Christian zionism: Whose land is it anyway?

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Written By Ted Lang

Zionism is not a religion; therefore, anti-Zionism is not necessarily a bad thing. But the existence of the sovereign state of Israel, while not an evil in and of itself, is being used as a justification for racism, anti-religious policies, apartheid, forceful confiscation of land from rightful property owners, terrorism and genocide. That is what the government of Israel is guilty of – it is guilty of the most despicable form of ethnic cleansing. It is a carbon copy of the mass murders, pogroms, massacres and same inhumane misery engineered by its predecessors: the Nazis and the Communists!

It is understandable that Jews might be sympathetic to the state of Israel, but such Jews are terribly misguided. The Zionist Jews who manipulate religious faith and ethnic patriotism to elicit support in the form of emigrants, pilgrimages, tourism and the huge wealth transfers to Israel from both Jews abroad directly as well as vast sums of foreign aid, continue to expand and empower this dangerous, malevolent killer dragon. The tremendous amount of Israel’s foreign aid, virtually all of it coming from the United States, is generated via powerfully organized lobbying groups who have purchased our government, its leaders, and its military, mostly from the money taken from American taxpayers.

Please explain to me how a discussion of such “Brooklyn Bridge” transactions between our government and that of another nation can be argued as being sacrilegious! We are discussing a brutal, vicious, killer state. We are describing a totalitarian police state every bit as dangerous and formidable as the former Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. Yet the Roman Catholic Church now believes that anti-Zionism is a sin. Objecting to a government is a sin?

What Israel doesn’t have in manpower, it has acquired via money taken from American taxpayers, and is sacrificing the lives of those in our military. It is a deal similar to the sole source government acquisition arrangement Washington perpetrated for Halliburton; we destroy Iraq, and now the special interest group that controls this huge “free enterprise” profiteering corporate behemoth gets our tax money to rebuild a nation we wrongfully destroyed in the first place!

But in spite of Israel’s powerful lobbying groups, and their highly organized activist groups, and their communist-originated ACLU, and their Nazi-supporting ADL of B’nai B’rith, and the Sulzberger family of The New York Times, genocidal Israel couldn’t get away with any of these very effective assets and methods if it were not for the help, support and treasonous double-crosses engineered by many misguided, supportive Christians. These are the Christian Zionists, and they’re very easy to spot.

Last week, I wrote a column in which I did something I try very hard to avoid; specifically, attacking another columnist. And although I admit to having made a minor mistake, it was, in all likelihood, the major reason for that website not allowing me to respond on their site. The site thinks of itself as a professional journalistic endeavor, and frankly, as far as news and opinion websites go, it is for the most part, a professional effort. And yes, not only had I considered writing for that website, I have over the years submitted articles in hopes of getting them published. But this isn’t sour grapes!

I am speaking of Joseph Farah’s Farah’s WND, along with Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly and Fox News were all islands of solace with frequent blasts of gentle fresh air during those dark days of the Clinton debacle. These stalwarts of conservative “reason” were very handy with the Constitution whenever “Slick Willy” skated out of the frying pan and into the fire. Now it seems, they’ve all misplaced their copies of our great rule of law, and replaced it with some kind of “with us or agin’ us” putrefaction.

Standards that were applied to Clinton no longer exist for Bush. Concerning WND, I found myself losing interest in the site, especially over the last couple of years. And things really went downhill fast when Bush invaded Iraq – I think that’s when I really lost interest. I still visit the site now and then, and scan it for some interesting articles, but it is almost all confined to whining about anti-Semitism, and Bush’s courageous stand against the “axis of evil,” and the continuing suffering of the American people because of Bill Clinton.

Farah writes a daily column, and in the few e-mails we’ve exchanged over the years, he advised that I should contact his opinion editor, a Tom Ambrose, if I was interested in posting. And Ambrose did contact me; and yes, I believe I had a shot at getting some of my stuff posted on the “largest, independent news and opinion website” on the Internet. But somehow, I could never really submit my articles confidently. I found my political leanings deviating further and further away from both stalwart conservatism and the Republican Party. The Republican Party isn’t anywhere near what it used to be – Bush and his Zionist PNAC cabal have completely destroyed any recognizable, remaining vestiges.

Each day used to start for me with a visit to WND. But the last time I quick-scanned the site, particularly on July 20th, there at the top of the “Commentary” page was a savage, brutal attack by one of Farah’s columnists: a guy named Dennis Prager. As I said, I had been losing interest in WND, but nothing brought the reason for this more clearly into focus than this article. Farah and his “largest independent website” are every bit as biased as The New York Times he is always whining so much about. Remember when the Senate credentials committee wouldn’t allow WND a press pass. Whoa! The whining! I started looking for a bomb shelter!

But Farah’s biggest complaint is the growing anti-Semitism around the world. And I too was concerned about it – that’s why I started looking into the causes for it. And I mean the real causes for it. I recently finished reading Shirer’s Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, a huge volume with over 1,400 pages, to find out why Hitler hated the Jews and wanted to exterminate them all. What I got out of that huge book in terms of an understanding would fit into a thimble, leaving more than ample room for one’s finger. Shirer, like Farah and G. Bush, offers answers along the lines of, well, Hitler just didn’t like them. Maybe he hated their wealth and freedom. Maybe he figured they had weapons of mass destruction, or like that.

No one ever wrote or spoke at length about the Zionists and the influence they’ve had on the 1905 Russian/Japanese War, or the “Jewish Bankers” thing in World War I, or the Balfour Declaration. I don’t think WND, once my leading source of information, ever covered any of that. They were always busy posting many articles that delivered a cosmetic explanation of why the Jews are hated. And you cannot deal with that hatred unless you examine all aspects of Zionism, including their involvement with both Nazism and Communism.

I made a mistake. I called Dennis Prager a Christian Zionist; he’s not, he’s Jewish! That was the minor mistake I alluded to. But can you image the huge omelet all over WND were someone to challenge my description of Prager as a Christian when in fact he’s a Jew? And make no mistake about it – Farah is an Arab, but I believe a Catholic. What does all this have to do with the matter?

For me, it has no implications at all, except that I was going this way already! How could less than three percent of our Jewish population wield so much power? Isn’t that merely an honest question? Wouldn’t you be interested in finding out? Well Ambrose, Farah’s opinion editor, not only doesn’t want to find out, he doesn’t want you to find out either! That folks, is bias.

Ambrose responded angrily to me in what he perceived was a threat. My only admonition to him involved posting my response elsewhere – I gave them first opportunity, as well as editorial license. But Ambrose indicated the reason he wasn’t using my piece was because it wouldn’t be interesting to the site’s readers, or my efforts were just ordinary and they receive a lot of such pieces, or because it wasn’t good enough. And of course, that’s entirely possible. Sometimes I just ramble on as I am doing now.

Prager viciously attacked the Presbyterian Church [USA] specifically because it correctly dumped financial support for the continuing atrocities perpetrated by Israel against its Arab neighbors. Ambrose points out that there is a diversity of opinion writers on WND, all more talented than me. And that’s fine – I claim no talent at all save one; I at least tell the truth and form my opinion based upon what I believe to be fact, not on mere bias and hatred for an entire people. And if differing opinions are offered on WND, Farah’s own columns as well as the preponderance of anti-Semitic whining prove, at least to me, and to many of my readers from their e-mails, that WND is a biased Christian Zionist site.

Christian Zionism is founded upon two strong beliefs: first, the biblical reference offering that the modern state of Israel descends from the Diaspora with the fall of Babylon, and second, upon the need for the Jews to have a safe haven, a country where they would belong as protection from another Holocaust. Zionist Jews, with their rich and powerful and highly concentrated factional forces, such as the ACLU, the ADL, AIPAC, The Israel Project, etc., all shout, “Never again!” Yet it is happening again, and now to the innocent people of Palestine.

When Howard Dean suggested we take an “even-handed” approach to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, the Jewish owners and operators of the nation’s largest newspapers and the televised news media politically crucified Dean for this fair and balanced remark. When Mel Gibson tried to make his Passion of the Christ movie, organized Jewry not only smeared him as anti-Semitic, but the powerful Jews in Hollywood tried to stop distribution of the movie. Are all Zionists Jews? Are all Jews Zionists? Are the controllers and operators of television, newspapers, magazines and Hollywood Jewish? Hence, those who see through the propaganda of Zionism have not only a hard time to prove it, but even a more difficult time to even discuss it!

The ACLU is a group of “wandering Jews” that roam from town to town, shutting down nativity scenes, banning the Ten Commandments, successfully clamoring for Nazi gun control and forgetting the Jews murdered in the Warsaw Ghetto. Makes no sense at all, UNTIL you realize that Zionist Jews turned on their own. They helped Hitler kill their own. They helped the Nazis place Jews in concentration camps. So why wouldn’t they turn on US with their charges of racism and the need for “diversity?” Why are Christian schoolchildren being forced to draw menorahs while substituting drawn snowmen to represent Christ on his birthday?

And one thing is certain: Joe Farah is a very religious Christian, almost to a fault. But see how it works folks? Farah opposes diversity. Farah opposes environmental and animal rights extremism. Farah opposes judicial activism. The anti-Christian movement now sweeping the country to abolish Christmas angers Farah, and Easter will probably be next. Farah is opposed to gun control, especially when considering “Never again!” But does he see who’s pushing all these things?

I hope you, the reader, will see what Christian Zionist, Joe Farah, doesn’t see, and probably never will! It is his very Zionism that is taking our country away from US. Less than three percent of our population! And make no mistake, NOT ALL JEWS ARE ZIONISTS! But all Zionists, including the Christian variety, are selling out our country.

And when Jews in Israel went into the street to demonstrate against their government for slaughtering innocent Palestinians in their homes, schools, and hospitals, Israeli riot police and troops arrested them and beat them with batons. I remember one newsreel where the Zionist Cops were bending an arrested Israeli demonstrator’s arms up behind him with a baton while his hands were handcuffed behind him. Why were they torturing this man – was he a threat physically or verbally?

And remember the courageous 27 Israeli fighter pilots who refused to fly their planes to bomb innocent Palestinians?

They were court-martialed, and God knows what happened to them since. I’m sure Farah’s site carried it, and perhaps he might even have written a piece on it. But he certainly learned nothing from it. The Israeli military, like the Mossad, are highly trained and very dedicated. If these air force pilots thought it was wrong to ruthlessly kill Palestinians, why do Prager, Ambrose and Farah think its okay?

I believe Farah has a book out, which he advertises on his website – something along the lines of “Taking America Back” or some such thing. Think there’ll be any useful information in there? So perhaps Farah and Ambrose are right, as well as being neoconservative and Zionist. And perhaps I’m a lousy writer without any modicum of talent. In fact, were I you, I’d bet the ranch on it! But you’ll also never see these two on either Jeopardy or the old Bud Collier show, “To Tell The Truth!” Happy Holidays!

Published originally at : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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