Jabberwacky: Analyzing lies and other nonsense

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Written By Ted Lang

work-933061_1280I’ll admit it. I used to play hooky and not attend services at my church on Sunday mornings in order to catch all the political talk shows. Tony Snow was up first over at FOXNews at around 9:00 a.m. The McLaughlin Group was next on NBC at 10:00 a.m., followed by Tim Russert’s Meet the Press. What really kept me glued to these programs was the hope that somehow, something would come to light to help our nation rid itself of the greatest political scourge to come along in my lifetime; namely, the administration of Bill Clinton.

I was always hoping that something would be said, or something new would be uncovered in these panel forums, that would make a difference and prove beneficial to our nation. A short time back, maybe ten or fifteen years or so ago, the driving force keeping “up to speed” with current events came under the banner of “staying informed.” To do otherwise, you’d risk being branded as an uninformed putz by your peers at work, in your neighborhood, or wherever.

As one takes the time to inform oneself, I mean really inform oneself, which I initiated for myself by finally deciding to dismiss the notion that I could attend church because Rush Limbaugh was serving in my best interests by watching all those shows and reporting back to me what was important as well as what I should be thinking, I began deciding for myself what was important and what was not.

Considering all of Bill Clinton’s transgressions, most easily defined as such by comparing his actions to what he was authorized to do via the Constitution, a curious question comes to mind: Have American politicians always been this corrupt, or are we really just beginning to see the light of truth due to the alternate sources of news attributable to the Internet, talk radio, FOX and the Washington Times?

The bias of the mainstream press has always leaned Democratic and left, and as far as I’m concerned, continues to do so. But it is becoming painfully clear that the mainstream establishment media is merely a propaganda front for our despicable criminal government in Washington and the statehouses across our nation. And the answer to the posed question is: No! Corrupt American politics didn’t just occur recently and has only recently come to light due to alternate media sources such as the Internet. And yes, politics has always been this corrupt and has always been driven by the almighty buck!

So now, the real question: Who cares what one politician says about the other? Who cares what one politician promises to do if elected, and who cares what counter promises are offered by those politicians competing in an election campaign against him or her? It has been fully and irrevocably established that
all politicians are liars!
In fact, that’s their job descriptions: They lie for a living!

And this is no longer either justifiable or limited to campaign promises and platforms. Remember Clinton’s promise as being the “new Democrat?” Remember Bush’s “no nation building,” or his father’s “read my lips?” Sure they were only campaign slogans, but what about, “I did not have sex with that woman?” Or, “Saddam has weapons of mash dishtraction?” Were those just campaign promises?

President George W. Bush lied us into an unnecessary war, saddled us with unconstitutional “Patriot Acts” after deliberately failing to protect us on 9-11 after being informed of the impending al Qaeda 9-11 attacks in the prior month, and has grossly overspent the US budget based upon Vice President Dick Cheney and Karl Rove’s advice that “deficits don’t matter.” And lunatics like these are in charge of the most powerful government on Earth?

When will these issues come up on talk radio? When will Limbaugh finally stop wasting everyone’s time talking about Howard Dean’s gaffes, or his bizarre behavior, or Kerry’s flip-flop on the Iraqi war? Who cares?! The best thing Limbaugh can now come up with is an in-depth analysis of how Howard Dean rose to be of equal height to former Senator and basketball star Bill Bradley on Matt Drudge’s website? This is important? This is nonsense!

What happened to the comparisons of White House policy to their legitimacy in terms of the United States Constitution? We no longer need to worry because Republicans are in charge? Know what? I’ve stopped watching pundits hanging on every word uttered by liars! I now spend my Sunday mornings in church!

Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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