservatives have a pulpit, the Liberals are outgunned. What to do, what to do.

It seemed to have started with Senator Dashle’s tirade against Rush Limbaugh and his ilk claiming that conservatives who criticize Liberals were fomenting hate and violence. That was a good start, if you can’t win an argument, attack the speaker. Perhaps an attempt to intimidate the opposition may soften or, hope against hope, quell their voice. The Liberals certainly can’t be faulted. In all their vast well of knowledge and wisdom, the Liberals decided that the best way to combat Conservative ideology was to call the conservatives, well, meanies. A few other Democratic voices joined in at first, but after it was determined that their argument was viewed as nothing more than democratic whining or as a matter of the pot calling the kettle black, the Democrats formulated a new and bigger strategy.

To be sure, it was the Republicans who handed the Liberals the knife to cut them with, namely, Trent Lott. Trent Lott’s ill chosen, if not disgusting remarks led to an escalation of accusations that culminated in Senator Hillary Clinton’s conclusion that Republicans as a whole were racists. While this follows along the same lines of Senator Dashle’s strategy of attacking the speaker rather than the message, it went a bit further. It painted the Republicans and Conservatives with a shadow. The shadow would in effect make any pronouncements and messages delivered by Republicans as possibly being duplicitous and therefore, not to be taken seriously. However, it appears that the Democratic contention of pervasive bigotry within the Republican Party has been quelled with the stepping down of Trent Lott and the election to Senate majority leader of Bill Frist. Bill Frist it seems makes Albert Schweitzer look mediocre in comparison.

The Democrats have finally concluded that to beat the Republicans, they need to compete on a lower level, one that actually pits their issues and agenda with those of the Republicans. Unfortunately for the Liberals, they haven’t been able to find anyone who can argue their case to the American population. According to the New York Times, Jim Rutenberg, the search for an “angry Liberal,” has not born any fruit as of late. However, they are hopeful. There must be someone among the nearly three hundred million Americans that can explain why not relocating musk oxen is more important than American energy independence.

Undaunted, the Liberals are talking to “wealthy supporters about starting a cable network with a liberal bent.” In theory, the Liberals have determined that their message is right; it just isn’t getting out there. Apparently, the Liberal elite have never read Bernard Goldberg’s new book about liberal bias in the media and feel a need to reach out to the American populace in the only way they know. A way that has worked in the past. Send your message out in sound bites and not allow criticism. The intellectuals over at the DNC (Democratic National Committee) and their wealthy contributors figure that if they cannot find arguments or facts to rebut conservative criticism of their agenda they can still win. They need a platform, unlike the ones they already have, to avoid having to answer all those nasty questions about what alternatives they have to Republican legislation and allow the Liberals a free for all bashing of the opposition with no substantial ideas of their own.

Finally, the Liberals are contemplating the creation of a Liberal think tank, “a liberal version of the Heritage Foundation, the conservative research group that, along with others of its kind, is credited with helping start the modern conservative movement.” The Liberals had determined that they were just too smart for their own good,” “Progressives have this problem: They sound too erudite, it’s like eggheads talking at you.” Sadly, Americans are just too intellectually challenged to know a good thing when they hear it.

The idea is simple. The Liberals believe that the conservatives have a well thought out plan to use reason and common sense in their ideas, and for the dissemination to the American people of that agenda. Therefore, the Liberals need to develop a group of intellectuals to put their heads together and do the same for the Democratic Party. Based on their track record, the Liberals and Democrats will have the same luck that they have had in finding an intellectually gifted and talented “angry Liberal.”

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