Go, neo-cons, go! Straight to hell!

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Written By Jim Moore

I don’t tell an audience on a whim that somebody should go to hell. Especially when many Americans seem confused about the people who I suggest should get their epidermis fried.

But neo-cons have taken over the reins of the American government, and are presently calling our major policy shots, including how to keep us at a state of perpetual war, for their own benefit. That, in my opinion, deserves banishment to that place down under; and I don’t mean Australia.

Therefore, those who don’t have a clue about neo-cons—-who they are, what their agenda is, or even what the word means—-would be wise to find out. And quick. Here’s their rap sheet.

Neo-con is short for neo-conservative; translation: new conservative. Sounds innocent enough. But it’s actually a slick misnomer, because neo-cons are neither new nor conservative.

They started as a bunch of intellectual elitists who began their incursion (subversion) of the conservative approach to America’s foreign and domestic policies, at least 50 years ago—and were determined to change it to fit their schemes.

But who back then knew about neo-cons and how dangerous they would become? Nobody even heard of the word. People who neo-cons consider their enemies are the true-blue, old-line, conservatives (paleo-conservatives); paleo meaning primitive, or first.

Paleos are the Americans who traditionally have always stood for less government, decentralized power, states rights, non-intervention, strong national defense, and strict adherence to the Constitution. They never believed in excessive deficit spending, massive foreign aid, global government, the United Nations, international defense, and policing the world. THAT’S “conservative” thinking.

Neo-cons, on the other hand, are opposed to what the paleos stand for. Among other things, they advocate strong central power, expanding American “democracy” via military intervention, ignoring the debt incurred, empire-building—especially in the Middle East, and strong ethnic and family ties to Israel. THAT’S “neo-conservative” thinking.

As you can see, there’s quite a difference between the two “conservative” reference points. Neo-cons are really liberals who have managed to wheedle their way into traditional, conservative circles; where they have disrupted their agendas, mutilated their ideals, and stolen their thunder.

Now a question: which brand of conservatism sounds more like “America”? Who seems to have the best interest of this nation at heart? Which type of conservatism best stands the test of our founding fathers? Which conservative position most realistically reflects the essence of our Constitution?

Any American worth his citizenship should clearly see the difference between the two positions: one real, the other fake.

The most serious problem we have in America today is, in my opinion, not illegal immigration, racial prejudice, religious intolerance, depreciating school systems, or the shaky economy—though they are all tough problems that need answers. The big problem is the phony conservatives (neo-cons) who are now in control of the most vital departments of our government!

Nobody seems to know exactly when or how this happened, but today, neo-cons are running the show.

I mentioned neo-cons’ penchant for military invention, and strong ties to Israel. That is a lethal combination, in my book, and sure to spell disaster for America. If that should ever happen, all our other problems will be moot.

Let’s explore further.

Neo-cons are mostly Jewish. (Twenty or more are in top advisory positions in the Bush administration today.) That is not to say that ALL neo-cons are Jewish, or that ALL Jews are neo-cons.

But it IS a fact that the preponderance of high officials in both our Defense Department and Administration are Jews, and those Jews ARE neo-cons, who just happen to have powerful positions of influence in making foreign policy decisions—-with the safety and security of Israel in mind, of course.

To add fuel to the fire, many (probably most) Jewish neo-cons in the American government are also Zionists. Zionists are people (mostly Jews) dedicated to keeping Israel a strong and viable nation—-WHATEVER the cost in money and lives—-and to encourage all Jews worldwide to come and live in Israel.

Moreover, Zionists have no compunction about serving two masters: i.e. dual-citizenship, swearing allegiance to both America and Israel—-so long as their Israeli master is top dog.

This being the case, the neo-con responsibility for the war(s) America is getting into, and the state of perennial war they want to keep us in, is a political reality that cannot be dismissed.

And the neo-cons are very sly about doing all this; as in the case of going to war with Iraq where they knew that touting a war for “democracy and freedom” sounds a lot more acceptable than a war for Israel.

Talk about devious and destructive activities, the planning, timing, and sophistication of neo-cons makes the terrorists, who they’ve conned us into fighting against, look like a gang of back-country rubes.

Given these facts, it is inconceivable that any thinking American would condone or even tolerate this internal assault on their nation. Yet, in my travels and research I found that most Americans are either unaware of, sheltered from, or indifferent to, this disastrous political cancer festering in the top echelons of government.

I am often asked: If we know that our government has been sabotaged by neo-cons who will stop at nothing to defend Israel, even at the cost of our own country, why did we allow this happen? When did it start? How did this treacherous cabal of armchair intellectuals manage to infiltrate and take over the most important functions of the strongest government in the world?

To find out, you have to dig into our history books and note the changes that were gradually taking place say, since the 1930’s, and who was benefiting most from them.

Anyway, that’s the wrong questions. The real question is, if this is taking place now, and the country is in the grasp of ruthless neo-cons intent on pushing us into “imperial” conflicts in the Middle East, for Israel’s sake, just what can we do about it?

The first thing we must do is stop turning our back on the reality of the devil within, and what we did to invite him in. To see and clarify our mistake, we don’t have to invoke the words of our founding fathers.

Going back 40 years is far enough.

In 1962, President Kennedy said, “We must face the fact that the United States is neither omnipotent nor omniscient—that we are only six percent (now four percent) of the world’s population—that we cannot impose our will upon the other 94 percent of mankind—that we cannot right every wrong or reverse each adversity—and that therefore there cannot be an American solution to every world problem.”

Whether we like it or not, friends, we are saddled with a vicious enemy, and he is not in Iraq, or Pakistan, or North Korea, or China, or Timbuktu. He’s right here in Washington, D.C. His name is Neo-Con, And while we’ve been asleep, he’s winning the war.

It’s about time we woke up.

Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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