Erasing the second amendment: Legislated, not repealed!

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Written By Ted Lang

Having established in previous columns that first, liberalism’s agenda is derived directly from Karl Marx’s Manifesto of the Communist Party, and second, that the liberal establishment mainstream media’s only political function is to legitimize that communist agenda, nothing in recent memory verifies totally these now irrefutable points than does the recent California recall election scenario.

It would appear that the L.A. Times’ timed attack on Arnold Schwarzenegger just coincidentally paralleled that of the National Enquirer attack on Rush Limbaugh, but these two separate journalistic entities are joined together by the liberal worldview of New World Order Socialism. And liberalism and its media take no prisoners. Even if Schwarzenegger is on the left, he’s now viewed as being with “them.”

In an article, “U.S. Communists to support Dems,” founder and editor Joe Farah offered on October 2nd, “The Communist Party USA will not run a candidate for president, will not support progressive third-party bids but will instead throw its support behind the Democratic Party in an all-out effort to defeat President Bush and the Republican Congress.”

The article runs the gamut of Communist and Democrat Party ties, including prominent movers and shakers on the left to include Angela Davis, Rep. Ron “Red” Dellums, D-Calif., Barbara Lee, D-Calif., and an organization entitled Democratic Socialists of America.

Regarding the latter organization, Farah offers: “Nevertheless, the goal of the Democratic Socialists of America has never been deeply hidden. Prior to the cleanup of its website in 1999, the DSA included a song list featuring ‘The International,’ the worldwide anthem of communism and socialism. Another song on the site was ‘Red Revolution’ sung to the tune of ‘Red Robin.’ The lyrics went: ‘When the Red Revolution brings its solution along, along, there’ll be no more lootin’ when we start shootin’ that Wall Street throng….’ Another song removed after WorldNetDaily’s exposé was ‘Are You Sleeping, Bourgeoisie?’ The lyrics went: ‘Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie. And when the revolution comes, We’ll kill you all with knives and guns, Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie.’”

The DSA song lyric indicating that communist revolutionaries will shoot Wall Streeters is of course an expression of brutal violence intended for hated capitalists. Free market capitalism is what provides US with our wealth, our jobs, SUVs, CD players, TVs, modern transportation, vacation packages, entertainment, restaurants and hotels, amusement and theme parks, medical, dental and scientific advances, food, clothing, and all the things you hardly ever find in socialist and communist paradises always promised as the best of good intentions by liberals. Who could object to having all of the foregoing and not having to go out and work to earn these things? But work and the rewards made possible by capitalism, is reality, and a much better one than that of the fraudulent pipe dreams of liberalism.

Communism comes in two forms: the theoretical and the practical. Karl Marx was all theory – Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin were the practical. Socialism and communism require an overall big government central planning focus, a focus that cannot function through three branches of government and checks and balances. There can be no obstacles to the central plan. That’s why dictators, such as Hitler and Stalin, favored socialism and communism. And certainly, allowing an armed citizenry is the height of insanity for socialist central planning dictators and tyrants.

The South American country of Chile experimented with communism, but allowed the people the theoretically correct principle of owning firearms. When the populace discovered the horrors of communism, they used their guns to rid themselves of Mankind’s worst plague, and overthrew the communist regime. In fact, many German citizens and army generals wanted to overthrow Hitler long before he set the stage for World War II.

But as William L. Shirer explains in his world-renowned effort, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, “After five and a half years of National Socialism it was evident to the few Germans who opposed Hitler that only the Army possessed the physical strength to overthrow him. The workers, the middle and upper classes, even if they had wanted to, had no means to do it. They had no organization outside of the Nazi party groups and they were, of course, unarmed.”

And while we are on that page of Nazi history, Shirer continues in the same vein: “The very maintenance of its [the German resistance] bare existence was, admittedly, difficult in a police state dominated by terror and spying. Moreover, how could a tiny group – or even a large group, had there been one – rise up and revolt against the machine-guns, the tanks, the flame throwers of the S.S.?” This was written well before the “collapse” of communism in the former Soviet Union.

Both Hitler and Stalin, but mostly Hitler, relied heavily, if not completely, on the lies, fraud and propaganda generated by the German “news” media, to include the newspapers, radio and his broadcasted fiery hate speeches, and the movies. His chief moviemaker, Leni Riefenstahl, just recently passed away a few weeks ago. Hitler rose and sustained power over the masses via media propaganda and police state terror.

In his piece on Ether Zone entitled “America’s Free-Trade Future” posted October 10th, Al Cronkrite writes, “In a recent documentary on the History Channel, Joseph Stalin’s life and works were featured. Stalin was a ruggedly handsome, well coiffed human butcher who ruled Russia for some twenty-five years. In addition to 27 million Russians killed in WWII (the largest number in history), Stalin murdered over 100 million more. Russian citizens, transported one hundred to a box car over 4000 miles to Siberia, believing Stalin could not know what was happening, wrote letters requesting him to intercede on their behalf. Till the end of his reign, most Russians revered him and looked to him as a God.

New York City talk radio host Kevin McCullough, interviewed Hollywood actor Ed Asner recently and posted this October 10th article on “Ed Asner: “Hannity’s next…just like we went after Limbaugh.’” McCullough’s piece offers this quote from Asner: “Hannity’s next. We’re going after him just like we went after Limbaugh. And you saw what happened to Rush this week, right?”

McCullough asked this question of Asner: “But if you had the chance to play the biographical story of a historical figure you respected most over your lifetime, who would it be?” Here’s Asner’s reply: ” ‘I think Joe Stalin was a guy that was hugely misunderstood,’ said Asner. ‘And to this day, I don’t think I have ever seen an adequate job done of telling the story of Joe Stalin, so I guess my answer would have to be Joe Stalin.’”

Communist philosophy set forth in Marx’s Manifesto sets the stage for big government central planning, and abhors decentralized government checks and balances, family ties and devotion, religion, and any other “distractions” that would tend to preclude a socialist “workers’ paradise.” Eugene Kamenka, editor of The Portable Karl Marx, writes, “In summer 1848 the Demands [of the Communist Party in Germany] were reprinted in Cologne.” They begin with: “Proletarians of all countries, unite!” Demand number four reads: “The whole population shall be armed.”

The latter points out the difference between theoretical and practical communism. The basic difference is the right of the citizens to own and carry [bear] firearms. In Chile, this right ousted communism. Communism is fraud. It assumes an obedient human mechanized citizenry with no feelings, no love for family, no need for God, a subsistence barely providing the basics of water, food, clothing and shelter, as well as one impervious to pain and suffering, and the consistent economic failures and horrors such worker paradises produce.

But the benefit is a huge, powerful, centralized government, easily manipulated by a dictator and his political party, the only ones who really benefit by enslaving the population to provide their luxuries and wealth. This is where practicality cancels theory, and in such tyranny, the complete elimination of citizen ownership of firearms, just as in the case of Nazism, is a must!

Just as in Stalin’s Soviet Union and Hitler’s Nazi Germany, gun control and a subservient media to propagandize and brainwash the populace are needed. Hitler, Stalin and Asner are indeed alike in appreciating the power of the press! Hitler had Goebbels and Riefenstahl, and Stalin had Walter Duranty and the New York Times. Problem is, we still have the New York Times.


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