I’m an arrogant American: And proud of it

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Written By Somerled McNamar

Recently the BBC in a flatulent burst gave out a poll which said America (thereby implying Americans) is arrogant. Coming from the human oil spill of Marxist indulgence I found this interesting and thought provoking.

If it’s arrogant to walk with firm unwavering tread in harm’s way as did hundreds of police and firemen on September eleventh, our men and women are guilty. They are also guilty of having the greatest compassion for the plight of fellow beings, and I’m not speaking of the hollow, warm and fuzzy socialist compassion whereby style overshadows substance.

If it’s arrogant to build and use the most highly trained and best equipped military in the world, we are guilty, but the word Arrogate implies an unwarranted right and we have every right to assure not only our sovereignty as a democratic republic, but our peace through strength. Our soldiers are the finest in the world, our service branches the most cohesive. Hand and glove they’ll do whatever it takes to keep America safe.

If it’s arrogant to believe that words have meaning, definition, and substantive form and a country or group which declares itself against America and with those who purvey bigotry and hate, their word is accepted as given, and we are arrogantly guilty of understanding. Other nations may cower in the morass of threats delivered by ignominious corpulent tyrants or religious zealous extremists. We shall not.

If it’s arrogant to show our patriotism with wild, enthusiastic displays of flag waving, we are guilty, for we are proud of the ideals the Stars and Stripes has stood for in the past and what it stands for in the future, It is the symbol of liberty, the freedom of the spirit of man.

If it arrogant to say that America with the help of Britain, Australia, Spain, Kuwait, and a few other nations destroyed an Iraqi regime and a dictator who publicly touted his Weapons Of Mass Destruction while laying miles of genocidal cemeteries, well, that’s just too damned bad. The serious undercutting of the U.N. Sanctions by certain countries has not gone unnoticed. The shame as well as the shambles of the U.N. lays at their feet, not ours.

If it’s arrogant to say we won World War Two, so be it. It was the might of America that saved the day. Our airplanes, our liberty ships, our carriers, our battleships, our submarines, our jeeps, our bombs, our ammunition, our food, our trucks, our clothing, our expert military leadership, and our dead generations left on hundreds of battlefields that carried the fight to victory. And it was our civilian populations cranking out war materials day and night as their sons and daughters were being covered with our flag. Our war dollars by the millions were lent to other countries and never repaid. Countries begged America to forego their war debt and we charitably did. Our memories are long.

The rustling of eagle’s wings is not arrogance. It’s a harbinger of obligations to meet and promises to keep.

Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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