Blame the GOP…: The pro-sodomy court decision

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Written By Reed R Heustis Jr

With one stroke of the pen, faggotry has triumphed at the Supreme Court.

And guess what?

Republican-appointed Justices are to blame.

With a convincing 6-3 decision in Lawrence v. Texas, the United States Supreme Court on June 26 overturned a 1986 case, Bowers v. Hardwick, which had upheld the legitimacy of an anti-sodomy law. Sodomites and perverts all across America are hailing the Lawrence decision as the biggest gay rights victory in our nation’s history.

Mitchell Katine, the openly gay attorney representing John Lawrence and Tyron Garner, the men whose arrest in 1998 led to the decision, proclaimed, “this is a day of independence.”

Whereas homosexual deviancy has long been celebrated in the media and on our university campuses over the last two decades, the Johnny-come-lately Supreme Court now joins the orgy. As dissenting Justice Antonin Scalia correctly stated, “The court has taken sides in the culture war….”

How could this have happened?

Weren’t Republicans supposed to be the champions of traditional values?

Weren’t Republicans supposed to be the stalwart defenders of our nation’s Christian heritage?

Seriously, just think:

Every four years without fail, the Republican Party instructs Christians to elect Republicans to office so that we can thwart the left wing agenda of the Democratic Party.

Every four years without fail, the Republican Establishment warns its rank and file never to vote for a third party candidate, lest we elect a Democrat by default by “giving him the election”.

Every four years without fail, Christians are told that third party candidates cannot win, and that a vote for a third party candidate is somehow a vote for the Democrat.

Every four years without fail, Christians are bamboozled into believing that their beloved Republican Party will restore this nation to its Christian heritage.

Every four years without fail, we are told that only a Republican can appoint a conservative Justice to the high bench so that liberalism can be stopped cold.

Without fail.

Christians, wake up!

It is the Republican Party that is responsible for moronic decisions such as Lawrence.  Quit blaming the liberals and the Democrats.  Blame the GOP!

Out of the six Justices that formed the horrifying 6-3 Lawrence majority, four were appointed by Republicans!  Four!

Justice John Paul Stevens was nominated by President Gerald Ford – a Republican.

Justices Sandra Day O’Connor and Anthony Kennedy were nominated by President Ronald Reagan – a Republican.

Justice David Souter was nominated by President George H.W. Bush – a Republican.

Two-thirds of the majority opinion were Republican-appointed!

“I believe this needs to be trumpeted,” says Tim Farness, 1st District Representative of the Constitution Party of Wisconsin.

Indeed it does.

A 4-2 majority of the six Justices forming the Lawrence decision was Republican-appointed.

Republican President George W. Bush intends to run for a second term in 2004. Don’t be too surprised when we start hearing the same-old song and dance all over again: “Elect Republicans so that we can defeat the Democratic agenda.”

Mr. President:  the Republican Party is the Democratic agenda.

Published originally at : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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