Communist Bush (II): Traitor

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Written By Alan Stang

As I write, “conservative” talk show hosts are staggering around their studios, holding their heads, pulling out what hair they have left, no doubt bumping into consoles, trying to explain the latest treasonous scheme concocted by communist George W. Bush, the latest “amnesty” that would legalize the presence of still another crop of lawbreakers in our country.

Typically, Limbaugh has twisted himself into a human pretzel trying to excuse it. No wonder the man is a prescription drug addict. We would be too if we went through the daily contortions he does to keep the lid on. Recently, like so many, a Limbaugh listener timidly asked him to explain Bush’s policies; the listener admitted he was confused. Why was Bush adopting Clinton’s policies?

Limbaugh explained that Bush’s brilliant strategy was to destroy the Democrat Party. By implementing its policies he would amputate its reason for existence and it would collapse. I would not have believed it had I not heard it myself. In other words, you neutralize your mortal enemy by killing yourself, thereby destroying his reason to kill you. Clever, no?

As usual, Shallow Sean does not understand. He rushes to the microphones with the latest White House press release, but he can’t explain what Bush is doing. As always, there is mindless adulation for Bush, as if the Administration’s communist policies could be implemented for even one moment without his support. Such policies “just happen.” No one sits down around a table and extrudes them. All the nation’s allegedly “conservative” talk show hosts suffer from this species of schizophrenia.

There is a possible glimmer of hope. Mike Savage wondered last night whether the Democrats might be the “lesser of two evils,” something I have been saying for years. And in Houston, the nation’s number four city, KPRC’s Chris Baker actually used the dreaded “C” word, actually uttered the word “conspiracy.”

Regular readers of these commentaries know that the conspiracy for world government is behind the present invasion of the United States and that its purpose is to submerge our country in a totalitarian world dictatorship. That fact is today’s political Rosetta stone. Once you know it, the conspiracy’s policies become clear. Until you admit it, you will always be in the dark.

In this latest assault on America, communist Bush openly encouraged lawbreaking, criminals and crime. Illegal aliens are exactly that; they have broken the law. In other words, he is encouraging anarchy. If it is okay to break our immigration laws, is it okay to break our tax laws? Patriots support our nation’s laws; Bush does not. Bush says our system doesn’t work, but it won’t work if you don’t work it.

In the last couple of years, judicial prostitutes in black on the Supreme Court have started to say we must apply foreign law here in the United States. Of course this is preposterous, but notice that no country on the face of this planet would tolerate the illegal alien situation communist Bush encourages here. If we must now use foreign law, why don’t we use it in this case?

Communist Bush spoke with the usual compassion about the plight of the poor people of Mexico. He is so compassionate; he almost broke down in tears. Remember, Bush invented “compassionate conservatism.” Why do the poor people of Mexico suffer? Is it our fault up here in the United States? Have we done something bad? No, we have nothing to do with it. They are suffering because of Mexico, not because of us, suffering because of their own system, because the first Communist revolution happened in Mexico and their system has stunk ever since.

I am tempted to introduce this next paragraph with the word “Duh.” When I accidentally get some money, I bring it home and give it to my wife. I don’t give it to your wife. Does that mean I have something against your wife? No, I am sure your wife is as beautiful, as delightfully feminine, as good as you think she is, but God has assigned me to take care of my wife, just as He has assigned you to take care of yours, and I am completely comfortable with the divine plan.

The fact that I don’t support her does not mean I wish her any ill. In the same way, we owe nothing to Mexico; their plight is their own. The good news is that, since it is their own fault, they are able to fix it. Instead, as I write, communist Bush is on his way to Monterrey to suck up to Vicente Fox. Bush’s latest proposal no doubt is an attempt to placate him. Why must the United States placate Vicente? Mexico needs to change, not the United States.

Some readers were startled by the title of this little series. Some were puzzled. George W. Bush is a multimillionaire. His family is very rich. And we all know that Communism is a movement of “poor, sick, illiterate and hungry, dispossessed people who rise up from the bottom to overthrow the rich.” Why would someone as rich as George Bush be a Communist?

The confusion derives from perhaps the biggest of the many lies the Communists have told. Poor people do not become Communists. They can’t afford it. Sick people don’t become Communists. They are sick; doctors are what they want. Illiterate people can’t become Communists. They are illiterate; they cannot read Marx, the only benefit of illiteracy I am aware of. Hungry people don’t become Communists. They don’t have the time; they are searching for food.

Always, everywhere, Communism is made by the richest, healthiest, best-educated, best-fed people in the country they target for takeover, who use poor, sick, illiterate, hungry people to excuse their criminal lust for power. The Communists always victimize such people.

Marx himself was supported all his life by wealthy industrialist Friedrich Engels. Lenin and Trotsky lived very well. Stalin was a student in a divinity school and robbed banks between classes. Mousy Dung was the librarian at Peking University. Castro is a scion of a wealthy Cuban family. He was a law student at the University of Havana, hence the title, “Dr.” Castro. On campus he was known as bola de churre, “ball of filth,” or maybe “dirt bag,” possibly an allusion to his disgusting, personal habits. Alger Hiss had a Harvard education and was a top State Department official.

“Poor, sick, illiterate, hungry?” I don’t think so. In Proofs of a Conspiracy (1798) Scottish Professor John Robinson proved with the documents the Illuminati left behind when they escaped from the police, that they recruited only the wealthiest people in town. They didn’t waste time on the poor. Communist George Bush is simply another useless rich boy, another smirking drunk, recruited by the conspiracy for world government to serve its totalitarian purposes.

That is why there is no difference whatsoever between Bush and Clinton – and Fox, for that matter. Indeed, Bush has built and expanded on what Clinton did. Bush has gotten away with much that Clinton could not. Clinton tried to impose Hillaroid’s communist medical takeover. He failed. Bush gave us the $400 billion prescription drug handout for seniors, which Limbaugh would probably explain is designed to turn Hillaroid the color of Preparation H.

Again, the only significant difference I am aware of between Clinton and Bush is that Bush does not drop his pants and ask for sex, a refreshing innovation. When Clinton appeared in public, we were always nervous. Would he drop his pants and ask Janet Reno, for instance, for sex? With Bush, we can relax. We know he won’t.

How can a man with such a “deep, abiding Christian faith,” be a communist? Yes, I too have read those stories. But, as I also recall, “by their fruits shall ye know them.” It’s wonderfully commendable to talk the talk, if you also walk the walk. Or, as they say in politics, let’s look at the record.

For instance, Bush’s recent cosmetic nod to the anti-partial birth partisans was nothing more than that and will save not one baby. Bush supports abortion and always has. Bush has never met a sodomite he didn’t support. Bush has done far more for organized sodomy than Clinton even dared attempt. We shall be looking at his record in commentaries to come. Remember that Clinton too is a “Christian” and an ardent churchgoer.

According to the “conservative” talk show hosts, Bush could be doing this to gain political advantage over the Democrats, to “get Latino votes.” Typically, they are using politics to divert our attention. No, friends, we are presently the victims of genocide, which includes population replacement. Remember that Babylon did a version of it to the children of Israel, with the result that ten of the tribes completely disappeared. Stalin did it to Ukraine and the Baltic nations. And communist Bush is now doing it to us.

Word now arrives from a dear friend of mine, who has done everything in broadcasting for 45 years, whose voice you hear daily on television. He says Limbaugh is finished and will be cast out. The next “media monster” will be Al Franken(stein), who is now being prepped for the role.

Related article:
Communist Bush Finally Goes Too Far

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