Kerry won’t release his Vietnam war records

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Written By Gordon Bishop

Why won’t John Kerry release all of his documents and diary on his four-month service in Vietnam?

Why? Because his version of how he amazingly received three Purple Hearts and Silver and Bronze stars in just four months without ever being hospitalized in combat is a mystery to just about everyone except John Kerry.

You see, Kerry is running for President as a “war hero.”

“Hero?” – or “medals magician?”

Why won’t Kerry simply do what President George W. Bush did?

Bush turned over hundreds of pages of his service in the Texas Air National Guard as a jet fighter pilot.

Bush has nothing to hide. He is what he is. What you see is what you get.

Not so with the elusive and forked tongue John Kerry.

Kerry is the Great Pretender!

Kerry’s incredulous story of how he quickly got three Purple Hearts and Silver and Bronze medals completely contradicts what many Vietnam veterans actually saw in the same Swiftboat group as Kerry’s.

Kerry’s political website displays a photo of himself and 19 fellow Swiftboat officers.

Only one of the 19 Swiftboat officers, Skip Barker, support supports.

How do you explain that, Senator Kerry?

The Swiftboats normally moved in a pack of three or four on the same mission.

What the Swiftboat officers not on Kerry’s boat saw was not a “war hero” who somehow got three Purple Hearts and Silver and Bronze stars, but a fictional character created by Kerry.

The Swiftboat officers’ collective account of what happened has just been published in a best-selling book titled “Unfit for Command.”

Kerry is doing everything in his twisted legal mind (he’s a lawyer, of course) to stop the TV ads that are presenting the “facts” contained in the book.

Those who have witnessed what Kerry was doing have challenged Kerry to produce the evidence (documents) to support his self-promoting “war hero” assertions.

Kerry won’t come clean. His entire campaign for President is centered on his so-called “war hero” hype.

Kerry took a wild chance launching himself as a “war hero” who should be President.

It has now backfired.

John Kerry, either put up, or shut up about your “heroism”

Not only is Kerry’s war record seriously suspect, but his role as theVietnam “anti-war” leader, along with “Hanoi” Jane Fonda, forced the Vietnam vets to expose his devious past.

Kerry accused his fellow combatants of committing unspeakable atrocities against Vietnamese men, women and children, burning their villages and acting like barbarians instead of honorable soldiers.

Kerry saw himself as the honorable “war hero,” even though he admitted committing the same atrocities.

Is this the kind of psychotic thinking America is looking for in its next President?

Voters must now decide whether John Kerry is “Fit to Command?”

When in doubt, don’t vote for someone who really doesn’t know who he is.

Who is the “real” John Kerry?

The voters of New Jersey just experienced a shocking horror story about its Governor, Jim McGreevey, also a liberal Democrat.

McGreevey revealed he had been living a “double life” with two wives and two children over the last 20 years.

McGreevey finally unmasked himself as a “homosexual.”

McGreevey resigned as Governor because was forced out after living a “double life” all of his post-puberty life.

McGreevey put New Jersey’s 8.5 million citizens at risk by putting his male lover in charge of the State’s Homeland Security.

McGreevey’s boyfriend is a citizen of Israel. He has zero credentials in securing the safety of 8.5 million people.

Hell, why should McGreevey care about 8.5 million people? His primary interest was his male lover.

Kerry and McGreevey are cut from the same “I-don’t-care liberal” cloth. Both are radical liars who really can’t distinguish right from wrong.

Does that really matter to a liberal?

Kerry and McGreevey are are on the wrong side of history.

Both should be relegated to the dustbin of history as the losers they are.


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