Brainwashing is the method: Treason is the reason

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Written By Alan Stang

Treason no doubt is as old as government. Wherever you have one, you have the other. Every government has been plagued with it, from Alcibiades to Arnold to Aldrich Ames. But our situation is unique. I cannot find in history, anywhere in the world, a nation subjected to as much continuing treason for as long as ours.

There are individual traitors like the ones I have named; but I cannot find another country whose own government was the traitor; whose own government committed a hundred years of treason against its own people. That is the situation under which the American people now labor.

When Benedict Arnold betrayed his command to the British, our government was loyal. It was loyal thereafter until the early years of the Twentieth Century. Yes, the previous century did see the Mexican War, our first baby steps toward empire; it did see the fratricidal conflict engineered by totalitarian monster Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt’s “splendid little war” concocted by William Randolph Hearst in Havana.

But the purpose of those wars was not to hand our country to a foreign enemy. Treason in my lexicon consists of doing exactly that, of betraying our country into foreign hands, especially during wartime. Treason certainly consists of giving control of our government to another government.

How do I know that treason is the reason? How can I prove it? Remember that when weeds sprang up among the wheat, the Master explained, “An enemy hath done this.” (Matt. 13:24ff.) In the cause-and-effect universe God created, when there is an effect, you know there was a cause. You may not know yet what the cause was, but you know there was one.

God could have done it any way He liked. Why did He do it this way? My answer will as always be clear, concise and completely correct. I don’t know. The only thing we know about God is the effect we call scripture He caused His prophets to write. God caused that effect to teach us something about Him.

Suppose that for a hundred years you keep finding weeds in your wheat. If, as scripture tells us, an enemy hath done this, you would have sound reason to conclude that your enemy is trying to destroy you. I am simply asking you to apply here the same thinking you would apply to someone who keeps cheating you.

The first few times, you might attribute the problem to accident or misunderstanding. After a hundred years, you would remember the hallowed legal principle that a man is presumed to intend the natural consequences of his acts. The cops won’t buy it if I tell them I “didn’t know” your head would split open and your brain would leak out when I hit you in the head with the axe.

And so it was that in the early years of the Twentieth Century, we began to see intensifying and multiplying attempts to destroy our national independence and to submerge our country in a world government, in which the former United States would be a mere wide place in the road.

Remember that world government – however innocuous its champions make it sound – is ipso facto treason, because world government means the destruction of the United States government. You can have one or the other, not both, for the same reason that two solid objects cannot occupy the same place at the same time.

After a century of such treason our government is Communist. Our media are Communist. Our schools are Communist. How do I know? I know because I see the Communist effects. I know because world government has always been a Communist goal. I may not know which Communists effected the perversion. I may not know exactly how they did it; but we have Communist effects, so we must have Communist causes.

Remember that the congressional investigations of the 1940s uncovered a couple of Communist spy rings because former Communists like Elizabeth Bentley and Whittaker Chambers testified about them. Many other such rings were left untouched and they have no doubt continued to infiltrate and to subvert our government and other institutions for sixty years.

There is surely no need here to repeat that the “collapse” of the Soviet Union and of Communism is an utter fraud devised by the Kremlin to advance the conquest of the West. In previous pieces you can easily find in the Ether Zone archives I proved that incontrovertible fact.

Among the Communist effects for which there are Communist causes is the fact that we are perpetually at war. Sure enough, the men who control our government these days are called “neo-conservatives” to beguile the unwary; in fact they are disciples of Leon Trotsky’s and Trotsky was the founder of the Soviet Red Army. He taught the Soviet doctrine of perpetual war.

Another Communist effect is the use of dialectical materialism in politics to whipsaw the voters between the two parties, the technique colloquially known as “the lesser of two evils.” A corollary of the technique could be stated as follows: You may be only one day pregnant, but you still have been had. We saw the latest application of the technique recently in California.

The job of the Democrats is to scare the h-e-c-k out of you, to make themselves look as stupid and maniacal as possible, to make the craziest proposals; and, one must admit, they do their job well. The job of the Republicans is to be one day pregnant and to keep their flies zipped and George W. Bush does an equally good job. Remember that “neo-con” Communist policies are his policies.

Some people don’t believe the major political parties are merely two legs on the same bug. How can they want the same thing and be allies when they obviously hate each other? Yes, they do hate each other. Didn’t Djugashvili and Bronstein (Stalin and Trotsky) hate each other? Didn’t Stalin send a man to Mexico to split Trotsky’s head open with an axe? Didn’t Stalin and Trotsky want the same thing: world Communism?

A third Communist effect is the brainwashing our Communist government, schools and media presently are inflicting on the American people. Brainwashing is based on the Communist perversion of the scientific research conducted by Ivan Pavlov, whom the Soviets kept isolated in the splendid laboratory they gave him. Pavlov died with no idea of what the Soviets had done with his findings.

The first effects of Soviet brainwashing showed up in the Moscow purge trials of the 1930s, in which the founders of the Soviet Union – potential rivals Stalin wanted to get rid of – confessed to crimes they could not have committed, crimes that were prima facie impossible for them to commit. The still unknowing world scratched its head, wondering what had been done to these men.

Later, Moscow’s little Soviet brothers in Communist Peiping adapted the technique to subjugate the people of China, where it became known informally as “brainwashing.” And journalist Edward Hunter, an “old China hand,” formalized the term in his books on the subject, Brainwashing from Pavlov to Powers and Brainwashing in Red China.

Why did the Soviets devise this technique? They understood perfectly that in the world dictatorship they wanted it would be impossible to keep the people subjugated with nothing but police. There could never be enough police for the purpose. There would be constant rebellion. So, they decided to create New Soviet Man. This would be a human automaton, programmed like a modern computer to police himself..

What is brainwashing? It is a psychological technique that uses intimidation, bribery, repetition, hypnosis, threats, deprivation, and torture – every weapon you can think of – to produce a bizarre species of insanity in which the brainwashed victim now believes exactly the opposite of what he believed when the brainwashing began.

It induces hallucinations, which cause the victim to swear up and down even in court, that things happened, things that couldn’t possibly have happened because of the known facts. But the victim believes them. Among the best-known victims of the process was Josef Cardinal Mindszenty of Hungary. Ed Hunter relates in considerable detail how the Red Chinese tried with some success to brainwash our Prisoners Of War in Korea.

How do I know that the Communists are brainwashing Americans here in the United States right now? I know it because they are doing the same things here they did in Red China. In the next couple of weeks we’ll take a look. Only if you know what is happening can you defeat it.

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