John Kerry’s communist connections

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Written By Gordon Bishop

Missing from the Democrat National Convention was the big political scandal of 2004:

Former Clinton National Security Advisor Sandy Berger, who was caught red-handed in a serious national security crime.

Kerry, Clinton and Berger all lack one thing: Character.

They can’t be trusted with America’s national security.

Before Berger got caught, he was Kerry’s chief national security adviser. The moment Berger was found stealing classified documents down his pants and his socks to sneak them out of the National Archives, Kerry dumped him.

(Kerry has yet to distance himself from the pathological liar Michael Moore, the filmmaker who wants the “terrorists the win” in the war on terror. Moore’s film, Fahrenheit 9/11, is nothing more than Hitler propaganda supporting the Kerry Democrat Party machine.)

Berger readily admitted he “inadvertently” lost or destroyed some of the classified documents pertaining to America’s security prior to the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the military Pentagon just south of Washington, D.C.

Judicial Watch, America’s only nonprofit legal “watchdog,” has filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the Archives to get to the bottom of the latest Clinton scandal.

Clinton FBI Director Louis Freeh considered Sandy Berger as a “public relations hack” than a national security adviser under Clinton.

The fact is that Berger seemed to be Clinton’s donor maintenance man on the National Security Council.

Judicial Watch has spent many years investigating and seeking accountability for this type of activity.

“We still have the Clinton/Gore Chinagate cases proceeding in court,” says Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

“Berger regularly met with Clinton donors, despite being a national security official, going so far as to provide assurances to Communist China, one of many illicit pro-China moves by Berger in response to an inquiry from one of their front men – Clinton fundraiser and friend Yah Lin ‘Charlie” Tree,” according to Judicial Watch.

Berger also was notorious for attending Clinton campaign strategy meetings while working on the National Security Council, the legal organization noted.

“In light of all this, is there an innocent explanation for Berger’s spiriting classified notes and top secret documents critical of the Clinton regime’s terrorism policies out of the National Archives?” Judicial Watch poses. “I can’t fathom one,” adds Judicial Watch President Fitton.

“Clinton and Berger should have been prosecuted many years ago for their fundraising abuses and the sale of our nation’s presidency to Chinese-backed donors,” Fitton says in a Judicial Watch News Update on July 22.

“No wonder Berger thought he could get away with breaking the law this time round,” Fitton says.

“Of course, Clinton said he ‘laughed’ about the story of his minion Sandy Berger playing fast and loose with secret terrorism documents,” Fitton continues. “No wonder Al Qaeda metastasized during the Clinton presidency.”

According to Newsweek magazine, Kerry met with Liu Chaohying, a Hong Kong businesswoman who wanted to have her company listed on the U.S. Stock Exchange. Kerry lobbied on her behalf by helping to organize a meeting between Liu Chaohying and a senior Securities and Exchange (SEC) official. In return, Kerry accepted a $10,000 contribution in the form of a Beverly Hills Fundraise on Sept 9, 1996, less than a month before the election, Newsweek reported.

It would later be established that Liu Chaohying was not simply a profit-motivated businesswoman, but rather a lieutenant colonel in the Communist China’s Peoples Liberation Army.

Newsweek reported that more than $28,000 in illegal contributions were funneled into the campaign of then President Bill Clinton and Kerry, and that “the contributions came out of $300,00 in overseas wire transfers sent on orders from the chief of the Chinese military intelligence – and routed through a Hong Kong bank account controlled by Liu Chaohying.”

The Los Angeles Times reported that Senator Kerry sent 28 letters on behalf of San Diego defense contractor Parthassarthi “Bob” Majumder between 1996 and 1999 in order to “free up federal funds” for a guided missile system designed by Majumder.

In return, court documents show, Majumder induced his employees to contribute approximately $25,000 to Senator Kerry’s campaign, while paying them proceeds from the government tracts in return.

Now the Communist friendly Senator wants to be America’s next President.

When Judicial Watch completes its investigation, Kerry should be serving time in a federal prison instead of the White House.

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