God bless America?: For what?

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Written By Paul Proctor

In the Age Of Illusion, the most unethical president and attorney general in the history of America were remarkably replaced earlier this year by a “Christian” president and attorney general which led some of us to believe that our nation’s capital had returned to God and once-again embraced our biblical roots and Christian heritage. With the dialectic as our guide and relativism as our religion many of us erroneously concluded, (as the world’s puppeteers so desperately hoped we would), that this new president would SURELY be better than the last.

And now as the Trojan Horse boldly rolls toward global governance with a choreographed chaos to manage and a resounding “reorder” to impose, isn’t it time we stop and take an honest assessment of our nation’s progress? Is this REALLY a more godly government simply because the current president invokes the name of Christ more readily than the last and doesn’t tangle himself in sexual controversy? Have we really become that shallow and superficial in our spiritual discernment?

Here are just a few of Bush’s major achievements during his first year in office with three months yet to go:

1. Without apology he appointed unrepentant homosexuals to positions of power and influence in his administration.

2. He tempted the church with what amounts to a federally funded reward program for political correctness that he calls his “faith-based initiative.”

3. He deified the privileged few by shrewdly devaluing the unfortunate many in agreeing to federally fund some stem cell research.

4. He also increased the federal funding of a failed educational system that clearly opposes biblical Christianity.

5. He quietly set aside the Constitution by executive order for an indefinite period of time to implement a police state here in the “land of the free” that he calls “Homeland Security” which is nothing but a clever oxymoron designed to “protect us” from things that God apparently no longer will.

6. Lastly, he continues to negotiate with one set of terrorists while declaring a war on another and in the process thumbs his nose at God by offering Israel’s Covenant Land to them for peace.

Hasn’t Brother Bush’s “compassionate conservatism” turned out to be something of a greasy grace; an ecclesiastical balm that is liberally applied as needed to each and every scriptural offense that comes along to comfort the irritated conscience of the Christian community? Can we not see that this is all powered by the same occult force and shadowy government that has covertly guided our presidents throughout the 20th century?

Maybe now more of you will understand what I meant in a recent article where I wrote: “…although presidents, governors, senators and congressman change with each election, the global agenda never does.” And maybe it will make sense to you now when I say: “Socialism needs two legs on which to stand; a right and a left. While appearing to be in complete opposition to one another, they both march in the same direction.”

If you wish to pray for President Bush and our troubled country, don’t make the mistake of simply asking for a victory over terrorism with an unmerited pride in the past. Instead, let’s first get right with God individually and then pray for our nation’s heartfelt repentance and faith in the One we’ve given lip service to for so long, that we not lose what little remains of America’s blessing for the sake of an emotionally charged, media-driven patriotism.

And if you STILL believe that “American Pride” is the answer to all that ails us, remember Proverbs 16:18. “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” It is not pride in OURSELVES that will restore God’s blessing to America. Pride in self is what destroys men and nations.

The bible says: “Cursed be the man that trusteth in man and maketh flesh his arm.” (Jeremiah17:5)

No, it is our obedience to and humility before a just and holy God that will deliver us from our enemies.


It is WE who are not blessing Him.

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” (II Chronicles 7:14)

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