It started in the schools: Why the nation is falling apart

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Written By Alan Stang

Next week, we shall be looking at the new Department of Homeland Security and at the present invasion of our country by illegal aliens. It would be impossible to understand these things without knowing why we Americans have let the perpetrators of the approaching disaster get away with it. The disaster was concocted in the nation’s government (public) “schools.” Without the shattering influence exerted by those schools, it could not have happened.

And the best way to look at that influence up close would be to continue browsing through Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt’s blockbuster book, the deliberate dumbing down of america(Conscience Press, Ravenna, Ohio, 2000). Remember that there are no capitals in the title to dramatize how dumb we have become.

For instance, the U.S. Department of Education sent your tax money to Dr. Shirley McCune, project director of the Midcontinent Regional Educational Laboratory. What did Dr. McCune do with your money? In 1989, in Wichita, she said this: “What we’re into is the total restructuring of society. What is happening in America today and what is happening in Kansas and the Great Plains is not simply a chance situation in the usual winds of change. What it amounts to is a total transformation of society. . . .” (Page 194; N.B.: pagination is from Mrs. Iserbyt’s book.)

Most Americans probably still think Susie goes to government school in Wichita to learn readin’, ritin’ and ‘rithmetic. No. Whatever she learns of those ancient arts is incidental to the main purpose of completely restructuring society and making you pay for it. Notice also Dr. McCune’s assurance that this is not happening by accident. She and her associates are doing it deliberately. Again, you don’t need to take Mrs. Iserbyt’s word for this, because her book catches Dr. McCune and so many others in their own words.

What kind of society do the restructurers want? In 1976, influential educator Harold Shane wrote with enthusiasm about “the global servant concept in which we will educate our young for planetary service and eventually for some form of world citizenship. . . . (P. 140)

The purpose of the restructurers has always been literally to reprogram your children, to destroy your values and instill their own, to automatize the little victims, who would eventually be graduated as zombies willing to live in a totalitarian world government. There is much more proof of this in dumbing down. Take a look. Meanwhile, what kind of world government would it be?

Ronald Reagan is certainly one of the most outrageous phonies ever to befoul the body politic. Today, many patriots, disgusted with Bush’s fraudulent “War on Terror,” recall with sweet nostalgia the halcyon days of Ronald Raygun, the military-minded hero who rode out of the West, six-guns blazing. The man who nailed the “evil empire.” Remember? Reagan made the present disaster possible by choosing Bush I as Vice President, after promising he wouldn’t.

Reagan denounced and promised to abolish the Department of Education. Safely in office, he completely sleazed on his promise. Indeed, it was Ronald Raygun who signed education agreements with the Soviet Union, while everyone agreed it was still the “evil empire.” Those agreements are still in force and include the exchange of educational techniques. (P. 161)

For instance, here is part of a news story Mrs. Iserbyt cites: “Teachers in the former Soviet Union, who played host to visiting U.S. educators, express interest in exchanging tests and course material to compare students’ aptitudes and curriculum. . . . Wyommissing School District students may soon be taking tests drawn up by teachers in the former Soviet Union.” (P. 334)

Regular readers of these commentaries are aware that the Soviet Union never did collapse; it merely changed its name. With the new name, it can get away with many things that would have been unthinkable with the old, including financial investment, loans, and diplomatic triumphs including the impending destruction of NATO and, here, the Soviet indoctrination of American children. These “exchanges” engineered by Ronald Reagan have been under way for many years. Needless to say, Soviet children are taught nothing about Free Enterprise.

All right. We have established that the purpose of the government schools is to train your children to acquiesce in totalitarian world government. Look at what is happening today. Isn’t our country being dismantled? Isn’t the present invasion by illegal aliens producing the balkanization that would toss our national independence into the commode? Are not our borders being destroyed, borders without which we would cease to exist?

And, supremely important, are not today’s adults, who as children were brainwashed in the totalitarian Socialist schools, by and large sitting still for all this? Yes, some of us have escaped and were cured, your Intrepid Correspondent among them, but most Americans, even some who grouse about it, are letting it happen.

There is still something missing. Something more has to tie all this together. Some Americans have gone to the government brain laundries to demand change and have found that the administrators there are fanatical in their dedication to world government and their absolute refusal even to consider change. Why?

Imagine that you are, say, a Missionary Baptist, and that you are unhappy with the form of worship in the local Roman Catholic Church. Suppose you go there and tell the Monsignor you want him to do it a different way, that, in fact, you want him to make the Catholic Church Baptist. Of course, nobody would be dumb enough to do that, but suppose. What would you imagine the Monsignor might do? Since you haven’t been dumbed down enough to do that, I don’t need to tell you, except that you would wake up on the sidewalk with your pockets stuffed with rosaries; but the important thing to understand is that when you go to your local government “school” to complain you are doing exactly what you would have done had you been as dumbed down as the man in our example.

In 1983, John Dunphy wrote a piece called “A Religion For A New Age,” in The Humanist, the journal of the American Humanist Association: “I am convinced that the battle for humankind’s future must be waged and won in the public school classroom by teachers who correctly perceive their role as the proselytizers of a new faith: a religion of humanity . . . . These teachers . . . will be ministers of another sort, utilizing a classroom instead of a pulpit to convey humanist values in whatever subjects they teach, regardless of the educational level . . . .” Dunphy says these Humanists will preach from day care to university. He says the battle will rage in the classroom between “the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with all its adjacent evils and misery, and the new faith of Humanism . . . .” (Pp. 192-93)

Everything Dunphy describes is happening in the nation’s schools today. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that Humanism is a religion. When you go to the Humanist Church school to complain, you are doing the same thing that hypothetical Missionary Baptist did when he went to the Roman Catholic Church. This is the reason every form of Christianity is persona non grata in the government schools, but every other religion is welcome. Our country was founded as a Christian nation. All the Founding Fathers believed in the Christian God. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are based on that belief.

That is why the restructurers are implacably hostile to Christianity. To restructure America completely, Christianity must be destroyed. That is why the government church schools welcome every other religion but ours. That is why even Islam can be taught in those schools, from the elementary level in California to the university level in North Carolina. Try to imagine the fate of proposals that we teach Shinto in our schools after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.

Again, the best solution to these problems is Home-schooling. We are at a point at which we must practice what the doctors call triage. We must save as many as we can. Every child rescued from the government church schools and imbued with the beliefs that still undergird our country is another child who will stand with Horatio at the bridge. Simply take your child out and do it yourself. But you must act quickly! This offer is (literally) going fast!

But first read Mrs. Iserbyt’s book. There is much more in it than we have space to relate. It will arm and protect you in what you must do. It will set you on fire. To order, send $39.95 (Maine residents add 5.5% tax=$2.19) plus $6.00 shipping and handling to 3D Research Co., 1062 Washington St., Bath, ME 04530.

Be with me next week, when we’ll look at homeland security and the preposterous “War on Terror.” Meanwhile, my prayer is that by the time you read this, you will have recovered from Thanksgiving.

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