An American Mantra?: See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil

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Written By Al Cronkrite

Recently a friend called two Senators and a Congressman to re-enforce Representative Ron Paul’s warning about the nature of the dialogue involved in the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. One of them hung up and the other two listened with obvious disbelief.

I have sent out numerous articles, well written and well documented, that were studiously ignored by intelligent and well meaning Americans. Public discussions about illegal immigration, the War on Terror, the Patriot Act, and the Department of Homeland Security never mention the push to steal America’s sovereignty and meld our nation into the North American Union as a prelude to world government.

Why is it that the citizens and elected representatives of a nation known as “the land of the free and the home of the brave” do not want to know about or confront abject treason? Why do D. James Kennedy, James Dobson, Phyllis Schlafly and dozens of other Christian and secular leaders never mention the One World Order, choosing to know nothing about it or about those who support it?

Is it because they do not believe it exists?

Is it because they believe they are helpless to stop it?

Is it because they are afraid?

Is it because they support it?

Is it because conspiracy theorists are scorned?

Is it a result of eschatology?

Is it because they fear social stigma?

Is it because they deny all conspiracy theories?

How have our citizens come full circle from the Founders who distrusted the power of government and made every effort to restrain it to trusting power to government without question?

Why have our churches remained silent as the order and legal standards set forth in the Bible have been trashed by the state?

Lots of questions, not many answers.

Unfortunately, many Americans do believe that conspiracy theories are false and refuse to consider the ample evidence that they exist.

Several years ago, Michael Medved devoted a radio show to conspiracy theories. Medved does not believe in conspiracy theories and systematically dismantled callers who did. I wonder if he believes the United Nations was founded as an aid to the welfare and sovereignty of the United States? Does he believe the European Union was a democratically elected governing body that bears no relationship to the United States? Why does he think these governmental overlays are being set in place all over the world?

A conspiracy is “a planning and acting together secretly, esp. for an unlawful or harmful purpose, such as murder or treason“.

Following are three well written pieces describing what is happening in our nation, here, here, and here.

When the duly elected representatives of the Democratic Republic of the United States of America succeed in entangling our nation in international organizations that restrict our sovereignty, does that not fit perfectly into the dictionary definition of “conspiracy”? Our government was to be of the people, by the people, and for the people and when control of government is voted into the hands of foreign entities isn’t that treason?

What do our citizens believe is the purpose of the failed League of Nations and its successor the United Nations? Why do they think American soldiers wear blue berets and fight under United Nations commanders? Why is it necessary to get permission from the United Nations to activate American troops rather than obeying the Constitution and getting permission from congress? Do the majority of our American citizens really believe our government can fight a war half way around the globe and ravage our Bill of Rights over a War on Terror but cannot control our Southern borders?

Does everything believable have to come from media outlets?

Go back and read the definition of a conspiracy then click this link and decide if the second meeting of the clandestine North American Forum fit’s the definition.

I have stopped sending emails to my family members and to several others that were formerly on my list. In the last message to my sister I wrote that when ignorance concerning dangers to our nation is bliss, bliss is a sin. She responded in favor of ignorance and bliss. Do people who prefer the bliss of ignorance over the distress of knowing deserve freedom? I don’t think so!

Many American are vaguely aware of the danger to the nation but sincerely believe there is nothing they can do about it. They always vote for one of the two major political parties casting a vote that actually supports the conspiracy they think they cannot stop.

James Dobson recently stated that he was seriously disappointed with the Republican Party but that the alternative was unthinkable. Mr. Dobson is a mentor to millions of American Christians. Does he believe our Christian God is a pragmatic God? Does he think the end justifies the means? Third party candidates who, if elected, might change the course of our nation are shunned because they can’t win and they can’t win because they are shunned.

America’s Christian leaders are urging the electorate to vote for the demise of our nation. They may be doing it innocently but they ARE doing it.

Could the failure of our leaders and citizens to discern and face reality be a punishment from God for our disobedience and apostasy?

I do not know all of the answers, but I do know that attempts to educate the American people and their leaders continue to fail and in future elections they will continue to vote for the dismantling of our nation…

“The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in time of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.” Dante

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